How to soothe an upset stomach

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Soothe an Upset Stomach | Stomach Problems
Video: How to Soothe an Upset Stomach | Stomach Problems


It is uncomfortable to feel a stomach ache, but there are many ways to help ease the pain. Over-the-counter and natural remedies such as ginger and peppermint can help relieve pain and relieve spasms quickly. You can prevent stomach aches with a few dietary changes, such as eating healing foods, avoiding spicy spices or stomach-irritating foods. If your stomach cramps recur frequently, see your doctor to find out the cause and treatment. Activities like yoga, meditation, and aerobic exercises can help relieve pain and prevent possible pain attacks.


Method 1 of 3: Quick treatment of abdominal pain

  1. Take over-the-counter antacids if you have acid reflux. You can reverse stomach aches by neutralizing stomach acid with different medications. Antacids like Pepto-Bismol, Maalox, Tums, or Rolaids help to coat the stomach and fight off the negative effects of stomach acid. You can take it in tablet or liquid form as directed by your pharmacist or doctor.
    • To prevent stomach upset, take a stomach acid blocker like Pepcid Complete about 30 minutes before eating.
    • Stomach pain caused by indigestion can accompany heartburn, another symptom of indigestion.
    • Antacids can help control indigestion, but they do not cure the root cause. Talk to your doctor to treat the causes of indigestion and prevent long-term stomach pain.

  2. Take a laxative to ease stomach upset caused by constipation. If your stomach ache is caused by constipation, ask your pharmacist or doctor about a laxative to induce bowel movements. Mild laxatives can take two to three days to work, while stimulant laxatives work more quickly but can cause side effects such as spasms. You need to take the medicine exactly as directed and do not exceed the allowable dose.
    • Do not take laxatives for more than 2 weeks at a time, as your body can become dependent on the drug.
    • Chances are your stomach ache is caused by constipation if you also experience bloating, fatigue or loss of appetite.

  3. Take a medicine for gas to relieve colic caused by gas. Overeating, eating too fast, or consuming high fiber foods can all cause bloating. You can relieve colic caused by gas by taking an over-the-counter medicine that contains simethicone. This ingredient breaks down air bubbles and helps the vapor pass through the digestive tract more easily.
    • Your stomach ache is more likely due to gas if you burp, gas, have bloated, and feel a gagging sensation in your abdomen.
    • To treat gas-related colic, you can also take digestive enzymes. These enzymes help reduce symptoms such as stomach upset, indigestion and bloating.

  4. Use ginger to treat indigestion. Ginger is known to aid digestion and soothe upset stomachs. You can drink ginger tea or water soaked in fresh ginger to ease stomach upset. Avoid processed ginger beer, as most do not contain much real ginger and are very high in sugar.
    • To make ginger juice, peel, cut a 7-inch-long ginger root and soak it in 8 cups (2 liters) of water. If you like, you can add lemons to make the ginger flavorful. Let the ginger juice soak overnight in the refrigerator and drink.
    • Ginger is not effective in relieving pain for everyone. Although it is a relatively safe and pleasant tasting remedy for stomach upset, for some unknown reason ginger has little effect on some people.
  5. Drink chamomile tea to relax your abdominal muscles. Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe an irritated stomach. This herbal tea also relaxes the muscles in the upper digestive tract, helping to relieve abdominal pain and mild constipation. Soak 1 bag of chamomile tea in 1 cup of boiling water (240 ml) for 3-4 minutes and drink.
    • Chamomile also has analgesic properties that can cure digestive problems.
  6. Use peppermint tea or candy to relieve stomach upset. Peppermint helps to improve the flow of bile in the body, which in turn aids digestion and prevents stomach problems. For a potent dose of peppermint, drink a cup of peppermint tea. Alternatively, you can also choose to suck on peppermint candies, although the concentration is less but still good for the stomach.
  7. Place a hot pack or hot water bottle on your stomach to help relieve pain. The heat can increase blood circulation to the skin's surface. When applied to your abdomen, the heat source can help relieve pain and relax muscles. You can use a hot pack or hot water bottle for 10-20 minutes and hear if the pain is less.
    • Avoid placing heat sources directly on the skin to prevent damage.
    • If your skin is red or burning, remove the heat source immediately.

