Ways to Drink Water to Lose Weight

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Drinking Water To Lose Weight, The Water Diet !!!
Video: Drinking Water To Lose Weight, The Water Diet !!!


Water is one of the powerful weapons of dieters for the purpose of losing weight. Water promotes metabolism, curbs cravings and reduces the amount of fluid in the body. The goal of drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day can be quite difficult, but with determination, you will soon develop a habit of using water to your advantage in weight loss.


Method 1 of 4: Increase water intake

  1. Drink water throughout the day. Drinking water all day can help you feel full without having to consume high-calorie beverages such as milk, milk tea, juices or snacks that cause you to gain weight. You can also eat less when you feel full. Reducing your daily calorie intake can help speed weight loss.
    • If you don't like drinking white water, try flavored water. Buy flavored drinks with no calories to make them easier to drink.
    • For suggestions for increasing the enjoyment of drinking water, you can check out wikiHow's articles.
    • Set up a water reminder bell so you don't forget it. This will also help you create a habit of drinking water more regularly.
    • Keep water nearby. Always keep a water bottle by your side to make it easier to drink more water. Buy a bottle of water and keep it with you when at home, at work or out.

  2. Drink a glass of water before each meal. Feeling full will help you eat less, so lower calorie intake and weight loss will have better results.
    • Don't forget to control portion sizes and calories. Water cannot "erase" an unhealthy diet. Drink a full glass of water before, during and after a meal to aid digestion and speed weight loss. Water helps the body digest food and absorb nutrients.

  3. Use water instead of soft drinks. Instead of soda, alcoholic drinks, smoothies or other high-calorie drinks, grab a water bottle. Replacing high-calorie drinks with calorie-free water can help you lose hundreds of calories per day, further aiding in weight loss.

  4. Drink an additional amount of water equal to the amount of alcohol you consume. This extra water is not included in the daily amount of water to drink. Every amount of water you drink for this purpose should be in addition to your daily water drinking goal.
  5. Drink water and cut down on salt intake to help with weight loss. Reducing salt in your diet can help you lose weight quickly, especially when combined with increasing your water intake.
    • Try adding other spices and flavors in place of salt in dishes. Herbs or garlic do not have any negative health effects and can add flavor to many dishes.
    • If a brand offers low sodium options, choose that product from among the similar products. This is the easiest way to enjoy your favorite food without having to overdo it with salt.
    • The amount of sodium in products is not always conspicuous, so check the nutrition label. Canned or frozen vegetables and restaurant dishes are both high in salt, and many restaurants now have nutritional information available online, so you can check it out before ordering.

Method 2 of 4: Try the detox drinking regimen

  1. Try a short detox regimen that focuses on drinking water soaked in fruits and vegetables. Buy some vegetables and fruits to soak in water such as cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, mint leaves and other herbs, citrus fruits, apples and pineapples.
    • Consider purchasing mugs with lids such as glass jars or cups with straws attached. You can prepare each drink separately and store it in the refrigerator at the same time.
    • The fresher the fruit and vegetables, the better the water. If the fruits and vegetables start to wilt, discard them and cook again.
  2. Decide how long to take the detox diet period. This type of diet can have a negative impact if applied for too long, and you should ask your doctor about possible health problems before you start this diet. While on a diet, your body won't get its usual full range of nutrients like fiber and protein, so it's best to stick with it for less than a week.
    • If you are on a restricted diet then this may not be a good way for you to lose weight.
    • If you feel too tired or dizzy, you need to stop the diet and go back to normal diet. Your overall health is more important than fast weight loss.
  3. Put the chopped fruits and vegetables in the water and keep in the refrigerator for a few hours. You can mix a jar with your favorite water, Fruits and vegetables can spoil or ferment after three days.or each part with many different combinations. Experiment and choose the concoctions you like best.
    • Make sure not to add sugar or other sweeteners, although this sounds tempting. You can also add other flavors like cinnamon or nutmeg if you like. Avoid anything that increases water storage in the body, such as sodium or contains calories.
    • Peel the citrus fruits to avoid the bitter taste.
    • Refrigerating is best, but you can also keep it at room temperature for one day.
  4. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Do not drink at once, but drink each cup in 9-10 times. This is to replenish the amount of water you lose throughout the day. You can drink more; 2 liters is the minimum.
    • It is best to do it during a time when you're not working or busy with other obligations so you can focus on drinking as much water as possible. If you can't afford it, you can try it on the weekends when you have plenty of free time at home.
    • This time you will have to go to the toilet several times. You should stay close to the toilet so you do not have to rush to find a place to resolve when needed.
  5. Eat water-rich foods while on the diet. If you do eat, you should choose foods with a lot of water. Fruits and vegetables are great options. Try watermelon, strawberries, zucchini, peaches, tomatoes, cauliflower, pineapple, eggplant, or broccoli. If you have to eat meat, choose lean meats like chicken or turkey over red meat or pork.
    • Combine a calorie-restricted diet with a water-balanced diet. Drink 500 ml of water before each meal and limit your daily calorie intake (1,200 for women and 1,500 for men) to warm up and maintain a good weight loss program to one year.
  6. Remember that this is not a long-term solution. This weight loss regimen can help you lose weight quickly, but if you don't maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will be more likely to gain weight again. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Apply a fast

