Ways to Climb Walls

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
10 Ways to Climb a Wall or Building
Video: 10 Ways to Climb a Wall or Building


Wall climbing is a fun activity and is also a good exercise for health. This is also one of the important exercises practiced by people trying to climb. This article will show you all you need if you want to learn how to climb a wall.


Part 1 of 2: Learn Basic Wall Climb

  1. Warm up and relax. Climbing a wall can put strain on your muscles if you do not warm up well beforehand. Do some gentle exercises and warm-up before climbing a wall.

  2. Find a low wall to practice. Try to find a wall low enough so that your hand can reach over the wall while your feet are still touching the ground, but you can also choose a wall high enough so that when you stretch your arm can still touch the wall. Make sure you can grip the wall firmly. Walls with very slippery surfaces are not ideal for wall climbing practice.

  3. Cling to the wall. Using both hands, do your best to touch the wall above.
    • Even though your feet are still touching the ground, do your best to keep your body dangling under your arms. Your arms will expand when you cling to the wall.
  4. Put your feet on the wall. One leg should be raised - near your waist - while the other leg should be about 45 cm above the ground. Always keep your feet just below your body, not splayed at the sides. The toes and the front of the feet should be properly bent so that they are in contact with the wall surface.

  5. Push and pull your body up. Make the movements very gently. First push the body up with the legs, and then pull the body up with the arms.
    • Use your feet to push against the wall. First, the body will be parallel to the wall, and this movement will seem to push you away. However, your arms are clinging to the wall, so the thrust will help lift your body.
    • As soon as you start gaining momentum with the push from your legs, you should pull up your upper body.
  6. Overcoming the wall. As you pull your body over the wall, kick your back leg and push your body over. Repeat this until the body weight (lower body) crosses the wall.
  7. Turn back foot forward. Put your front foot over the wall, then you are done climbing the wall. You can also swing one leg forward just below the body and the other leg behind. If you are on the wall, stand up. Instead of climbing upright, you can also slide along the wall to the other bank. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Climb along Two Walls

  1. Find two walls close to each other. In the city, it is easy to find two buildings separated by a small alley. The ideal distance will be greater than the distance between your elbows when you spread your arms to the sides.
  2. Place both hands and feet on the wall. The left hand and leg will climb on one wall, while the other will climb the other wall. Use strong pressure on both walls to keep your body from climbing.
  3. Move limbs to one side at the same time. When you do that, you will have to increase the pressure on the other arm when climbing on a specific wall. advertisement


  • If you cannot climb over the low wall, try the lower wall even further. After you have climbed over, try climbing higher / thicker wall.
  • Never rush to climb the wall. It is best to practice slowly.
  • Wear gloves as climbing a wall can injure you the first time. Gloves will also help you adhere to thick, rough walls.


  • Do not move too fast when you are clinging to the wall. This may cause irritation, swelling, or injury.
  • Do not try to climb the wall in public or crowded.

What you need

  • Gloves.
  • Safety mattress / pillow below.
  • Confidence.
  • Empty stomach (don't climb the wall after eating).