How to Pass the Surprising Drug Test

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Passing drug tests with a replica penis - Horizon: Sports Doping - Winning At Any Cost? - BBC Two
Video: Passing drug tests with a replica penis - Horizon: Sports Doping - Winning At Any Cost? - BBC Two


If you need to pass a surprise drug test, the first thing you should know is that current testing technology has advanced to the point where the usual ways to falsify the results, such as adding salt to the sample urine or using fake urine is mostly detectable. The most likely way to be successful is to prepare your body as soon as possible, by stopping using drugs as soon as you know you need to be tested. When you don't have enough time to erase all traces of the drugs in your body, there are still last techniques you can try to get past the screening system. And when all else fails, knowing your interests can also help you untangle yourself from trouble. Read on to learn the best ways to deal with a sudden drug test.


Part 1 of 4: Prepare Before Testing

  1. Set aside as long as possible. With each passing day between the last drug use and the day of the test, your chances of passing the test increase. If you have time to prepare, use it wisely and stop using drugs until the test results are OK. No matter what type of drug you take, it's better to stop using it first before having the test, rather than relying on methods that falsify the results that are mostly ineffective.
    • If the drug screening is done by an employer who employs you, you will most likely be notified of the test in advance. You probably won't know the exact date, but you will know what week the testing will take place. Pay attention to company policies so you can prepare for testing instead of falling into a situation of unexpected failure to respond.
    • If you are being examined because you are on probation, the screening will usually be scheduled. Do not allow water to new foot jump; let your body get ready in advance.
    • Of course, it is not always possible to prepare for testing in advance. If you have been whistled and the police suspect you are on a drug, you may have to have an on-site test. While unannounced testing is difficult to pass, there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting out of trouble.

  2. Find out which method you will be tested for. There are four methods of drug testing: a urine test, a blood test, a saliva test, and a hair test. The device tests 5 specific drugs to detect narcotics with stimulant effects (speed, meth, crank, ecstasy), cannabinoid compounds (cannabis, cannabis resin), cocaine (coke, crack), opium (heroin, mocfin, poppy resin, cocaine), and phencyclidine (PCP). Advances in test technology have made it difficult to falsify results, but knowing the differences between test methods can be very helpful when you are in a difficult situation. The following is a detailed analysis of test methods:
    • Urine test The most common type of test commonly used by employers. This is the easiest test to counterfeit, as you have some private space during the urine sample (if you are not being watched during the collection).
    • Blood tests will usually be ordered to do when you are stopped and are suspected of using drugs. This test is very difficult to pass if you have taken drugs before, because it is very effective in determining how much of the drug in your body exactly. But if a few days have passed since you last used drugs, it is easier to give a negative result than a urine test.
    • Saliva test are indicated in places where urine or blood tests cannot be done, as this is less invasive of privacy. The sensitivity of this test is less than that of a blood test.
    • Hair test it is extremely difficult to fake the results. Nearly 120 hairs will be evaluated in the lab to determine if they contain traces of the drug. Because it takes up to 2 weeks for a hair to grow long enough for the test, the hair test cannot tell if you've been on drugs for the previous 2 weeks.However, traces of the drug can stay in your hair for up to 90 days, so it's an effective way to determine if you're a regular drug user.

  3. Try to determine how much of the drug is in your body. The type of test you will choose to pass the drug test depends on how much of the drug you think is addictive in your body. For example, if you are just the occasional person who smokes marijuana, it will be very difficult to detect if you have to do a test a few days later. However, a lot of marijuana, cocaine inhalation, certain sedatives, and other drugs are detectable even with testing after 15 to 30 days of use.
    • If you are a heavy, or frequent smoker, the results will be positive. However, if you only smoke a few times for fun, then you still have a chance to cleanse your body in time and get a negative test result.
    • Remember that if you have to have a hair test, everything you use within 90 days (except for the last two weeks) will be detected.
  4. Know which test to choose. Usually you will not have the option of a test if you are forced to take a drug test, but from time to time you still have the right to decide whether to test your urine, blood, saliva or hair. Instead of trying to falsify the results, you have a greater chance of choosing the test with the lowest possible positive result. Of course, there's no guarantee that a test will be negative, but it's worth knowing which method gives you the best chance of passing the test.
    • If you only take drugs a few times, and if that happened at least a week ago, it is best to choose a blood or saliva test, as most drugs dissolve in the blood within hours or days.
    • If you are on high medication during the test, then you should choose the urine test method, because it is less accurate than a blood test in determining how much medicine is in your body. Urine tests don't measure THC levels, so if you are smoking marijuana, even if you fail the test there is no evidence that you are losing control of yourself during the test.
    • If you tried drugs for the first time in the past week or a little more, and you have the option of having a hair test instead of other tests, that is the solution for you. No matter what you inhaled for about a week or two before, it won't be positive on the test, but after that it will leave a mark within 90 days.
    • If you are a heavy addict, Do not do a hair test, as it will be very difficult to negate drug use when the results are available.