  1. Decide how long to fast. Usually you should only fast for a few days is best. If you don't think you can endure that long, try starting within 24 hours. After 24 hours, move on if you feel you can.
    • Remember that this is only a temporary way to try and lose weight quickly. If you are unable to follow through with your fasting plan, you can stop and go back to a regular diet.
    • Fasting in waves. Fast for a short time, then try again within a few weeks or a month.
  2. Consult your doctor. You should not follow this fast plan if you are on a diet or if your physical restriction poses a danger to your health. It's not worth it. Choose other ways to lose weight if you cannot fast.
    • If you are unable to do an absolute fast, you can try replacing a meal or two with water and eating a low calorie dinner to kickstart your weight loss program.
    • Never try to fast if you have diabetes, are pregnant or breast-feeding. Note that this diet can have long-term effects due to lack of protein and fiber. This can lead to low energy and impaired bowel function. You should consider this before you start using the fasting method.
  3. Have a snack for a few days to help your body prepare for the fast. Increase your water intake, eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat only lean meats and brown rice.
    • Avoid adding salt to foods, as salt retains water instead of allowing it to pass through your body, and you probably don't want this at all.
  4. No exercise. Although exercise is a great way to support your weight loss plan, you should still avoid exercising during this time. Your body will not have enough energy to perform exercises to reduce the amount of fluid through sweating.
  5. Began to fast. Drink only water for breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the day, when you feel hungry. Listen to your body during this time. Watch out for hunger triggers. If you feel dizzy, take a sip of tea or seltzer mineral water to calm your body and get you back on your fasting plan.
    • Use 15 minutes of fasting meditation. Focus on your feelings of happiness and put any unhappy thoughts and feelings out of your mind. See Meditation for tips on meditating.
    • Consider taking an herbal supplement or find a safe mineral supplement for electrolyte balance. The method of fasting does not allow sweeteners or solid foods, but it is recommended that you take supplements or natural salt to prevent water poisoning.
  6. Gradually get used to the snacks again. Try to eat again just like before the fast to gradually rebuild your body. Eat fruits and vegetables, lean meat, brown rice and continue drinking water.
    • It is normal to gain a few pounds back after a fast as lost muscle mass is being rebuilt. Even if you regain weight, don't be discouraged and assume that your fasting efforts are not working. What fruit. Continue other healthy habits like adopting a better diet and exercising regularly to maintain weight loss.

Method 4 of 4: Other weight loss solutions

  1. Try green tea weight loss methods. This method only requires you to drink an 240 ml glass of hot or cold green tea 4 times a day when you wake up and before each meal. Tea increases the antioxidants in the body and makes you feel full before every meal, so you will eat less.
    • Drink more water instead of snacking. Increasing your fluid intake will help you lose weight by not getting too many calories from meals.
    • Continue drinking water throughout the day. Green tea can actually dehydrate you. To avoid this, you need to drink normal amounts of water with the tea.
  2. Try a weight loss regimen with juice. This is a great and easy way to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Choose a good blender or juicer to make a smoothie. You can choose to drink only juice during this period, or to replace just one or two meals with a smoothie, usually with breakfast and lunch. Try to stay on this regimen for up to a week.
    • Remember not only to focus on the fruit, but also to the vegetables. Leafy vegetables like kale and spinach work well. An extra apple will make your smoothie sweeter if you don't want a veggie-only smoothie.
    • Eat dinners with raw vegetables and lean meat, unlike dinner on the go with unhealthy foods.
    • If you feel hungry, drink more juice, water, or snacks like almonds or dried fruit to quench your hunger.
  3. Include “clean” foods in your diet. This includes foods that are mostly unprocessed, so they are free of additives and preservatives. Incorporate fresh vegetables, fruits and organic foods, stay away from anything artificial like sweeteners and pigments. This ensures that the foods you eat are in their most natural state, which is also the healthiest for you.
    • Always read food labels to check ingredients. If you cannot read a word, you should find a way to look it up. Maybe it's a term for an ordinary and harmless ingredient. If there are unrecognized ingredients on the food label, you should not buy that.
    • Buy it at a whole food market or farmer's market. Those are the best places to find food in its most natural state.
    • Grow your own vegetables. There is nothing more natural than vegetables grown in your own garden. Try growing a fruit and vegetable garden so you can keep an eye on what's going on in your body.
    • Prepare your own food. Find recipes for making things like salad dressings, ice cream or baby foods to see exactly what your family is eating.
  4. Make lifestyle changes for a healthy life. Exercising and eating healthy are the most effective ways to lose weight and prevent weight gain. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian to avoid possible mistakes and make a health care plan you can use.
    • Avoid harsh diets as they only give temporary results.It's still best to establish long-term healthy eating habits.
    • Persevere with weight loss. Losing a lot of weight quickly doesn't mean the results will last. You should focus on a healthier lifestyle rather than accelerated weight loss.


  • Increasing your water intake or following a water-based diet is most effective when combined with a healthy and well-balanced exercise program and diet.
  • Alternatively, you can go on a water-weight loss diet that focuses on increasing your water intake without requiring exercise or changing food to lose weight. While these diets can be risky if you don't get enough minerals and electrolytes, they are inexpensive and easy to follow. Some people find them significant in terms of weight loss.
  • Research has shown that increasing daily water intake may improve weight loss results in dieters. Try increasing your daily water intake to equal to or greater than the recommended amount of water. Usually adult men are advised to drink 3.7 liters a day and women get 2.7 liters of water from any source (drinking water, other beverages and water in food).
  • If you are an athlete who needs to exercise a lot, you can ask a health professional about the amount of water to drink during exercise. They can recommend you sports drinks with electrolytes.


  • Increasing your fluid intake can cause you to urinate more, so be prepared for this.
  • There is a risk that you drink too much water, leading to an electrolyte imbalance, kidney damage, and even death. Do not drink too much water or replace meals with water without carefully taking up electrolytes.