How to overcome sadness

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Overcome Sadness, Depression and Anxiety - 7 Things To Do When You Feeling Down
Video: How to Overcome Sadness, Depression and Anxiety - 7 Things To Do When You Feeling Down


Grief always hurts us, that's something no one can deny. Whether you are abandoned or lost your loved one is all difficult to accept and everyone will have a different way to overcome. That may be easy for one person, but difficult for another.


  1. Don't be ashamed because you have to cry. You are hurt, so it is normal to shed tears. You guys can get through sadness without crying, so just let your tears flow. If you try to suppress your emotions, you will suffer even more and then it will be difficult to move on. Let everything unfold without repressing anything.

  2. Find something to distract yourself from being sad for a while, and your painful feelings will fade away. Enjoying activities you enjoy will help reduce stress.
  3. Talk to friends and family. They are always there for you! A good trusted friend, parent or sibling is someone you can talk to about.

  4. Focus on moving forward. In the future, you should focus on your career and family. Helping others can also help you feel relieved and have less thought of sadness. The pain will be over if you know how to enjoy the good times. Just continue to live meaningful and focus on work.

  5. You need to see things as a whole! Think about all the positives in life, the things you've left behind, and what you can do in the future. Don't let loss ruin the rest of your life. If you let your emotions go too far, you will get lost on a path that is not easy to go.
  6. Rebuilding life. You should focus on new things and try not to look back. The faster we move forward, the more pain will be left behind. When you are very busy, there is no time to be sad. So, just move forward.
  7. Chat with experts. If suffering is slowly ruining your life, see a therapist or professional. An expert will listen and know how to help you. Of course, they can give further and more thorough advice.
  8. Learn the way to accept. Later, when you remember an event that has carved a wound in your heart, you will shed tears and never be fully happy, but then you will realize that you can live differently. Just remember: every relationship is a life experience and each life experience will impact the future in a positive way. Time will heal all wounds, especially in love affairs. advertisement


  • If your crush was caused by a breakup, don't look for a new person right away. It takes time for your emotions to heal, and even if repeatedly rejected, you will suffer even more.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, you can listen to music or the radio while you rest. Turn the volume down a bit, and remember to focus on the song or story on the air, not your heartbeat.
  • Find ways to keep busy. You can engage in a new hobby or activity to keep your mind out of grief.
  • We want to emphasize that: when you share your psychological burden, it will be much easier for you to get over your trauma. A friend or relative can help you feel more refreshed.
  • If a loved one dies, you are not the only one to experience the pain. Talk to other people at the funeral, people will feel better. The psychological burden will be lighter after being shared.
  • Try to spread your heart out by keeping a journal. Sometimes writing down past stories can help you see the problem as a whole.
  • If you are abandoned, it is not the end of the world. Tell yourself that no relationship is perfect. It is often difficult to remember this when we are in a tough time.
  • This is the time to pamper yourself, so don't forget to make time for Yourself by getting a manicure, massages, hair styling and so on.
  • Do not let yesterday's mistakes ruin the beauty of today and tomorrow, move forward because someone more worthy is waiting for you.
  • There are two benefits of writing a letter that tells someone your feelings that you don't send them to: one is that you can write down what you are feeling without anyone knowing, and the other is that you won't get angry or attack your crush if you both meet.


  • Do not fall into alcohol or try drugs on the banned list to forget your wound. You will only ruin your life with tragedy and that's a pity.
  • Don't let sad stories stop you from listening to others' advice. Even though the grief is making things very negative at the moment and you may not trust others, remember that your friends and family have a wiser outlook.
  • Don't let your pain put you in danger. Life is always going on, so if you intend to commit suicide to put an end to your chain of suffering, you should talk to a family story as soon as possible.
  • You are not at fault! In situations like this, it's easy to come up with the idea that this is your fault or that you didn't help change the situation. Don't torture yourself with guilt, don't separate yourself from the truth. Not everyone is a complete villain.
  • Don't force others to listen to you, they may feel compelled and not really help you.