Part 2 of 4: Passing a Urine Test

  1. Do not attempt to add other substances or dilute a urine sample. The urine analyzer recognizes everything, and it can also analyze what you added to the sample. Most household chemicals, such as bleach, salt or vinegar, will completely change the pH of your urine, and it is clear that you have changed the sample. Diluting the test sample with water is also easily recognized by changes in the color and / or temperature of the urine sample; a clear urine sample will surely be rejected immediately, even if it is slightly warm.
    • Don't listen to false rumors like taking bleach to clear your urine. Taking bleach can burn your mouth, throat, and puncture your stomach, potentially deadly. And what's more, it doesn't even hide anything in your urine sample.
    • Don't believe fraudulent advertisements for products that may cause a negative test result if you add the substance to your urine. Actually, they are of no use.
  2. Drink plenty of water starting the day before the test. By increasing your water intake, you will be able to dilute your urine sample. This doesn't work very well if you have a heavy addiction, but it will do if you've only been taking the drug a few times.
    • There is no special drink or compound that can help "purify" the body or wash you better than drinking water at all. There is no evidence to suggest that substances such as ranunculus, vinegar, niaxin, or vitamin C have any effect on drug metabolic concentrations in the body.
    • Take a few B vitamins one day before the test to make urine yellow. If the urine is too clear, the tester may suspect it.
  3. Urinate as much as possible before the test. This will help you push the excess drug out in your body. Drink plenty of water the morning of the test and try to urinate a lot before the test.
    • Increase the amount of water excreted from the body by using substances that have a diuretic effect. This will stimulate you to urinate and help cleanse your body as well. Substances with diuretic effects include coffee, tea, and cranberry juice. Strong diuretics, such as furosemide, can only be purchased if prescribed by your doctor.
    • The metabolites of drugs increase in the body as you sleep, so the first morning urination will have the highest concentration of drug residues. Be sure to urinate before taking the test sample, and drink plenty of water to make your urine thinner.
    • If you are unattended, urinate first in the toilet and then in the test cup; First urine always contains more metabolites.
  4. Consider using artificial urine or clean (someone else's) urine in place of your urine. This is easier said than done, so only consider it as a last resort (you will be penalized if found). You can buy fake urine or find someone who is not addicted to smoke to ask. The trick to not being detected is to keep the test urine sample warm (between 32 and 36 degrees C) and sneak it into the test area. Kits containing both fake urine and a urine heater can be purchased online or at a smoker's store.
    • The artificial urine will most likely pass the tests, but some places have begun to test for uric acid levels. Make sure the urine test you buy has the uric acid content on the label.
    • Artificial urine also has a stench. Odor-free urine will cause suspicion to the person evaluating the test result.
    • It is crucial to keep the test piece at the correct temperature. If the temperature is too hot or too cold, then it would be a fatal mistake that exposes you to have changed the sample.
    • Using urine given by someone else is more dangerous than using artificial urine, because you never know what will appear on the donor's urine test results. You can test yourself first using the test kit available at drug stores. Use a urine sample given within 48 hours, for too long, the urine will darken and the pH will begin to change.

