How to overcome inferiority complex

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Symptoms of Inferiority Complex | Causes of Inferiority Complex | Overcome Inferiority Complex
Video: Symptoms of Inferiority Complex | Causes of Inferiority Complex | Overcome Inferiority Complex


Every person in this world, tall or small, fat or thin, black or white, in all of his life, no one feels inferior at times. We often tell ourselves that we are not good enough, beautiful or smart enough, but these observations are often not based on facts. Fortunately, you can still take simple steps to overcome your inferiority complex.


Part 1 of 3: Coping with your feelings

  1. Try to find the cause of your feelings. An inferiority complex can stem from what you have experienced in the past. To overcome this, you must identify the source of your feelings. It could be a sad childhood experience, an event traumatic or being put down by people for a long time.
    • Reflect on the past. Try to recall experiences that may have caused your inferiority complex, some of which may have been deepened for being too sad.

  2. Identify who you feel inferior to them. If you have an inferiority complex in your heart, you will probably feel inferior in front of someone. Ask yourself who you feel inferior to. Try to be as specific as possible, or start with a broad range, then narrow it down.
    • Do you feel inferior to charismatic people? Who are richer, smarter, and more successful than you? Try to name each of them.
    • Once you've figured this out, find out what they're no better than you. Do they know how to play the piano like you? Do they have the same work ethic as you? Or your thoughtfulness? Your family's tradition?

  3. Break your inferiority complex. The first step in coping with guilt is to break it. Start with features in which you feel inferior. Examine with your mind without letting your emotions dominate. Are you for those blemishes that are bad? If the answer is yes, remember that everyone has things they wish to improve on. You may think something is a flaw, but not others. Your broad chin may not be recognized by anyone, even if you only think about it all day. You may think your bald forehead is ugly, but some people find bald men attractive.
    • The flaws you feel don't actually control you. Whether you have a broad chin, you are overweight or bald, it doesn't represent who you are. It's just a small part of you. It only controls and determines your essence if you allow it.

  4. Understand that each of us is inferior in some way. Everyone on this earth has points that are inferior to everyone else. In this world, no one owns everything. No matter how beautiful and rich a person is, there is someone who is smarter or more compassionate than them. On the other hand, each person has strengths over someone. People are a combination of both positive qualities and weaknesses. Once you understand this concept, you can begin to see yourself more realistically.
    • Everyone has defects, so you have no reason to feel guilty. Exaggerated views of self-deficiencies and the resulting embarrassment cause a feeling of self-esteem. An inferiority complex forms and exists in your mind.

