Ways to Look Younger

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The 6 Secrets to Looking Younger
Video: The 6 Secrets to Looking Younger


Aging is a natural part of life that both men and women go through, but not everyone is comfortable with it.You're not alone in worrying about losing your youthful demeanor. However, do not worry as there is support available. There are many things you can do to improve your appearance without spending too much money or surgery, such as paying attention to skin care and making lifestyle changes.


Part 1 of 4: Make the face look younger

  1. Choose a cleanser that's gentle on the skin. You do not need to use products with special formulas like those used by teenagers because aging skin no longer produces much oil. If the cleanser is too strong, it will strip away the natural oils that make skin dry and age faster. Choose products that are suitable for your age or formulated Mild good moisturizing. Women should apply moisturizers before make up.
    • Using a facial cleanser is still important as you get older because it removes chemicals from the skin caused by the effects of the environment or makeup, which causes aging if left on the skin for a long time.

  2. Moisturize the skin after cleansing. Moisturizing is a very important step in helping skin nourish itself. Dry skin ages faster if not moisturized. Choose a moisturizer against aging has a high percentage of active ingredients. If you are wondering which product to buy (because there are hundreds of varieties on the market), you can look for scientific reviews or research related to the product. Make sure the product you use is concentrated and deeply moisturizing, different from the product you used when you were younger.
    • Also keep in mind that moisturizers are not just for women. On the market today there are many similar products for men.

  3. Use sunscreen products every day. Many moisturizers also act as sunscreen because protecting the skin from the effects of UV rays every day is important to avoid sun damage. Sunlight is the main cause of premature aging, so dermatologists often recommend daily sunscreens with the lowest SPF of 15 to avoid wrinkles, pigmentation, and darkening. Besides, it also helps prevent skin cancer.
    • Not only do sunscreen products be applied to your face, you also need to apply it to your neck, chest and hands when going outside, even for a short period of time. This will prevent brown spots from appearing on the chest and hands. If you have to go out for a long time, you should apply sunscreen all over.

  4. Exfoliate dead skin cells. Gently exfoliate the skin to stimulate skin cells to regenerate, making the skin look youthful. Choose products for aging skin as the formula will be milder and less likely to dry out or cause damage to the skin. Exfoliation is also very effective as it makes the skin softer and brighter. For men, exfoliation before shaving will make shaving easier because the beard is more visible.
  5. Treat facial hair. For men, this will make you look more decent and less messy even as you get older; and for women it helps to hide age. Here are a few things that women and men should remember:
    • Man: Shave or trim the beard and always trim the hair from the nose and ears. You can buy nose hair clippers at the supermarket; it is easy to use and painless. Having a long beard will make you look older and more messy. Remember to trim your nose as well if you want to look younger.
    • Women: Facial hair sometimes appears after menopause due to changes in hormone levels. There are a number of things you can do to avoid this and conceal your aging like laser hair removal, waxing, waxing cream, or depilating and astringent with threads.
      • Women should also keep eyebrows looking thicker. As you age, your eyebrows will become thinner, so you should line them with a pen with the same color as your real eyebrows to always look youthful.
  6. Makeup keeps you young (for women). There are many makeup tips that help women to accentuate facial beauty and hide aging. The trick here is to conceal the blemishes on the face and give accents to highlights, such as the eyes. Here are a few tips to try:
    • Use a cream concealer. Any concealer like wax or one that might melt will make you look older.
    • Hit the blush at the highest point of the cheekbones, but don't put the blush on the soles. As you age, the fat on your face is lost and your cheeks naturally sucked in. This will make you look older so you don't need to stand out with too many blushes.
    • Use brown eyeliner instead of black. As you get older, the color black will be more visible than the rest of the face. The brown color will create a subtle contour around the eyes.
    • Highlighting lashes. As you age, your lashes will naturally thin out and no longer curl, so you can improve by curling them or brushing a thick coat of mascara when possible.
    • Restricting lip accentuation. A pale lip color is a great combination for the face, but don't overstretch or use a bright lipstick as your lips will thin out as you age, and you shouldn't try too hard.