Part 3 of 4: Passing Blood, Saliva or Hair Tests

  1. Try to delay the time of the blood or saliva test. If there is a way to delay the time of the test, you will have a higher chance of passing the test. Most narcotics will leave no trace in the blood or saliva sample after a few hours, some specials can stay in the blood for up to 3 days or longer. Regardless of the drug you take, your chances of passing the test are always higher if you can delay the test for another day or two or as much as possible.
    • If you are unable to delay your saliva test, you can still increase your chances of the sample being tested. If you took a sample of your inner cheek lining for your saliva test, instead of rubbing the area between your lower cheek and gums using a cotton ball as required, swab a cotton ball against your teeth instead friend.Next, when asked to hold the cotton ball between the inner cheek and gums for two minutes, then bite and hold it with your molars. Usually it doesn't work very well, but it's worth a try if you pay attention to get it right.
    • There is really no way to disguise a test sample for a blood test, because blood sampling cannot be done on its own. Blood is drawn with a needle on the spot and immediately examined.
  2. Shave your head and body hair before going to the hair sample test. Because your hair will be cut on the spot during the test (rather than cutting it yourself and submitting it), there's really nothing you can do to change your hair test results. However, if you don't have a single strand of hair to cut, you may ask for another type of test that is easier to pass. If drug testers have never met you in real life and you have not agreed to submit hair samples, shave head and hair all over the body (especially in dense and long haired areas. ) and just act impartially informing them that you do not have hair or hair to sample. Next ask for another type of test.
    • Make sure you have a compelling story ready to explain why you shaved your head. You could say your hair is falling out too much, or you are experimenting with a new style. Avoid faking yourself up for a serious medical condition (like cancer) to account for no hair on your head: this can cause a lot of problems in the long run.
    • Because the hair or hair sample only needs to be about 2.5 centimeters long, be careful that they will request a sample of leg hair, armpit hair, etc. This may be the right time to shave. Full body hair and pretend to be a swimmer.
  3. Find ways not to have a test. Because blood, saliva and hair tests are difficult to fake, you need to step up the problem and find a way out without having to do the test. Here are a few ways:
    • A urine test is required. If you think you can pass the urine test because your urine is diluted, or you don't want a blood test because the results will indicate that you are on high pills during the test, Find out if you can have a urine test instead of a blood test. To be blunt, you find this test less invasive of privacy.
    • Use your benefits. In some cases, the person directing the test may not have the authority to do the test with you. Know the drug and addiction laws and read the drug testing policies of your employer. See if there are gaps in the rules that could get you out of the way, or delay the time it takes to check.

Part 4 of 4: Know your Rights

  1. See legal documents about drug testing policies in your area. Each has different policies about drug testing. There are laws that require both newcomers and current employees to be tested for drugs. In most cases, employers are allowed by law to direct drug testing in establishments, but only with prior notice and testing must be performed in rooms. testing of the authority's criteria. Other common requirements include the following:
    • All people who are working or applying for a job must have the same test.
    • If the job applicant is in the process of applying for a job with the company, the drug screening information must be clearly visible at the time the job applicant applies.
    • In many cases, employers are not allowed to direct random drug testing or all-out tests without notice.
    • In many cases, an employer can take an employee drug test if the employer has a reasonable reason to suspect that the employee is using drugs or drugs (erratic behavior, absent work. performance, v ... v ...).
  2. Ask to be tested again if you have the chance. No test is 100% accurate. Urine testing is the least accurate test method, but all methods can be wrong. Take advantage of this if you miss your first test. When you get a positive result, there is no harm in asking for it to be tested again; just say you disagree with the test results and want to try again.
  3. Consider not accepting the test result if you are positive. Even if your legal employer has the right to fire you if the test is positive or you refuse to take the test, you may not accept the test if the test is not done. regulations. Review company policies and applicable laws and make sure they are the same. If there is a conflict in the rules, you have the right to cancel the test, giving you an opportunity to have the test re-tested.
    • Check the labs doing test sample analysis to make sure they're accredited by the state.
    • See if your employer has clear notice in advance.
    • Determine if you are going through a process that you believe is an unreasonable invasion of privacy, for example you are required to pee in front of someone watching.


  • Urine tests are not 100% accurate. There is no exact method.
  • You can always ask for the test again, which will delay you a bit more. After all, time and moderation is the only way to pass the test.
  • Do not use drugs. It has a lot of side effects and is illegal in many countries.


  • Using fake urine is considered cheat and can carry very serious penalties, especially if urine analysis is ordered by the government. If you test for a job, you can try to purify your body with water and leave fate or find another job that doesn't require you to take a drug test.