How to overcome an anxiety disorder

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Generalized anxiety disorder and coping strategies
Video: Generalized anxiety disorder and coping strategies


Anxiety disorder has many levels: from post-traumatic stress disorder to panic disorder, but they are all related to fear. Although everyone has a fear, but in the case of an anxiety disorder, this fear will significantly affect the patient's ability to work, study or communicate. When you have an anxiety disorder, you feel hopeless. But there is still a way to solve this problem.


Part 1 of 4: Method 4 A

  1. Treat according to method "4 A". In most anxiety disturbances there are four ways to deal with it: Avoid, Alter, Adapt or Accept. The first two approaches focus on changing situations. The following two methods focus on changing your own responses. Try a combination of treatments and see which works best for you, understanding that each method will suit different situations.

  2. Avoid stress when possible. Word A The first stands for "Avoiding unnecessary stress". Observe what factors in your life are causing you to stress. Journaling when you feel stressed and taking notes in your surroundings and relationships can help you pinpoint the cause of your anxiety.
    • A common cause of anxiety is because you take on too much (family, lover, work, study, etc.). Learn how to say no when needed to help get rid of unnecessary stress.
    • Deal with an upset person or situation that causes anxiety. If someone is constantly making you feel anxious, consider talking to them about the issue. If the person doesn't change your attitude, consider limiting the amount of time you spend with them.
    • Some problems like politics and religion can also cause anxiety when you have to deal with them. Try to avoid discussing issues that are bothering you.

  3. Change your stress factor. In some cases, you cannot avoid a situation that causes anxiety. However, you can change the situation to reduce your anxiety level. Often times, you can change the behavior or try a new communication strategy.
    • For example, if your daily commute worries you out of fear of an accident, take a bus or other public transport. You can't avoid going to work, but you can change the way you move to reduce stress.
    • Another common cause of anxiety is relationships. You can change motivation by communicating assertively. This communication focuses on conveying thoughts, feelings and needs in a clear, direct manner while maintaining an attitude of respect.
      • For example, if you feel anxious because your mother calls to check every day even though you are a college student, you can express to her how she feels: But having to report the situation every day to you makes me feel very pressured and stressed. Can you just call on the weekends? I will report all the things I do for the week. "
    • Time management is also a cause of anxiety for many people. In addition to rejecting unnecessary things, you also need to arrange time appropriately. Use a calendar or calendar app to keep track of tasks. Plan events and projects. You can't avoid the thing ahead of you, but take the initiative in it - and when you have time to prepare, you can reduce your anxiety level.

  4. Adapt when needed. In some cases, there's nothing you can do to change the stressors. For example, you cannot change your current job even if you don't like it. Or you have a traffic jam and that day sure it will be late for work. In the above cases, you should focus on changing your reaction to adapt to the situation.
    • Try to sort out the problems and causes of your anxiety. For example, you can't change jobs even though you absolutely hate communicating with clients, and this puts you on stress. You can try to rearrange the negative in a positive way: "I am gaining experience dealing with difficult people and this will definitely help in the future."
    • Try to observe the whole picture. Usually, people with an anxiety disorder worry about how people see and judge them. Next time you get nervous about your public speaking, ask yourself: How important is this? Does it affect the whole week, month or year? Usually it's not as big of a problem as you might think.
    • Adjusting your standards can help reduce anxiety. Perfectionism is closely related to anxiety and depression. If you are concerned about unrealistic standards, try adjusting them to a level of plausibility. Remind yourself that you can pursue excellence and you don't have to be too perfectionist. In fact, allowing yourself to make mistakes and adapting to them will help successful in the long term.
  5. Accept things you cannot control. The delusions of control force many people to pressure themselves with "must" assertions: I "must" overcome failure, I "have to" enjoy my work, I "must" have a great relationship. However, you cannot control the actions and reactions of others, you can only control yourself. You have to understand for yourself that there are things beyond your control, you should forget about the things you cannot change.
    • Instead of being nervous because you can't control your partner the way you want, focus on the things you can control, such as how you communicate with the other person. If you are having problems in your relationship, remind yourself what you are doing friend possible, you cannot control others.
    • Look in a positive direction. It may sound unrealistic, but research has shown that seeing the "positive side" of a stressful or negative situation can help you reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. For example, try not to see your mistakes as "failures", think of it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Rearranging everyday experiences like missing a bus can help you feel less anxious and sad.

