How to remove mustache (for girls)

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Remove Upper Lip Hair: 4 Ways To Remove Female Mustache
Video: Remove Upper Lip Hair: 4 Ways To Remove Female Mustache


  • If you accidentally apply the cream to your cheeks, wipe it off with a damp cloth.
  • Many products come with a spreader. You can use this to apply the cream.
  • Rub a small area of ​​the skin to see if the hair falls off. Use your fingertips or a cotton swab to gently scrub a small area of ​​the applied area to see if the hair falls off. If the hair has fallen off, continue wiping off the cream. If not, wait for the maximum recommended time to expire.
    • Never leave the cream on the skin for longer than the recommended time, as this may cause skin irritation or burning.

  • Wipe off the cream with a damp cloth. Use a damp cloth or paper towel to wipe off the cream from the skin. You can also stand in the shower and wash off the cream with your hands.
  • Apply a gentle cream after waxing. If your skin appears dry after waxing, apply a mild, unscented moisturizer or lotion on your skin. Reapply the cream the next day and the next day as needed.
  • Spread the wax over the affected area. If you are buying wax spreads on your skin, you can use the kit in the kit to apply it to the skin above your lips. Carefully apply the wax in the direction the hair grows. The wax should be thick and cover the entire mustache area, but be sure to avoid the delicate skin on your lips and inside your nose.

  • Place the wax patch over the skin above the lips. Whether you apply wax to your skin or buy a patch that already contains wax, you will need to apply the patch to the area of ​​the skin that needs waxing. Start pasting from the side and press it in the middle. Stretch the patch while swiping down all over the area where the mustache is, making sure there's nothing underneath the patch to bulge.
  • Peel off the patch with one quick movement. One hand holds the skin stretch beside the mustache, the other hand peels off one end of the patch. Tug on the patch with one quick and smooth motion. Don't peel off little by little; Such peeling will cause more pain.

  • Wash skin with soap and water. Rub soap with water over lather on hand and gently massage over skin above lips. If there are still traces, use a damp washcloth to gently wipe the area until it is completely clean.
  • Apply cortizone cream to treat redness. Go to the pharmacy to buy cortizone cream to apply it to waxed skin. Apply the cream within 24 hours of waxing to reduce redness and irritation. You can also use soothing oils, such as azulene oil. advertisement
  • Method 3 of 4: Remove mustache

    1. Mix the cream according to the instructions. The hair removal cream set will include a jar of cream and activating powder. You will need to mix these two ingredients according to the directions on the package before you plan to remove the hair color. Any leftover cream will have to be discarded, so just mix the right amount.
    2. Try the cream on the skin first. Dab a small amount of the cream on safe, sensitive skin (such as the skin inside your wrists) to make sure your skin doesn't react when you apply the cream. Leave the cream on the skin for as long as the product tells you, then rinse it off. Wait at least another 10-15 minutes to make sure you don't get itchy or red skin.
    3. Apply the color removal cream to the area that has the mustache. Products often come with a applicator; But if you don't have one, you can use a popsicle stick or gloves and use your finger to apply it. Start from under the nose and spread out in the direction of the hair growth. Be careful not to get the cream on your lips or inside the nostrils.
      • After you are finished using it, you should put your tools and gloves in a plastic bag before disposing of them in the trash can to avoid discoloration of the trash.
    4. Wipe off a small area to see if it works. Wipe off a small amount of cream with a cotton swab or cotton swab. Wipe the cream in a direction away from the nose and mouth, then check if the bristles are pale. If not, wait 1 more minute, but remember not to exceed the maximum recommended time.
    5. Wipe off the remaining cream with a cotton ball. Wipe the remainder of the cream with a cotton ball or paper towel, being careful not to stick the cream onto sensitive areas. Put a cotton ball or tissue in a plastic bag before disposing of it in the trash.
    6. Repeat the above procedure as the hair grows and becomes dark again. After a few weeks, you'll need to re-wax once the hair begins to darken. Stop bleaching or stretch the time between bleaches if red, itchy, or irritated skin develops. advertisement

    Method 4 of 4: Hair removal by electrolysis or laser

    1. Ask your doctor if hair removal is right for your hair type. While the effectiveness of electrolytic or laser hair removal can be permanent and great for some, not everyone does. Furthermore, these methods can be painful and expensive. Ask a few doctors how they would predict the outcome of your treatment. If their promises sound unbelievably good, you should consider where there is a more realistic commitment. advertisement


    • The best time to remove a mustache is before going to bed. This gives your skin time all night to reduce irritation, redness, and swelling.
    • Do not go out in the sun for 24 hours after waxing to prevent irritation of the skin above the lips.
    • Use an ice pack after waxing to soothe your skin.
    • After waxing, wipe the skin with oily paper (usually included in the cold wax set), then rinse with a facial cleanser and apply lotion.
    • Whatever method you use, use a cotton ball soaked in hot water and apply it to the affected area for 30 seconds to 1 minute to relieve the pain.


    • Children and teenagers need to be supervised by adults when using any of the hair removal methods.