How to Write an Informal Letter

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to write an informal letter📝| All you need to know!
Video: How to write an informal letter📝| All you need to know!


Most people choose to text on their phone or on social media to stay in touch with their friends. However, nothing can be more than an "outdated" intimate letter. In this article, wikiHow teaches you how to write such a letter!


Method 1 of 3: Opening letter

  1. Enter the date. If you decide to write the letter by hand, it would be great if you could add the date to the top left corner of the paper. Many people archive the letters for years and want to see their dates back to remember the past.Write it down fully, such as "May 7, 2018", or abbreviated by numbers, to represent the day, month, and year.

  2. Write greetings. Hand letter or email both begin with a greeting. That is where you call the recipient's name, such as: "Dear An" or "Hi Huong". Think about the nature of the relationship between you and the recipient of the message, and your own preferences and style, and choose a greeting accordingly.
    • If you want to use a somewhat formal style, you can use "dear" in your greeting. Although it may seem clichéd, but think: "dear" is really a very sweet way to call it, showing that you care about that person. However, you do not need to think too much: for best friends or acquaintances just met, "dear" is equally suitable.
    • If you want to use a more liberal style, you can start with "Hello" or "hey". It is suitable for use when writing to friends or relatives. However, don't start your business correspondence this way: it will seem too arbitrary.
    • Use greetings that are more personal to someone you are extremely close to or you want to. For example: "dear", "mine" or "love".
    • Don't forget to end the greeting with a comma. Usually the body of the message begins on the next line.

Method 2 of 3: Draft message content

  1. Start with a few polite words. The first paragraph of an informal letter is usually warm and comfortable. It's one way you can set the style of the whole letter, letting the reader know that the next section is more informal than practical or serious. Use the first lines to say hello, make fun, or talk about the weather.
    • "How have you been?" or "How are you?" are common introductions. Asking questions helps the letter to air the atmosphere of a longer conversation. If you want a response, feel free to ask a lot of questions in this section.
    • You can use the first paragraph to ask more about the recipient's life. For example: "I hope baby Mun likes to go to school. I can't believe she's grown that old!"
    • Talking about the time of year is another common opening. Think of it as chattering before entering real conversation. For example: "I hope you are having a wonderful autumn. The trees in my neighborhood today are unprecedentedly beautiful. But maybe next winter will be cold."

  2. Share news and personal information. Now is the time to get into the main body of the letter: your purpose. Why did you start this conversation? Do you want to get back in touch with a long-lost friend, to tell someone you miss them, or to thank them for helping you? Be straightforward, open, and clear to deliver your message effectively.
    • Talk about what's going on in your life. Most likely, your letter will be appreciated, whatever you write. However, the reader will feel closer (and thus, more effective) if it is written openly. Tell them your recent events, your feelings, and your future plans.
    • Don't embellish your life: you lose the goal of an intimate letter. Also, don't update the situation as if it were a holiday promotional post: if you just list everything you've done since the last letter, readers will begin to scroll down the bottom of the message. You don't have to go into your own problems but try to picture your life honestly.
  3. Write about topics that are relevant to the recipient. In the last meeting, what was he doing? Is he in danger of breaking up with his boyfriend? Is he going through a tough season with the team? Remind and ask questions to show that you really care about what's going on in their lives.
    • You can also talk about common interests. Write down your thoughts on art, politics, recent events or any other topic that you will talk to him about in person.
    • Consider suggesting movies you've seen and feel he will like, or good books you've read. Good information sharing is always welcome in letters.

Method 3 of 3: Closing

  1. Closing letter. Write the last paragraph, congratulate your friend or loved one. The last paragraph usually has a softer style but should still be consistent with the general atmosphere of the whole letter. You should end it with a message that leaves a positive feeling in the reader.
    • Clarify your writing goals again. For example, if you want to invite him to a party, you could write: "I really hope you can!". If you simply want to wish him a good time, write "Have a great summer!" or something like that.
    • Encourage him to reply. If you want a response, write: "I look forward to receiving your letter soon" or "Reply to me!"
  2. Write the closing sentence. This closing greeting should be consistent with the general style of the letter, whether traditional or natural, arbitrary. As with greetings, let the relationship between you and the recipient determine your end of the message. Next, sign your name under this link.
    • If you want to end the letter formally, you can use "Sincerely".
    • If you want a more comfortable style, use "yours", "Dear" or "Have a good time".
    • For a closer relationship, please choose "Dear", "Love you".
  3. Consider adding a postscript. PS is often added to the end of an informal letter as a way to add information that is not important enough to reserve a paragraph in the body of the letter. You can also write a joke, or skip it. In all cases, the postscript should be consistent with the general style of the letter and influence the recipient's feelings the way you want. advertisement


  • Check for spelling errors before sending.
  • Read and revise a message before sending it.