How to See Pointing

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
how to get the pointing guida sticker
Video: how to get the pointing guida sticker


Pointing view, also known as palmistry or palmistry, is practiced around the world. It is rooted in Indian astrology and Roman divination. The goal of palm-based divination is to evaluate someone's personality or future by learning the contours of their palm. Whether you love palmistry or you are just looking to pass time and impress friends, you can learn about this divination simply by holding your hand. who's that.


Part 1 of 2: Decoding the Palm Line

  1. Choose a hand. In the art of palmistry, it is said that:
    • For women, the right hand is associated with your destiny, and the left hand is associated with the achievements you will achieve in life.
    • For men, the exact opposite is true. The left hand is associated with destiny, and the right hand is associated with your achievements in life.
    • That is, you can choose the hand that governs your present / past life (the other hand tells you in advance your future).
      • There are different thoughts on this matter. Many people believe that the left hand shows potentials and possibilities - not necessarily the future. And if the hands are different, it means that the person is making changes or possibly actions that change their life.

  2. Identify four main roads. These lines can be dashed or short, but you should have at least three main lines on the palm of your hand.
    • (1) The spiritual path
    • (2) The way of religion
    • (3) The pathway
    • (4) Path of destiny (many people don't have it).
  3. Interpretation of the spiritual path. This line can be read in any direction (from little finger to index finger or vice versa) depending on your palm reading habits. It is believed that spirituality will reveal emotional stability, predestined relationships, depression, and heart health. The basic explanations for the spiritual path are as follows:
    • Start under your index finger - wholeheartedly in your love life

    • Start under your middle finger - emotionally selfish

    • Start in the palm of your hand - it's easy to vibrate emotionally

    • Straight and short - with little love interest

    • Touch the pathway - vulnerable

    • Long and curved - freely expressing emotions and feelings

    • Straight and parallel to the spiritual path - knowing how to control emotions

    • Wavy - peachy and has many lovers, however no real serious relationships

    • On the spiritual path there is a small circle - sadness or depression

    • This line is broken - emotional trauma

    • There are small crossroads - emotional trauma

  4. Learn the way of wisdom. The Path of Wisdom shows education, access to information, intelligence, and passion for knowledge. A curve shows you are creative and spontaneous, while a straight line is associated with a practical and framework approach. The basic explanation for the spiritual path is as follows:
    • Short spiritual path - love to get physical achievements over mental

    • Curvy, downhill - creativity

    • Detachment from the path of the pathway - adventure, a passion for life

    • Wavy - difficult to focus

    • Bold and long - think clearly and fairly focused

    • Straight - think realistically

    • There are circles or asterisks - emotional crisis

    • The path of the path is broken - there is no stance in the way of thinking

    • There are many cross paths - make important decisions

  5. Learn the pathway. The pathway begins near the thumb and extends in an arc towards the wrist. This line reflects your physical health, your ability to seek happiness, and major life changes (for example, major life events, physical accident, and change of residence). . The length of the pathway are not related to your longevity. The basic explanations for the pathway are as follows:
    • The pathway runs close to the thumb - often tired

    • Curvy - full of energy

    • Long and bold - enduring vitality

    • Short and shallow - controlled by someone else

    • The curved pathway forms a half circle - strong and energetic

    • Straighten and close to the edge of the palm of your hand - be careful with affection

    • There are many paths - energetic

    • There is a small circle in the pathway - hospitalization or injury

    • Fracture - sudden change in life

  6. Learn the way of destiny. This is also seen as the line of destiny, which shows possible external influences on your life that you cannot control. The line of destiny starts from the end of the palm. The basic definitions for the fate line are as follows:
    • Bold sugar - completely controlled by fate

    • Fracture or change direction - susceptible to life altering by outside influences

    • Starting with the same path - be independent; have childhood aspirations

    • Stick to the pathway in the middle - at one point in your life you have to sacrifice your own interests for others.

    • Start at the end of your thumb and cross the pathway - supported by friends and family


Part 2 of 2: Hand, Fingers Decoding, etc.

