How to overcome "shitty girls"

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
남자들은 절대 이해못하는 여자들의 행동 "대체 왜...?" // Women’s behavior that men can never understand
Video: 남자들은 절대 이해못하는 여자들의 행동 "대체 왜...?" // Women’s behavior that men can never understand


Shyness can make young men as well as many men vulnerable, especially when dealing with girls. If your shyness prevents you from meeting someone you are secretly interested in, then read these steps to learn how to overcome it.


Part 1 of 3: No Rush

  1. Give yourself time. Don't expect to completely overcome your shyness right away. Most of the people you meet and talk to have some degree of shyness in different situations. Shyness is not as obvious as black and white, but is an ongoing process, so don't be too hard on yourself, especially if you are just starting out on the journey of overcoming shyness.
    • Many people are also struggling to overcome shyness; only you don't know.
    • Even if you do something stupid, forget it. Most people are more generous than you think.
    • Every time you talk to someone, be proud that you gave it a try.

  2. Practice with a friend. When you practice with someone you feel comfortable with, you'll get immediate feedback and will also be rewarded with praise for your efforts. This will help you increase your confidence.
    • Practice making eye contact without staring, showing confident body language, making self-introductions, and asking questions.
    • Practice smiling while talking.
    • For starters, you can practice with either a man or a woman. You should also practice in front of the mirror.
    • When you're ready, practice dating your girlfriend - ask her cousin to play a role to hone your skills. Practice praising her.

  3. Take small steps. Treat dating and shyness as a 12-step program. Start with a smile; be friendly and approachable. Next is to say "hello". A few days later it was time to practice talking. Continue like that as you gradually open up to people.
    • Stop making excuses for shyness. Get out there and do something to improve your shyness.

  4. Cultivate compassion. Showing compassion is caring for the well-being of others and focusing on them. Compassionate people do not pay much attention to the attention around them. The more you care about others, the less you worry about how outsiders see you, so you can be more comfortable in front of them and be more intimate with them.
    • One way to practice compassion is to reach out to someone who seems lonely. Invite them to have coffee or have lunch with them ..

Part 2 of 3: More confident

  1. Don't be too sensitive to other people's statements. For good friendship and love, don't treat every comment or joke as an attack. Sometimes people speak unintentionally, or you may misinterpret what they mean.
    • Blaming yourself or blowing up on your mistakes will only hurt you and reduce your chances of meeting this great girl!
  2. Learn how to deal with rejection. Even the top boxers who get to the ring know they are likely to lose. Likewise, you cannot expect success all the time. No one is perfectly matched and not everyone gets along with each other. Instead, treat each encounter with a woman as a great opportunity to learn.
    • When you step out and get rejected, you will realize that being rejected is not a disaster.
    • You will never succeed without trying. Not opening an invitation means you never get on a first date!
  3. Less shy. Shyness and hesitation will arise when you wonder about your flaws. Instead, focus entirely on the woman you're talking to. You will forget your restlessness and she will be proud to have caught your attention.
    • Remember that most people you meet are anxious about what other people think of you, so they don't really notice and judge you.
    • Look around and realize that people don't laugh at or judge you.
  4. Coping with anxiety in communication. Conquer your fear of talking to girls by building confidence. Using an approach similar to cognitive behavioral therapy, you will receive practical instruction in self-confidence building exercises, participate in groups or receive individual counseling, or Use a software to practice it yourself.
    • In addition, there are TED Talks for shyness that can inspire and give you suggestions.
    • Practice through real-life situations, while also assessing your shyness and anxiety before and after going through those situations. You will find that the more you exercise, the less timid and nervous you will be, while increasing your confidence.

Part 3 of 3: More Comfort in Social Situations

  1. Go out and communicate. Get involved in activities that you enjoy and can give you many opportunities to interact with others, such as joining a sports team or a hobby club.
    • When interacting with teammates, you will have many opportunities to practice conversations.
    • Gradually get to know your teammates and over time you will be comfortable chatting with them.
    • Play a role in the group, like keeping a timer or taking notes. When there is a task to be completed, you will be forced to talk.
  2. Initiate a conversation. Try using some sort of conversation, like mentioning her biology classmate, or you love her trendy bag.
    • When you are out with friends or family, try to initiate group chat. After a while you will become comfortable communicating with people in a natural manner.
  3. Talk to someone who is alone. Maybe she would be happy to have someone to talk to.
    • When you bring joy to a frightened girl at a party, not only will your confidence increase, but you also feel satisfied for helping others.
  4. Talk to many people. Don't be afraid to talk to everyone you meet, from old people shopping for food to bank staff. Has iron grinding makes perfect. The more you go out to communicate, the more comfortable you will feel.
    • Psychologists call the increased attempts to converse with new people an increased exposure. It is also a common method for overcoming fears.
  5. True. Be yourself.Many girls are very observant of boasters, and such behavior can become a hindrance. Girls often like funny guys who are really themselves.
    • Don't worry about a trickier opening. A sharp opening can work well on TV, but most girls think it is fake. Instead, introduce yourself and ask her how she was like that day.
  6. Always ready. When you find yourself in a social situation at school or at work, be prepared to exchange social sentences. For example, when someone asks if you are planning to do something fun on the weekend, this is a great opportunity to share about yourself, while opening up the conversation and showing interest. she speaks.
    • When facing an unfamiliar social situation, try to "keep" one or two interesting ideas to come up with, but do not be too ostentatious.
    • Don't rehearse what you're going to say. If you keep trying to memorize the sentences you've been practicing, you will likely become confused and embarrassed if you accidentally forget what you are about to say.
    • When you don't know what to say, ask about her. Girls get excited when you show concern and really listen.
  7. Learn to listen. Don't finish off the other side. Ask open-ended questions and simply sit back and listen. If the conversation settles down, prepare new topics for the conversation.
    • Try to avoid monopolizing the conversation when talking about yourself, as she may not be as interested in topics as you are.
    • Ask her a few questions and show that you are really listening by asking more about what she just said. For example, if she mentions her parents' last weekend about their country motel, don't start talking about the country house you went to over the weekend but ask more about the house or dad. her mother.
    • Respond appropriately. Don't just ask her 20 questions. If she asks about you, answer her.
  8. Dating somewhere interesting. If you feel nervous about the conversation part of your first date, invite her to the movies or do another activity first, so you will have a common topic to talk to later. advertisement