Part 2 of 4: In-Head Problem Solving

  1. Determine a stress management strategy. Anxiety is caused by a buildup of stress in everyday life. Adequate problem solving and stress management are necessary to help you overcome stress and minimize feelings of anxiety. For people with a natural tendency to anxiety, it is important to tightly control their surroundings, even if this is not feasible. Focus on the things you have control over.
    • Take a notebook and take notes of any worries. Think of a few strategies for solving problems and prepare them appropriately. For example, if you are worried about your upcoming speech, you can plan to practice your speech every night and practice in front of a few audience members.
  2. Challenge an anxious thought. Anxious person often increases feelings of anxiety because of useless or unreasonable thinking habits. Maybe you're worried about a brother who's traveling across the country. You develop feelings of tension or anxiety when you have not heard from them for a few minutes. Challenging your anxiety with reality can be helpful.
    • For example, in the above scenario, you would say to yourself "maybe something happened to my sister" or "she's hurt". You can easily challenge this theory by searching for news related to her travel itinerary. If you do not see news about the car accident, you can make a more accurate statement "she couldn't call me for some reason" or "maybe her phone is not connected" .
  3. Remind yourself that you are not in danger. If you endure extreme anxiety like a sudden panic attack, your body will go into a "run or fight" state even though you're not in danger. People who experience panic often feel life threatened and a sense of death embracing. Thinking properly will help in this case.
    • Look around. Are you under threat? If not, repeat the following several times to calm down: "I'm in no danger. I'm safe". It even helps you get back into your surroundings to determine that you're safe.
  4. Do not deny your own feelings. Anxiety increases when you try to ignore or deny them. In some cases, the fear of anxiety increases the anxiety level. When you start to feel anxiety, immerse yourself in the feeling with a long, deep breath. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings but try not to react to them, just let your mind check your mental and physical state.
    • You can use a sense of humor when you are prepared to feel anxious. Tell yourself "Come here!" or "Show me what you got!". Being unafraid and accepting that you are truly feeling anxious will help you get over them more quickly.

Part 3 of 4: Taking Care of Yourself

  1. Practice deep breathing. Imagine your belly is a balloon. Take a deep breath through your nose, feeling your abs expand. Then, exhale slowly and feel your abdominal muscles contract.
    • You can practice deep breathing exercises in panic attacks or several times a day to reduce stress and prevent anxiety. You can practice for 20-30 minutes per day. Mumbling in your head "I'm safe" or "I'm completely calm" can help.
  2. Practice mindfulness meditation or yoga to calm yourself. Practicing calming activities every day can help you get rid of anxiety or control the feeling. Mindfulness meditation helps to clear your mind of fear or anxiety and focus on relaxing, relaxed breathing. Yoga combines muscle relaxation and body postures called asanas with meditation and breathing techniques.
    • Learn about beginner meditation online or take a yoga class at the fitness center near you.
  3. Eat a lot of balanced meals every day. Anxiety can be exacerbated if you don't take care of your body. Prepare healthy, balanced meals with lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat milk several times a day (about 3-5 meals a day). In addition, you can prepare snacks such as fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts to energize your body in between meals.
    • Eat foods rich in healthy fatty acids like salmon, avocados, and complex carbohydrates like whole oats or brown rice to naturally improve your anxiety.
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Stimulants can make anxiety worse. Both alcohol and caffeine irritate you and disturb your sleep cycle.
  4. Regularly participate in physical activity in accordance with your ability. You can take your dog for a walk in the park or do an intense exercise regimen, studies show that regular exercise releases endorphins that can improve mood, not just your own. believe but also get rid of anxiety.
    • To make sure you form a daily exercise routine, it's best to try a variety of activities and then alternate between the ones you like best. For example, you would like to be in a sports group best, but you can also enjoy swimming alone.
    • Always remember to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen.
  5. Try to get enough sleep. Adults need 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Stress and anxiety can interfere with sleep and keep you up at night. If your thoughts repeat over and over again in your mind, it is difficult to fall asleep, and the lack of sleep will make anxiety worse. If you have chronic anxiety, you risk sleep deprivation.
    • Relax in the evening with soothing activities to help prepare your mood for sleep. Take a relaxing bath, listen to a disc of mindfulness meditation, watch YouTube videos or read a book. Try to avoid unnecessary stimuli from electronic devices, as blue light stimulates your brain, making you lose sleep.
    • Avoid drinking coffee, caffeinated drinks or eating chocolate before bed.
    • The bedroom is just for sleeping and relaxing. Don't watch TV or work in bed.
  6. Participate in activities you enjoy. One great way to combat an anxiety disorder is to regularly do things that make you forget your worries and feel peaceful and happy. This activity depends on each person's preferences; You might consider sewing or knitting, reading a book, praying or practicing other spiritual beliefs, talking on the phone with friends, listening to music or playing with pets. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Getting Outside Help

