Ways to Write Press Releases

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write a Press Release (Free Template)
Video: How to Write a Press Release (Free Template)


A press release is an official information document sent to journalists or press agencies to announce news about events, promotions, awards, new products and services, sales achievements. Products, etc. Press releases are also used to announce an incident. Journalists will have time to come up with ideas if they receive press releases first. Press releases are a basic PR tool that anyone can use. We will guide more specifically in the following article.


Method 1 of 2: Highlight content

  1. Make headlines mainstream. The headline should be short, clear, and concise the main point: this is the crux of the press release. Lots of PR experts recommend that you set the headline after you've finished writing your press release. If you followed the instructions above, complete the release first and then go back to title. The headline is considered to be the point of attention and is an important part of the release.
    • wikiHow is recognized as the most trusted source of information. See how it works? Now you want to learn more! The title of the release should have a "hit point" to appeal to the journalist, just as the headline of an article is the point of attracting readers. The title should represent the organization's latest achievements, a prominent event or a recently launched product or service.
    • Title is written in bold! Headlines are bold and larger than release body text. Usually release headers are written in the present tense, avoiding the use of numerical words like "one", "the", "the".
    • First letter capitalization. Capitalize proper nouns. The rest of the text in the title is written in lower case, the font "small caps" can be used to make the title look more modern and eye-catching. Do not capitalize all letters.
    • Cite important keywords. The easiest way to write a press release headline is to quote the most important keywords in the release. Use these keywords to make a sensible and attention-grabbing statement. If the title includes a summary sentence, the same rules apply. Using keywords at the top will help the release have a better position on the search engines, in addition to help journalists and readers easily grasp the content of the release. Observe the headlines at this first step and learn how to write press release headlines.

  2. Write the content. The press release should be written as news. Note: Journalists are very busy, they don't have time to learn about your company's announcement, so they use the information in it to write their articles. If you want them to write about something, add it to the release.
    • Start writing dates and locations. The location part can be omitted if it is confusing –– for example, a notice written in Hanoi but announcing the event of a company located in Hai Phong.
    • The first sentence, or sentence, should engage readers and summarize the content. For example if the title is The Literature Publisher released the novel "Kafka by the Sea", the quote should be written as follows Today, the Literature Publishing House released the novel "Kafka by the Sea" by the famous writer Haruki Murakami.
    • The press release content should be short and concise. Avoid using sentences and long paragraphs. Avoid misusing the local language. Try to write simple, no frills.
    • The first paragraph (two or three sentences) needs to summarize the press release, the content must support each other. In a fast-paced world, not all journalists or readers read through a statement with a boring opening.
    • Handle real-world events –– events, products, services, characters, goals, goals, plans, projects. Try to provide maximum information about this event. This is news. An effective press release should answer six questions: Who, what, when, where, why and how.

  3. Following the principle of "6 questions" will answer all questions of readers. Analyze the example we give according to the above guidelines and apply it to your press release:
    • Who is the announcement about? Literature Publishing House.
    • What is the report? The Literature Publisher publishes a novel.
    • When did the event take place? Tomorrow.
    • Where does the event take place? In all bookstores and distributors.
    • Why did it become an event? Because the novel was written by the famous author Haruki Murakami.
    • How was the event? The launch event is held at the Publisher's headquarters in Hanoi, and the novel is also sold at all bookstores and distributors in Hanoi.
      • By defining the basics, add information about the people, products, items, dates, and things related to the event.
      • If your company is not the protagonist of the event, but the release of the press release, please clarify this in the text.
    • Keep it short and complete. If you send hard copy, the text may get spaced.
    • The more valuable information a press release contains, the higher the chances of the journalist reporting it. You need to understand what "valuable" information is and use it to write a press release that catches the attention of the media.

  4. The style is clear, sharp and suitable for the reader. The truth is, all of the friends who get to the press release have tons of emails they don't even read. So if you want your letter to be selected, it must be excellent. Not only excellent, but nearly "published ready".
    • When editors see the release, the first thing they think will be how long it will take to print it. If the release has many errors, flawed content and needs modification, they won't waste their time on it. So, write well grammatically, do the basics well, and write with content.
    • Why should these people care what you say? If you are sending to the right readers, this is too obvious. If not, well, why are you wasting your time? Send the right people information (about the event, not the advertisement) that you're on the right track.
      • Better to send the press release in the morning. At this point, there are more chances that the announcement will be placed on their desks. Be considerate.
  5. Attach. Provide some more relevant information to support the press release. Does the company you are writing this newsletter have online information that will be useful to its readers? If so, add it.
    • If you are not sure what information you have, do more research. Surely someone has written about an event similar to the one you are doing. The PR and PR Newswire website is the perfect place to start.

