How to Get a Girl's Phone Number

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
30 Scary Videos Only Adults Can Handle
Video: 30 Scary Videos Only Adults Can Handle


Once you've met a girl you like, your natural tendency is that you'll want to spend a lot of time with her. The easiest way to make sure you see her again so you can find out more is to get her phone number. When you are trying to navigate this difficult situation, you may feel tense and lose confidence. But don't worry - if you want to ask for a girl's phone number, all you need to do is follow these easy steps.


Method 1 of 3: The first is Make friends

  1. Relax and take it easy. You need to relax before you approach a girl. Even if you knew you wanted to ask for that girl's number at first sight, you wouldn't be able to do it without keeping yourself calm. She can sense if you're stressed out from afar, and if you're stressed, she'll feel the same way or you might scare her.
    • Although it's okay, if you feel stressed or embarrassed, the girl may wonder, "What's this guy?" She may think you have a problem even though you are simply in a very normal restless situation.
    • Keep yourself calm by thinking about the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario might be: you ask for her number, and she won't give you. Can you pass it? May.

  2. Meet that girl. When you're calm, it's time to go over to her and add more of your charm. Make eye contact, smile, and move on to show her how amazing a guy you are. If you want to let her talk, you have to make a good first impression as quickly as possible. Here are ways to help you do it:
    • Be confident. Show her that you love who you are, that you are happy with what you do, and that you enjoy meeting new people. If she thinks you feel great about who you are, she will also feel good about you. She may also find it interesting to know you care about her.
    • Show her full attention to her. This doesn't mean you stare at her. Instead, aim at her, stay away from her phone, and let her see what she says is important to you.
    • Makes her smile. The easiest way to make her like you is to get her hooked on your humor.

  3. Take conversation to the next level. Once you've talked about the basics, like her name and class, you should begin to connect with her on a deeper level. That doesn't mean you should ask her about her outlook on life or her most meaningful childhood memories, but that you should go into the branding section. Here's how to do it:
    • Ask her questions about herself. Don't interview her. Just ask about her siblings, what movie she watched or what she thinks about her job. Let her see that you care about her opinion.
    • Open. Make sure you are both engaged in the conversation. You don't want to put pressure on her by asking a lot of questions without revealing anything about yourself, but you shouldn't overwhelm the conversation either.
    • Make fun of her. Once you've built a good relationship, start teasing her a bit.
    • Compliment her. Don't tell her that she's the most beautiful woman you've ever met. Just tell her she has a beautiful smile, or her eyes are very impressive. Don't be too bombastic! Always be calm.

  4. Make her like you. Once you've moved on to the intro and initially captivated her, it's time to get her to like you enough to continue spending time with her. She won't think you are the man she has been waiting for all her life; All she thought was, "Wow, this guy's pretty cool. I want to go further." Here's how to make her want to see you again:
    • Say funny jokes. Show her that you like to make fun of her, see her tease you back, and keep her sense of humor until the end of that meaningful conversation.If she says something funny, respond with a funny word instead of just smiling and saying, "So funny!". This shows that you can make her happy if she sees you again.
    • Reveal something private. Don't reveal anything too personal that makes her uncomfortable, but you also need to say something to make her heart melt a bit and acknowledge you're not just joking, but you also really have soft side.
    • Let her open up to you. Take a little closer, and encourage her to say something about herself without ever telling anyone. Begin building closer relationships.
    • Mentioned something from the previous conversation. Women prefer Take this action if you know how to apply it correctly. If something from the previous conversation shows up in this conversation, you can impress her by showing that you remember everything she said.
  5. Ask her for her phone number when the conversation is on its way. Don't wait until the story settles or you will lose. Only if you are having a lot of fun while joking with a girl, or when you are having a good laugh, is that exactly when you should ask for the number. When you think you've reached that threshold, "I'm having a great time talking to this girl so I don't want to interrupt to ask her number", it's time to ask. instantly. Here are the two most effective ways to do this:
    • See her out. Instead of asking her for her phone number, ask her for an appointment. While you're talking, just say, "I have to go, but I really want to continue this conversation over dinner or a drink next week. Are you willing?" If she says yes, and at this point, she should say the same, you should ask her for her number to sort it out.
    • Ask for direct phone number. Only when the conversation goes well, you can say, "I really enjoy talking to you. Can you ask for my number so we can keep talking?" Make it clear that you are asking for her number because you want to see her again, not because you want to send her some unusual text messages or because you are in a hurry to ask for a girl's number.
    • Respond accordingly. Don't get excited, punch your hands in the air or say, "Great!" when she gives you her phone number. Just say "Great, thank you", and tell her you'll call her soon. Then say goodbye and turn away while holding his head high. And if she says no, let it go and say, "It's okay, but nice to meet you, though."