  1. Seek professional help. If the methods above do not work, you can seek professional help from a psychologist or psychologist. This person can assess you and determine the type of anxiety disorder you are having and recommend appropriate treatment to eliminate the symptoms. The following are popular treatments:
    • Psychotherapy. Conversation therapy involves sharing the details of your concerns with a counselor or psychologist, and then finding solutions to overcome anxiety and stress. Psychologists can use cognitive behavioral therapy to focus on your irrational habits of thinking and find more effective ways to cope with stress.
    • Drug treatment. If your anxiety interferes with your daily activities, your psychiatrist may prescribe medications that are commonly prescribed to treat anxiety: antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, inhibitors. beta. Your doctor will review your medical history and family history to decide which medicine is right for you.
    • In some cases, the patient will need a combination of psychotherapy and medication to control anxiety. With the right therapy, you can completely cure your anxiety disorder.
  2. Talk to someone you trust. Find someone to talk to. It doesn't matter how much they understand your disorder, it's helpful to just share your concerns with friends or family.
  3. Write diary. Your doctor may suggest that you keep a daily journal to target your fears and find the cause. Journaling can help you see the roots of your anxiety and develop ways to ward off the pathogens.
    • A journal is a great place to express anxious thoughts. However, be careful to make sure you don't use it to ruminate and worsen your anxiety.
    • At the beginning of the day or at the end of the day, you can keep a journal describing your current mood and reporting in detail about the day. You are free to express any concerns about your upcoming exam or your first appointment. Use a journal to identify a stress relief strategy discussed above. After a brief moment of thinking, close the diary and make a determination to put your worries behind in words on the page. Concentrate fully on finding solutions is taking action to relieve stress but not ruminating on anxious thoughts.
  4. Try acupuncture. Acupuncture is another effective treatment for managing anxiety and stress. Chinese physicians believe that when the body has an imbalance in blood, people will suffer from anxiety and depression. The needles are inserted into important points on the body to help circulate blood, regain overall health and good mood. Talk to your doctor about whether you can use acupuncture to treat your anxiety.
  5. Know that you are not alone. About 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety every day. However, only a third of those people received treatment. Take the necessary steps to get outside help if you can't deal with your anxiety on your own. advertisement


  • Don't worry. Understand that you cannot get better overnight. Follow the methods mentioned in the article, enjoy the new day, and accept the bad things that happen.


  • Seek early treatment. Attempting to "hide" or tolerate it alone without proper treatment can worsen symptoms and / or cause of depression, further prolonging recovery and more difficult.
  • If you feel frustrated or want to kill yourself, get help right away.