How to Write Email for You

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Write an Email
Video: How to Write an Email


Email is a quick and easy way to get in touch with your friends. Whatever you want to write about, here are some basic tips that may help. If you write an email to someone you haven't seen in a while, then apologize for having not contacted him in a long time and updated his current situation. Feel free to also attach pictures and emojis to make emails more enjoyable, and don't forget to reread them before you send them out.


Part 1 of 4: Get started with your email

  1. Find his email address. Before you get started, make sure you have the right email address for him. If you've sent an email before, you can find it in the phonebook. Or you can ask from another friend.
    • Type his email address in the “To” field.

  2. Choose the subject of your email message summary. The subject field is just below the “To” field and is labeled “Subject”. Summarize the email text in a few words so that the recipients know what to expect from this email.
    • If you're just writing to say hello, your subject could be as simple as "Hi!"
    • If you write an email inviting him to your birthday party, you can use the subject "Birthday Invitation" for your email.

  3. Opening with a greeting. Start your email with a greeting, followed by the recipient's name, and end with a comma. Since this is an email for a friend, you can use more relaxed writing, such as "hello", "hey" or "hello".
    • For example, "Hi An," is a basic greeting.

  4. Ask them. One line apart, then write the question "How have you been?" or write things like "Hope everything is fine". It shows you care about them. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Write the email body

  1. Tell them why you wrote this email. You may want to ask what their vacation was like or what their situation was like after they got sick. Either way, you should start your email by stating your writing purpose.
    • For example: “Heard you have a cold? I feel worried and want to know how are you ".
  2. Present what you want to say in a few paragraphs. Once you're done with your introduction, now's the time to focus on what you want to tell them. Break the content into 3 to 4 sentences in length to make the email easier to read.
  3. Avoid capitalizing whole paragraphs or sentences as much as possible. In many cases, you want to use all caps to show your excitement. However, it can feel like you're screaming. Instead, use an asterisk or bold to highlight important parts.
  4. Occasionally ask questions. Ask questions about what you are saying. It shows you care about what they think.
    • If you are talking about your beach trip, you can add a question like: “Have you been to the beach this summer? If not, let's go ".

Part 3 of 4: Write to someone you haven't met for a long time

  1. Sorry for long time no contact. Losing touch is normal, but you should still apologize for a good start.
    • You can say, “We haven't talked in a while. Sorry, I've been too busy lately ”.
  2. Update your situation and inquire about their situation. Because long time no talk, perhaps you have missed quite a lot. Tell him any interesting developments in your life and ask if there's anything new to them.
    • You can say, “Since last meeting, I have started dating. Everything is great. Are you starting with anyone? ”.
  3. Talk about common interests. Take a moment to talk about the things you both love. If you are a fan of football, you can use a few lines to report the latest match of your favorite team. And don't forget to ask for their opinion!
    • For example: “Last week's game was crazy! How do you feel about the last fruit? ".
  4. Add an invitation or request near the bottom of the email, if desired. If you want to invite him out or invite him to your party, now is the time to do it.
    • You could say, “Next Tuesday night I have a baby party. Can you come? “.

Part 4 of 4: Closing email

  1. Experiment with a variety of fonts and colors. Explore the formatting bar to try different options: it's the row of icons at the top or bottom of the window.
    • If you are writing on a serious topic, you should use basic fonts with black text.
    • If he uses another email server, some fonts may not be displayed. Often Arial, Times, Verdana, Trebuchet and Geneva are safe choices.
    • Try not to overdo it with fonts and colors to make the email easy to read.
  2. Add emojis if appropriate. If you're writing an email for a comfortable conversation with a close friend, sometimes using cute emojis can make your email incredibly friendly. However, if you're writing an email on a more serious subject, don't use emojis, as it makes your email look bogus.
    • Be careful not to use too many emoticons: it can distract the reader.
  3. Close by sending their greetings. Give him your best wishes, let him know that you look forward to hearing them and see them soon.
    • You could say, “I hope you have a great week. Looking forward to hearing from you! "
  4. End the email and sign it. End the email with a last greeting like "dear", "see you soon" or "love you". Next, remove a few lines and type your name.
  5. Attach pictures if desired. Click on the "insert photo" button: this button usually looks like a camera icon or an image. It's next to the other formatting buttons. At this point, you can choose an image from your computer to upload.
    • If you write an email to tell him about your new puppy, you can include a picture of her!
    • Try to attach only a few. When you attach too many attachments, it is possible that your email will be sent to the spam folder.
  6. Read, check email. Once done, reread it once or twice to find spelling and grammar errors. An error-free letter is easier to read. If you are a child, you can ask a trusted adult to check it in.
    • Double check to make sure his email address is correct.
  7. Hit submit. When the email is ready to be sent, click the "send" button at the bottom of the email. Everything is done! advertisement


  • The style and form of the email should be consistent with the relationship between the two of you.
  • Add a PS (P.S) if you miss anything. PS is added below your signature.
  • You can find many sites that allow you to sign up for a free email account. You can try some famous free email websites like Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo! Mail.


  • Don't go overboard with decorating your email. Using too many colors, fonts, or emojis can make emails difficult to read.