  1. Determine the shape of your hand. Each hand shape is associated with a certain personality trait. Palm length is measured from the wrist to the base of the finger. The basic explanation is as follows:
    • Tho - broad, square, palm and fingers, thick or coarse, and rosy; palm length is equal to finger length
      • Tough, sometimes stubborn
      • Practical and responsible, sometimes materialistic
      • Manual work, likes tangible objects
    • Gas - palms square or rectangular with long fingers and sometimes knuckles protruding, thumb low, and skin dry; palm length shorter than fingers
      • Sociable, talkative and witty
      • Can become superficial, malevolent, and cold
      • Love the mental and intangible world
      • There is a different and thorough working method
    • Thuy Palms long, sometimes oval in shape, with long, flexible, and spiky-shaped fingers; The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers, but the fingers are not as wide as the widest part of the hand.
      • Creativity, insight and empathy
      • May become moody, emotional, and shy
      • Introverted
      • Act in silence and intuition.
    • Fire - square or rectangular palms, red or rosy skin on hands, and short fingers; palm length longer than fingers
      • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic
      • Sometimes being selfish, impulsive, and rigid
      • Outward
      • Act boldly and instinctively.
  2. Explore the mounds on the palm of the hand. The parts that protrude below the fingers are called the mounds, which are usually located opposite the knuckles on the hand. To see them clearly, squeeze your hand a little. Which is the biggest in your hand?
    • The high Kim Tinh Go (located below your thumb) indicates a tendency to pleasure, indiscriminate, and the need to be satisfied immediately. If Venus's mound is not present on the palm of your hand, it means you are less concerned with family matters.
    • The Go Moc Tinh lies below your index finger. If this mound is the biggest in your hand then it means you are a person who likes to command, may be only interested in yourself, and aggressive. If you don't have this mound, you are a lack of confidence.
    • The Saturn Mound is under your middle finger. A high Earthquake indicates that you are stubborn, cynical and prone to depression. The low bough shows superficiality and disorganization.
    • The Thai Duong mound is under your ring finger. If the mound is tall, you are a hasty, extravagant, and arrogant person. A low Thai Duong Mound means you lack imagination.
    • The Go Glass is below your little finger. If it sticks out, you talk too much. On the contrary, it means that you are quite shy.
      • The above guidelines do not follow any scientific basis. And your hands will change over time. So don't trust them too much!
  3. Consider the size of the hand and finger. Just like your body size, many people assume that small hands indicate that you are active and do not think too much about your future. Big hands indicate that you are a pensive and slow person.
    • Remember, this is absolutely depends on your body. If you are over 2 meters tall then of course you will have bigger hands than a 4 year old baby. It depends entirely on the proportions of the body.
    • Furthermore, in addition to showing a polite, good looking and subtle nature, long fingers can also be a sign of anxiety. Impatient, sensual, and creative people often have short fingers.
    • In addition, long fingers mean you are kind and know how to keep secrets. The short finger shows you are a person who likes to criticize and sarcasm. If they are almond shaped then you are sweet and diplomatic.


  • Remember that palm-based divination is not always accurate. Your destiny and decisions should not be affected by divination; instead, make an effort and try to take actions that will help you be successful in life.
  • Make sure you view your palm in a well-lit place, as darkness will make it difficult to see your palm clearly.
  • Don't believe everything. In the end, it is you who make the decisions for yourself.
  • Don't judge others while reading their palm!
  • The other small and pale lines should be disregarded. Focus should only be on the four darkest lines. Trying to explore other routes may confuse you. Save those lines for the expert.
  • Seeing fortune-telling is not always correct.
  • Learn child paths. Hold your right hand again. Look at the outer edge of the hand, near the little finger. The number of lines you see is the number of babies you will be born (the line connecting your fingers and hands is not the line of children). Of course, your choices, contraception and fertility are also major reasons related to the number of babies you will give birth to.
  • Note the texture of the hands, front and back. Soft hands exhibit sensitivity and sophistication, while rough hands exhibit a gruff temper.
  • Your palm lines will change over time, so palmistry is supposed to only give you the opportunity to find out what happened, not predict your future.
  • The darker the fate line (if you have it) is a good estimate of your lifespan identification.


  • If you read someone's hand, try to make good predictions. Don't make bad predictions because you can make others worry about their lives; you are not someone who "knows" everything. No one can make sure "judgments" when reading by hand, so don't make predictions that could influence others and possibly harm themselves or ruin their lives. surname.
  • Remember that palmistry is for entertainment purposes only and there is no evidence to link the contours of the hand to human psychological traits.