Method 2 of 3: Apply a diet to prevent stomach upset

  1. Eat fermented foods to aid digestion. Fermented foods and drinks contain beneficial bacteria that help the body digest food easily. You should try to incorporate 2-3 servings of these products per week into your diet to aid digestion. These foods include:
    • Kefir, a fermented dairy product
    • Kombucha, a fermented tea
    • Sauerkraut, a fermented cabbage mixture
    • Miso, a powder made from fermented soybeans
  2. Choose simple and complex carbohydrates that are easy to digest. Foods that make your body work hard to digest can make your stomach ache worse while you are trying to recover. Choose simple or complex carbohydrates like bread and rice. Banana and apple sauce are known to help calm the stomach.
    • For example, you should avoid sugary foods like whole wheat bread and spinach while your stomach is recovering.
  3. Avoid spicy foods that can irritate the stomach lining. Stomach pain is often caused by an inflamed stomach lining, so it's important to choose foods that are gentle to your digestive system while you recover. Choose foods that are light, non-spicy, and low in spices. To avoid inappropriate ingredients in food, it is recommended that you cook by yourself while treating an upset stomach.
    • Snacks such as turkey sandwiches or rice with unsalted chicken breast are good options.
  4. Eat yogurt to improve digestion and soothe your stomach. Yogurt is labeled "live yeast" that increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in the stomach, which in turn improves digestion. These foods also help soothe stomach pain and reduce flatulence, You should choose white yogurt, as some fruits or additives can stimulate the stomach even more.
    • If possible, choose organic yogurts to avoid the additives.
  5. Eat enough fiber. Many people who eat the typical Western diet often don't get enough fiber, leading to problems like constipation. High-fiber foods include:
    • Whole grain breads
    • High-fiber grains
    • fruit
    • Vegetables
    • Fiber-fortified foods like yogurts, cookies, fiber bars, and the like.

Method 3 of 3: Treatment of recurrent abdominal pain

  1. See your doctor if your stomach aches often recur. If you experience frequent stomach upset, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Abdominal pain can be a symptom of many medical conditions that require emergency treatment, medication or surgery. You need to describe to your doctor other possible accompanying symptoms to help him narrow the scope of finding the cause of the pain.
    • Tell your doctor about any recent changes to your diet or lifestyle that may be part of the cause of your stomach ache.
    • The doctor will usually do a physical exam and may conduct tests, X-rays or endoscopy.
  2. Try meditation to ease stomach cramps caused by stress. Daily meditation can help lower overall stress levels and reduce stress-related physical symptoms. Regular meditation practice can also help reduce stomach problems caused by inflammation and bowel disorders. Meditate for at least 15-20 minutes daily by sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing in slow, controlled bursts.
    • Choose a place and time to meditate so you won't be interrupted.
  3. Exercise for 30 minutes each session to improve metabolism. Exercises can help soothe and prevent stomach aches by reducing stress and improving metabolism. To get the most out of mid-intensity training, work out 30 minutes per session with cardio exercises, 4-5 times per week. You can try activities like:
    • Jogging
    • Cycling
    • Swimming
    • Rollerblading
    • Brisk walking
    • Rowing
    • Dance
  4. Practice yoga poses that help improve digestion. Yoga exercises have many benefits, including stress relief and good digestion.Sign up for a beginner yoga class to learn the basics and practice various poses. You can also try to practice some basic poses on your own such as:
    • Posture "knee to chest bend": lying on your back and hugging knees bent over chest for about 5-10 hours.
    • "Bridge" position: lie on the floor, bend your knees and lift your hips to stretch your body.
    • "Child" pose: kneel on the knees, lean forward, and stretch arms in front of you.


  • Abdominal pain can range from a number of gastrointestinal conditions, stress and dysmenorrhea to complex problems that require medical intervention. If your stomach pain is severe or doesn't have an obvious cause, you may need to seek medical attention.
  • Although there is very little research to prove, many people say that bone broth may help them relieve stomach pain.