Part 2 of 3: Changing the way of thinking

  1. Stop wanting to be like everyone else. Self-esteem stems from desires to be like others. They make you want to be someone who isn't you. If you keep trying to be someone else, you won't be honest with yourself. This does not include limiting yourself and experimenting with new things. Just don't try to be someone else. Be yourself.
    • You can be inspired by people, meaning you admire them and learn from their good points. But the main difference here is that you are still yourself. You are not trying to imitate anyone or be someone else. You see them as a guide while being honest with yourself.
  2. Try not to worry about what other people think. An inferiority complex arises when we constantly worry about what others think of us. We often get into trouble with ourselves when we wonder if other people think well of us. This is an unhealthy type of thinking. Stop worrying about what other people think of you. Your perspective is what matters.
    • Sometimes these observations are true, but sometimes they are just imagination. Focus on making yourself happy and not worrying about what others think. Try not to imagine other people's comments.
  3. Focus on your good points. When you feel that you are inferior, you are paying attention to what you do not have instead of what you currently have. Everyone has good qualities. Take an honest look at yourself and your life. Make a list of your good points. Maybe it's “I have a good job and a lot of room to grow” or “I have beautiful teeth”. When you're done, think about how much good things you have in your life. This may not make you any better than others, but you don't have to be better. You just need to feel happier with yourself and grateful for what you have.
    • Take into account every aspect of your life. You may think you have a chubby body, but you have nice legs, pretty feet, or slender hands.Maybe you have a wonderful family, smart kids, have a good education, have a nice car to go or knit. There are many things that make us prettier. Find the positive things and focus on them.
  4. Stop comparing yourself to others. People with low self-esteem often spend too much time comparing themselves to those around them. If you are so often then the list of people over you will endure endlessly. You cannot compare yourself to anyone else, because your life and circumstances are not like them - from your background and genetic background to life opportunities.
  5. Don't think absolutely. The inferiority complex makes us think that if something changes, our life will be perfect. When I think "If I lose 10 kg, my life will be great" or "If I have a better job, I will be happier". However, even if you achieve these things will only give you temporary joy, because insecurity still lurks deep within you. The matter and the external things that are the ground for developing inferiority complex are not the magic wand that helps you to solve the problem. Try to correct the "If only ... I would be happy" thinking. That thought will make you even more frustrated if you are not happy.
    • Focusing on your strengths, values, and positives will make you much more satisfied. When you learn to accept these, you will be able to move closer to a happier life.
  6. Stop saying negative words. Your inferiority complex is strengthened every day because of the negative words you say to yourself. When you say things like "He doesn't like me because I'm ugly" or "I won't get that job because I'm not smart enough", you are putting yourself down and putting your feelings in negative and untrue news. Whenever you find yourself saying negative things, stop and take on a positive one instead.
    • You don't have to lie to yourself by saying "He will love me because I'm the most beautiful person". Instead, talk about yourself in a positive and realistic way. “I have the charisma / deserve to be loved by someone. I'm kind, generous, someone everyone wants to make friends with ”.

  7. Build confidence. When trying to overcome your inferiority complex, you need to build self-confidence. Start by retouching the image you imagine yourself. An inferiority complex is based on your misconceptions about yourself. Try to remind yourself that the image is incorrect and doesn't represent reality.
    • Remove adjectives that you have assigned to yourself. Don't think of yourself as stupid, ugly, a failure, or anything else. Negate those things when you think about yourself.

Part 3 of 3: Take positive steps

  1. Don't limit your social interactions yourself. An inferiority complex often makes you withdrawn, antisocial and timid. People with low self-esteem are sometimes afraid of contact and not open-minded. You need to push yourself to interact with people. Feelings of inferiority are in your head. The more you interact with people, the more you will understand that no one will judge, make fun of or demean you. You can learn to be comfortable and confident in people.

  2. Stay with positive people. The people we relate to can have a significant effect on our self-esteem. If you are often around negative people who criticize, analyze, and judge others, you will be affected. Instead, spend time with positive people. Find people who accept and love others without judgment. When you are around non-judgmental people, you will be more accepting of yourself.
    • Your confidence should come from yourself, but it helps to make friends with people who accept you. This will break the misconception that everyone will judge and criticize you.
  3. Continue to improve yourself. One way to defeat feelings of inferiority is to continue to perfect yourself, which may include any aspect. Hone your work-related skills, experiment with a new hobby, pursue an existing hobby, set a fitness goal or save for a vacation you've dreamed of. Strive for a more rewarding and better life. This will help reduce your feelings of inferiority, as it can be difficult to feel inferior once you have accomplished your goals.
  4. Do volunteer work. One way you get into reality is to help people in your community. Whether working in a charity kitchen or participating in animal aid, volunteering can help you see your real situation. Your situation is not as bad as you might think.
    • Volunteering can give you a sense of satisfaction and pride. You are less likely to feel inferior thanks to your contributions to the community. It also prevents you from feeling inferior and a burden.
  5. Cope with Fearful the biggest one. You think people stare at you and comment on you? It could be true, too, but don't let it haunt you - everyone is different. Any comments you receive are invalid and should be ignored at all costs. It is quite possible that they think something is wrong with themselves. advertisement


  • Never listen to anyone who lowers you.
  • Believe in myself; you are special.
  • Never consider your differences to be inferior.
  • Focus on your strengths and qualities.
  • You are special, love yourself. Every human being who enters this world is wonderful in his own way.
  • Remember you Not is the only one who has a difference đó.