How to cuddle a girl

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: 5 THINGS GUYS DO GIRLS LOVE! (Yes Please)


Women often love to be cuddled. However, it's important to know how to do it right, at the right time, and to appreciate the other person. With many available techniques, you can make many girls "melt" when touched. Caressing a girl properly will make her feel really cared for as well as create a bond between the two of you, but above all you have to use the right technique, cuddle the right parts. on her body, and at the same time determine when and how to "act".


Part 1 of 3: Using the right technique

  1. Gently touch her. It is essential to have gentle touch when petting a girl. Try getting your fingers to brush her skin as you caress her skin.
    • Avoid sudden and rapid movements. Gentle and gentle touches are relaxing and seductive. Cuddle a girl gently and gently, as if she were made of the softest silk threads.

  2. Hug her gently. Hugging is an effective way to cuddle a girl and is a common gesture in new relationships. Give her a hug and begin to cuddle her so you can hold her long enough and make her amused.
    • Try hugging her goodbye at night and gently stroke her back with one hand while hugging her. If she seems to like this, place your other hand on her face and gently caress her cheeks.
    • If she just hugs quickly and intimately, she probably isn't interested. If she intentionally prolongs the hug, she wants more physical contact with you.

  3. Put your arm around her shoulder or waist. You can place your arm around a girl's shoulder or waist to start cuddling with her. Try this if you are sure she will enjoy it just as you two have done the same thing as holding hands.
    • For example, you could gently wrap your arms around her shoulder or waist while standing next to her in line to watch a movie or while chatting with her between classes.
    • After wrapping your arms around her shoulders or waist, you can gently caress her shoulders or hips with your hands.

  4. Praise her while lovingly. She may be more likely to be cuddled if you give her praise while petting. This will make the cuddling more intimate and special.
    • Try complimenting her for having the best eyes or softest hair you've ever met. Find out what features you really like about her, and that compliments will flow out.
    • You could also try complimenting her on how beautiful she is, that her skin is so soft, that her scent is sexy, or that you simply like her.

Part 2 of 3: Focus on the different parts of her body

  1. Start with less sensitive areas of her body. Initially, it's best to touch her non-sensitive areas and then move on to more sensitive areas if she feels comfortable. For example, you could begin to cuddle her arms, face, calves, or upper back.
    • If you've never cuddled her before, try starting with holding her hand. If she lets you hold her hand and hold it for a while, then she may prefer to be touched, then try touching her back or arms.
    • If she is interested in what you are doing, try starting with different areas of her body. For example, you can move from upper back to lower back or from calves to her thighs. Watch for signs of her openness, such as smiling or accepting touch from you.
    • Avoid touching sensitive areas on her body like her stomach.
  2. Touch and play with her hair. Girls love to be played by guys and stroked their hair. This is a romantic gesture that contains a lot of emotions.
    • Tuck her hair behind her ears. If you notice that her hair is loose or left her way, pull it off her face. The hair will not lie still, but she will definitely pay attention to your movements.
    • Girls usually like their long hair to be played with, caressed and groomed. Slide your finger through her hair, then move up around her neck to massage the area behind her ears.
  3. Focus on her face and neck area. The face and neck are an intimate place to cuddle and it's also an ideal place to touch a girl's body when she starts cuddling. Try stroking her cheeks and neck with your hands when you talk and look her in the eye.
    • Gently touching her cheek is a really effective way to let her know that you want to kiss her and wait for her to respond.
  4. Cuddle your hands. Try starting to cuddle her hands. This is a cuddly gesture you can do in public.
    • Try rubbing the back of her hand with your thumb while holding it.
    • If she places her hand on the table right next to you, try holding her hand, then massaging her palms.
  5. Cuddling her in intimate positions. If your relationship has progressed enough to allow you to cuddle her in more intimate places, try cuddling those areas. Just watch how she responds and listen to her. If she doesn't appear to want to be cuddled in a certain position, stop and move to a less informal gesture like holding hands.
    • You can flirt with her by touching her outer thighs if you are in an intimate relationship. Try lowering your hands to her waist and sliding down her thighs, then bring your hands back to her hips.
    • Other sensitive areas of her body are often forgotten, such as the waist and feet. However, you should be careful when cuddling these areas as she can tickle.
    • If she allows you to cuddle up “hidden” areas, like the “twin mountain” areas, be aware that these could be sensitive areas on a girl's body. Start from the outside of the breast and move inwards. You should not immediately touch her nipples. Make sure you do not touch too much or forcefully when cuddling sensitive areas.