Method 2 of 2: Master the Layout

  1. Get familiar with the basic structure. Now that you have all the information, how to put them together? For newbies, shorten by length. A press release should be at most one side of paper. Nobody wastes time reading 5 paragraphs unless you plan to summarize the content of the novel. You should pay attention to the following points:
    • ISSUE NOW should be placed at the top of the page on the left margin.
      • For an unreleased release now, add the "WAIT FOR ..." section plus the date you want to publish. A press release without a release date is not an immediate release.
    • The header should be bold, centered on the page.
      • If you want, you can put a subheading italic (main summary).
    • The opening paragraph: the most important information. Much like writing a newsletter, you can start with the time and place of the event.
    • Second paragraph (maybe third paragraph): second important information. Can add citations and references.
    • Sample information available: more information about the company your. An in-depth introduction to the company. Achievements and missions.
    • Communications: more information about the writer (probably you!). If you win someone's hearts, they'll want to learn more!
    • Multimedia communications: In this day and age, you can always use tools like social media.
  2. Write down the pre-written sample information below the body of the announcement. This is the time to add company information. When a journalist chooses to write your press release, they will mention the company in the article. They can collect information about the company in this section.
    • The title for this section should be "Introduction."
    • After the headline, use one to two paragraphs of about 5.6 lines to introduce your company. The content should describe the company's principles and business policies. Lots of businesses already have professionally written brochures, presentations or business plans, etc. The introductory text can be placed here.
    • At the end of this section, link to the company website. The link should be extracted from the URL that removes the embed code, so that when printed, the link will print normally. For example: http://www.example.com, not click here to access the website.
    • Companies that maintain a separate media site from the website should also include a link to the release. A media site usually has information and ways to get in touch.
  3. Add contact information. If your press release is really valuable, the journalist definitely needs more information or wants to interview some of the key people involved in the event. If you want the media to communicate directly with important people, you can include their contact information on the press release. For example, in the announcement of an initiative, you could give the engineer or research team contact information to the media.
    • If you do not want to do so, you will be required to add the information of your company's communications / PR department to the "Contact" section. If the company does not have a communications / PR department, you will need to appoint someone to be in charge of communication between the media and key people.
    • Communication should be limited and specific to press release. The following information is needed:
      • The official name of the company
      • The official name of the communications department in the company and direct contact person
      • work address
      • Telephone and fax numbers with country / city codes and extension numbers
      • Mobile phone number (optional)
      • Contact time
      • E-mail address
      • Website address
  4. If possible, attach a link online to a copy of this press release. Posting press releases on company websites is a good practice to practice. This makes it easier to get the link, as well as keep a record of what happened.
  5. Mark 3 with a ### mark at the end of the press release. Aligns to the center of the page, just below the bottom line of the release body. This is the rule when writing press releases. advertisement


  • Add a "call to action" section to the announcement. This section outlines what you want the public to do with the information you provide. For example, if you want readers to buy a product, you must write the location of the product. If you want readers to visit your website to enter a contest or learn about your organization, you must include your website address and phone number.
  • Don't waste time thinking about the headlines before you finish writing your release. Editors put a formal headline in newspapers and magazines, but it's fine if you think of an eye-catching headline for the release. This title is a unique opportunity. Keep it short and realistic. It's best to write your headline after completing the release. You are not sure how to write a title about what you write. So compose the release and decide on the title.
  • Use the release title as the subject of your email. If you have a "catchy" headline, it will make your message stand out in the editor's inbox.
  • Study actual press releases to understand its tone, language, and layout.
  • Avoid jargon or technical jargon. If it is required to be used for accuracy, define it.
  • Send release to specific news agency or journalist. This information is usually posted on the home page. It's a good idea to send your mail individually, not to group messages, or to use the cc feature as this shows that you're not targeting a particular market.
  • The timing of the press release is also important. It should be an accessory and recent, not something too old and unrelated.
  • A phone call after sending the mail can help them understand the full content of the event.
  • Add your company name to your headline, subheading, and headline to get better placement on search engines and for professional messengers and readers. If you are sending hard copy, you should write it on company letterhead.
  • Email the release and use a courteous layout. Large and colorful typography won't enhance your information either, but it is distracting. Add a notice to the body of your message, don't send it as an attachment. If attaching is required, choose plain text or Rich Text format. Word documents are mostly accepted, but if you're using the latest version (.docx), save the notice as (.doc). Newspapers are often limited in budget, so they may not be able to upgrade equipment. Use the PDF format only if you are sending a file containing a lot of images and charts. Don't write the newsletter on company letterheads and then scanned them back in JPEG format and emailed –– this is time consuming for both you and the editor. Please type the release directly into the body of the message.


  • Keep in mind that a lot of the editorial boards are overworked and under-staffed. If you don't waste their time, chances are the announcement will be picked up. If you write well, they can almost always post without much editing. But if you include too many ads, the editor will definitely delete them. Everyone says the editor is the leader so don't waste their time. The company description should be placed in the information section of the notice. However, please write correctly and factually.
  • Posts should be positive. Avoid phrases like "after the previous president resigns" or "after a period of downtime" as journalists will likely investigate these matters instead of writing articles about the press release, even if The above cases are completely harmless, such as the chairman resigns due to health reasons, the investigation results are not necessarily what you want.
  • When submitting press releases, do not subject your message to "press release" because your mail will easily get mixed with other messages. Get the editor's attention by placing an "attractive" headline, for example "Company A wins a 30 billion government contract."
  • Don't write someone else's contact information without your consent. Also, they must have free time after the release of the press release.
  • Always attach quotes, personal ideas that influence the content of the announcement. It is not necessary to quote directly but be precise. Better yet, ask if the person agrees to quote them. Quotes allow busy journalists to complete their articles without interviews.