Method 2 of 3: Two Minute Method

  1. Find your girl. If you've noticed a wonderful girl, or just a girl who looks cute or attractive so you want to know more about her, better don't rush to ask for her number. . To be able to do it in two minutes, you have to make use of every second. First, she has to be accessible. She may be standing alone or with her friends, when she is not talking drunk with someone or looking at her looking for someone.
    • Once you've found the perfect girl, surprise her with a bright smile and clear eye contact.
  2. Engage her as you approach her. Walk over to her as if you were on a mission. In general, it is true. Walk over to her and introduce her name. Ask her what her name is. Whatever her name is, let's say it's a pretty one.
    • Makes her smile.
    • Tell her that you don't usually take the initiative, but the second time you meet her, you know you have to get to know her.
  3. Ask for her phone number. Tell her you absolutely have to go but you know you will regret it or else at least try asking for her number so you can get to know her more in the future. Say: "I really hope to know more about you right now and show you how great a guy you are, but I have to go now. I can ask for your phone number for us to do. See you next time? "
    • If she gives you her number, thank you and say you're excited to know her. Then turn around quickly, showing that you are really busy.
    • If she doesn't give you her phone number, just smile and say, "I can't blame you for trying either!". In the end, you risked. Be proud of your efforts.

Method 3 of 3: Don't Do

  1. Don't ask for the number too soon. While the two-minute method might work, the ten-second method won't appeal to any girl no matter how skillful you think you are. Take enough time to introduce yourself to the girl, ask her name, and let her quickly realize you're a great guy she'll want to see again.
    • Don't just go over to her and say, "Hey, I want to hang out with you next time. Can you get your phone number?"
    • Don't ask for her number without saying what your name is.
  2. Don't ask if the conversation isn't exciting. If you feel you are lagging behind in conversation or the girl is constantly looking around the room, checking her phone, or trying to make eye contact with your friend so they can save her from you, then you lose the chance. . Sorry, boy. Better luck next time.
    • If you're both having trouble finding a topic to talk to, don't ask for her number. How could she want to give you your phone number so that you would sit in confusing silence the next time?
    • If she says goodbye to you and starts walking, don't ask her for her number. If she wanted you to ask for the number, then she lingers.
  3. Do not ask friends to ask for household numbers. This is the stupid way. Unless you're in high school, you must wear baggy men's pants and ask for her number yourself. If your friend asks for a phone number for you, you will be considered ashamed, insecure and not a real man.
    • If a girl thinks you are too conservative to ask for her number, how can she expect you to impress her when you go out?
  4. Don't trick her into giving you your phone number. Some people might think it's a good idea to go to her and say, "Oh, I can't find my phone, can you give me a phone call?" Then the girl will give you the phone number and you will "discover" your phone is still in your pocket. She will recognize you on purpose and think you are nowhere, unless you can be really tactful, smile and say: "I guess you'll never think I can get your number". Friend may Get a few clever pluses this way, but most girls will think you're too shy to ask for her number in the usual way. There is more than one way to get numbers! advertisement


  • Find out what her preferences are so you have topics to text.
  • One method that usually works is you give your number first. If you make an excuse like "I have to go now. Here's my number if you want to call or text me", and wait for her to give you her number.
  • If she's with another man, it could be her boyfriend or husband. This is not always the case, but be careful. Use your head, observe how they communicate and decide what to do.
  • Always look at first to see if there is a wedding ring. It would be embarrassing to ask a married woman to hang out with you.
  • Don't be afraid to start a conversation with a girl if she's standing alone or with others even a male friend. If you approach her, say something, and start talking, she will soon introduce you.
  • Girls who don't like to play roundabout will like you to be straight with them. You can simply ask for her number.
  • Don't get discouraged if your plan isn't working. The more times you try to get a girl's number, the more likely you are to get a positive response.
  • Be frank. Just ask her!