Part 3 of 3: Determine when and how to cuddle a girl

  1. Research body language of her. Verbal communication makes up only 10 to 15 percent, meaning that the remaining percent is done through expressive behaviors, such as body language and eye movements. Pay attention to her body language to determine if she likes to be cuddled.
    • Does she make eye contact with you? Or does she look back when she meets your gaze? Is her body language open (facing you) or closed (crossing her arms across her chest)?
    • Don't get hurt if she isn't interested in touch. Maybe she's tired or unhappy. Learn how to gauge her mood through her body language cues.
    • If she plays with her hair, actively touches you first, approaches you or looks towards you and then shyly avertes her face, chances are she will open up more affectionate actions. your. This is how girls often flirt with each other. If she is interested, she will let you know by sitting next to you and be able to respond with a few affectionate gestures. If she appears tense or stiff, stop immediately.
  2. Consider environmental factors. Some cuddles may be appropriate for a public setting, while others may not. You can make her uncomfortable by touching her on purpose or in public. If you're in a public place, you'll need to change your approach.
    • If you take her to the movies, grab her hand and rub her palm in a circle. She will enjoy this simple thing.
    • Consider the right situation. If the two of you go for a walk together, make for the perfect initial contact by gently touching her elbow or waist as you lead her across the street or through the door. The next time you go, simply slide your hand up her back or along her arm before you finish touching.
    • She will probably be more open to cuddling gestures in a private setting like your own home or hers.
  3. Consider your relationship. Whether you should cuddle a girl or not depends on the type of relationship you have with her. Think about your relationship before you start to cuddle her.
    • Consider the timing of your relationship. If she tries to spend time with you, if you are in a stable relationship or have been dating for a long time and have intimate conversations, then it will be easier to cuddle her. The acceptable level of cuddling will be related to how intimate you two are. The more intimate you are, the more opportunities to cuddle with.
    • If you're in the early stages of getting to know her but have earned a certain amount of trust, start with touching her arm or hand. Each girl has a different outlook on physical relationships. Research her personality before deciding whether or not to touch her.
  4. Ask her if she is okay with you cuddling. Being a gentleman is not detrimental. Girls all love this and you reduce the chance of signal misinterpretation. To cuddle a girl, you first need to gain trust and affection as well as receive cues to be cuddled (verbal or body language) from her. If she doesn't know you, she probably won't want to be cuddled up by you. If she asks you to stop, stop.
    • You can ask her if she likes what you're doing, also ask her what she wants you to do, or ask her to give you a cue and put your hand where she expects it to be. Showing her openness to her requests and limitations will make her feel more at ease.
  5. Don't expect cuddles to lead to sex. Many girls claim that cuddling them means you want to have sex. For a girl who is not in the mood or hesitant about you liking her just to do "sex", this can cause the relationship to fall into a dead end in a flash.
    • It's good to cuddle her a few times a day when you don't want her to feel like you just wanted to fulfill your sexual needs. Let her understand that you are doing this for her, not for yourself. Dear.
    • Touch her arm or run her finger through her hair and don't move to the sensitive area by yourself! You probably shouldn't do it either. For example, you can only gently stroke her wrist or arm while you are watching TV together.


  • Ask her "Are you okay?" when touching any part of her body. If she feels uncomfortable, or doesn't seem right for her, stop petting in the area.


  • Know when to stop. Caresses can easily create intimate touches. Never do anything when you're not sure if you should. If she refuses, respect her opinion. There are no exceptions to this.