Ways to twist the upper back

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Upper Back Stretches For Pain Relief
Video: 7 Upper Back Stretches For Pain Relief


Your back may hurt after standing or sitting for a long time. Stretching helps eliminate pain and feels healthier. The technique of back twisting is quite simple but you should be careful, generally do not turn your back as often as the pain will be worse. You also need to remember that a back twisting won't solve the problem if you experience frequent back and shoulder pain. In this case, you should see a doctor for treatment.


Method 1 of 4: Turn your back on yourself

  1. Turn your back in an upright position. This method is quite safe and you can do it easily throughout the day. However, you need to have enough space for the movement of your arms as you need to place both hands on the center of your back.
    • Begin by placing your hands behind your back, stacked at the center of your spine.
    • Press both hands against the spine and at the same time lean back.
    • Continue doing this until you hear or feel a small crack. But don't lean back so much that you feel uncomfortable. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop.

  2. Use a chair to stretch your back. If you need a quick back stretch at work or school, you can do it in a sitting position. This works best if you are sitting in a low-back chair. In the sitting position, slide your butt to the edge of the chair, then lean back until you touch the back of the chair.
    • Place your palms on your forehead and exhale slowly.
    • This will bring your head and shoulders back down the back of the chair.
    • Finally you should hear a crack.
    • Don't lean back so much that it feels uncomfortable. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop.

  3. Lie on the floor. If you are having trouble twisting your back in a sitting or standing position, you can try stretching your back while lying down. However, this approach requires a larger space for motion. You need to know your toes.
    • To do this stretch, lie on a cushioned floor or carpet. Then turn to the side and bring your knees up to your chest. Next, stretch your legs out and grab your feet with your hands. Hold this position until your back cracks, then turn to the other side and repeat.
    • Do not do this if you experience pain with the grip of the foot. If you feel pain or discomfort while trying to stretch, stop immediately.

Method 2 of 4: Stretch your back with your support person

  1. Lie face down on a hard surface. To stretch your back with your support person, you must lie face down on a hard surface. Hard floors or mattresses are suitable. Lie on your face and place your arms on either side, asking your support person to stand directly above your head.
  2. Have them put pressure on the spine. The support person will stack the hands on top of each other, then place the hands at the center point between the shoulder blades. Start by asking them to put light pressure on their back.
  3. Create pressure as you exhale. Make sure they can hear you breathing. They should only push their hands when you have exhaled. It is better to ask them to guide you when to exhale and inhale to make sure you both work together.
    • They should hold their hands between your shoulder blades while you are breathing out.
    • At this point you will not hear a crack. Your assistant will have to slowly push your back down to make a crackling sound.
  4. Instruct them to push your back. The person has to continuously push his hand down. Keep asking them to push their hands as you exhale, eventually finding a spot where their backs will make a pleasant crack.
    • Be very careful when stretching your back with a support person. The problem can become dangerous if the person doesn't define your comfort zone. Maintain communication with them throughout this process.
    • Whenever you feel pain or discomfort ask them to stop immediately.

Method 3 of 4: Stretching the back muscles

  1. Use a training ball. Training balls are a great way to stretch your back, and this method also creates a crack. Start by sitting on a stretch ball, then slowly step your feet forward and lower yourself onto the ball with your back on the ball. Lie completely relaxed on the ball. Slowly bend and stretch your knees to move people back and forth on the ball, so that the ball rolls over all areas of your back.
    • This stretch is not guaranteed to create a cracking sound on your back, but your back may squeal when you lie on the ball. Try to be patient as it may take a few minutes for you to successfully stretch your back this way. Simply relax on the ball and enjoy the comfort.
  2. Stretch your back muscles in a foot-to-leg position. Sit upright on a mattress with your legs stretched out on the ground. Gently curl your right leg up, keep it bent and lean it on on left leg. The left leg is now straight and only the right foot is on the ground, close to the left hip.
    • Bring left arm across and place it on the right side of right leg. You should feel the tension now. Use your left arm to push on your right knee, bend your body slightly backwards and toward the right.
    • After you hear a crack, exit the position to release the tension, and repeat with the opposite leg.
  3. Use a back stretching bed. Lie on the bed so that your shoulder blades or more are across the edge of the bed. Relax and slowly let your upper back and arms fall down on the floor. After letting your body stretch completely, bend your abdomen to lift your spine in the opposite direction, continue to lower and slide your shoulder blades away from the edge of the bed each time.
  4. Stretch your back in a rocking position. This is a Pilate stretching to relax muscles in the spine. Lie on the mattress and bend your knees up to your chest, embracing knees with hands. Slowly roll back and forth on the mattress, creating momentum during rolling. Try to feel each segment of your spine in contact with the mattress while rocking.
  5. Stretch your back while lying on the floor. Lie on your back on a hard (non-carpeted) surface with your arms outstretched.Feet flat on the floor, knees bent 45 degrees or enough to rotate hips so that the lower spine presses the floor. The goal is to have the entire spine lie flat on the floor.
    • Place your hands behind your head and push your head forward, with your chin moving in the same direction as your chest.
    • Gently press your hand against the back of your head. With very little pressure the vertebrae emit a soft hum in one to three positions between the shoulder blades.
    • If you feel pain or discomfort, stop!

Method 4 of 4: Pay attention to the safety issue

  1. See your doctor if you experience frequent back pain. Tightening or stretching can relieve back pain temporarily, but if you experience frequent back pain, it must be evaluated by a medical professional.
    • Back pain can be caused by sitting in an uncomfortable position or from exercising exertion. Most back pain will go away on its own after a while. However, back pain that lasts longer than a few weeks must be considered by a doctor.
    • Depending on the cause of your back pain, your doctor will recommend appropriate treatment. Back pain is often treated with physical therapy or possibly medication, and rarely requires surgery.
  2. Don't twist your back too often. Twisting your back for less discomfort is okay once in a while, but twisting your back frequently can cause the muscles in your back to stretch unnecessarily. This leads to a condition called Hypermobility syndrome.
    • Hypermobility syndrome loosens muscles in the back, reducing the function of the spine, muscles and ligaments around the back.
    • If you often feel the urge to turn your back due to fatigue, then you need to see a doctor instead of constantly twisting your back.
  3. Priority should be given to stretching instead of twisting. To eliminate mild pain you should prioritize stretching because it is better than twisting. To stretch your back, lean forward and backward, then bend back and forth. This move also somewhat reduces muscle tension.
    • You can do this in the shower, about 5 minutes after rinsing.


  • Be very careful when trying to turn your back. If you exert yourself too much, you may experience injury. See your doctor if you experience frequent back pain.
  • If you feel pain, stop immediately. Always pay attention to how your body feels.