Part 2 of 4: Make the body look younger

  1. Keep oral hygiene. Beautiful teeth will make you look younger and more attractive. Make sure you stick to your teeth care routine, including brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. If your teeth are not white or if you have dental problems, you should consult your dentist for advice. This way, you can use a professional whitening service or get treatment for problems such as cavities, erupting teeth or yellowing teeth.
    • Using over-the-counter whitening products is also very effective, but you still need to talk to your dentist before using it.
    • Your teeth reveal your age more than any other part of your body, so you should start implementing full dental care soon.
  2. Silver hair covered. This is not for everyone, as some people like gray or gray hair. Conversely, many people want to cover gray hair and on the market there are many types of hair dyes that help you to deal with that. It's best to choose a color that is quite similar to your real hair for a natural look. You can choose to dye your hair at a salon or buy a home-based hair product to save money. Keep in mind, however, that the dyes will damage your hair, so avoid regular use and add a product specifically designed for damaged or dyed hair.
    • To avoid dyeing your hair frequently, you can first apply dye to the roots of your natural color, let the dye last longer and dye the rest of the hair last. Another way is to buy hair extensions the same color as your real hair to use.
    • Women should try highlighting when dyeing their hair to create a softer look for a new look.
    • Use natural or organic hair dyes that are free of harmful chemicals. You will have beautiful hair without harming your body.
  3. Changing hairstyles. Have you worn a hairstyle for 20 years? If so then you've lagged behind updating the trendy hairstyle to make your face look younger and more prominent. Check out fashion magazines, even some celebrity tabloids, to see which hairstyles are trending. You don't have to run the hottest hairstyle if it's not the one you like, but a new, better hairstyle will make you look 10 years younger. Here are a few things to consider when deciding on a haircut:
    • Women:
      • Cut bangs if you have a high forehead and if it fits your face. Flat bangs will make you look younger.
      • The layered haircut also makes you a few years younger. Your hair will be more stylish, softer and fluffy, different from the flat, straight hair that has followed you for many years.
      • Haircut to hug the face and shoulder length. Shorter haircut will make you several years younger. Just make sure you don't cut too short to look like the hair of an old man.
    • Man:
      • Leave the hair a bit long to keep the facial features from being too rough. Don't let your hair grow too long, however, or you will look gaunt and older.
      • If you are bald, you should try shaving your head. This way, you will look younger and sexier instead of exposing bald hair.
  4. Dress in accordance with the age and physique of the body. Choosing a flattering outfit can make you slimmer and more stylish with minimal effort. This is also true for men, although men's bodies are not as diverse as women's. You won't be any younger if you wear a youth outfit that is half your age. On the contrary, dressing like that will make you look older. Therefore, please focus on choosing the right clothes friend.
    • Women do not need to show off their bodies to look younger, but just wear a stylish outfit that accents the curves but does not draw attention to the chest area.
    • If you've been wearing the same outfit for the past 10 years then it's time to refresh your wardrobe. If you do not know what outfit to buy, ask a relative or friend with a good eye to go shopping with you, or if you are not confident, you can check the magazine to see what style you like and when to try on your it will be like.
    • If you are still unsure, go to the store and ask a counselor or choose your favorite outfit. Even if you think it might not be right for me, just give it a try. You will be amazed with a few outfits and satisfied with the new ones.
  5. Wear light-colored clothing. Bright colors will make you younger, happier and more vibrant. Floating colors also make you feel younger and full of energy. Get rid of black, gray, and neutral outfits and add more cheerful colors to your wardrobe like red, orange, green and other festive colors. While the black and dark colors will make you look slim, it will also make you look older than your real age.
    • You also don't have to completely remove dark-colored outfits. But if you're wearing a black shirt, go for a colored tie or light jewelry.
  6. Matching the right accessories (for women). Women should forget about collars and earrings of the same type that create a uniform look but will make you slightly older than when using trendy jewelry. You will be younger if you wear cute and stylish earrings instead of pear shaped earrings with the same type of necklace you like. Women wearing multicolored rings are also said to be younger, as the rings add extra emphasis to your outfit.
    • Besides, the regular nail and pedicure care is also very effective. Careful nail care will also help you look younger.
  7. Use perfume with pink grapefruit scent (for women). Research has shown that perfume pink grapefruit - even just lotion - will help women emit a younger look than other scents. However, do not overdo it, just apply a little behind the ear for the best effect.
  8. Drink a lot of water. Drink 10 glasses of 250ml water to provide moisture to the skin and bring a fresh look like when you were young. Drinking enough water will help everything inside the body function properly. This not only helps you feel healthy on the inside, but also gives you a healthy appearance on the outside. You need to create a habit of drinking water every day. Don't just drink water when you eat, remember to drink a glass every 1 or 2 hours, even if you're not thirsty.
    • You don't need to drink too much water, you just need to drink enough water to stay healthy and young.
  9. Do exercise. This can be difficult because many people are too busy, don't know how to practice, or think they are not suitable for it. However, with only short but regular exercise, you can also stay energized and full of vitality. Combine exercise with a healthy, well-balanced diet for long-term health, plenty of energy and avoid illnesses that age you.
    • Aim to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
    • If you find it difficult to add exercise to your daily routine, walk as much as possible. Walk to the supermarket for 20 minutes instead of driving, walking on the phone with friends or walking at least 2 hours per week.
    • Staying in shape is important, but adopting a quick weight loss method or following a yo-yo diet will cause you to suddenly lose a lot of weight and make you look older. Losing weight quickly will make your face and neck skin sagging, so it is better to control everything in moderation to gradually lose weight. A low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet can also aid weight loss.
    • Some exercises that are suitable for the elderly are yoga, pilates, cycling, simple climbing and tennis.
  10. Eat foods that help children feel younger. While there is no magic food that will make you 10 years younger, there are foods that, if eaten regularly, will make you feel and look younger. Here are some foods to add to your diet:
    • Oranges. The vitamin C in this delicious fruit is guaranteed to make you feel younger.
    • Broccoli. This vegetable has vitamin C and the ability to keep the liver healthy.
    • Low-fat yogurt. It refreshes the skin and provides the calcium needed for strong teeth.
    • Berries. The antioxidants in berries keep the skin looking fresh.
    • Sweet potato. This is a good food for skin and hair.
    • Carrot. This is another skin food.

Part 3 of 4: Take supplements

Taking supplements is one way to make sure you don't have a nutritional deficiency and keep your body healthy as you age.

  1. Supplement 1000-2000mg Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate or anything related to ascorbate). This is a water-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties. That means it protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C helps heal skin, protects it from the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun and supports other parts of the body (not just the skin) in other ways. Do not take more than 2000mg of vitamin C per day as it increases the risk of kidney stones.
  2. Get 4000 IU of vitamin D3 every day. This fat-soluble vitamin helps keep bones strong, prevents cancer and autoimmune diseases, and supports skin aging. There are many vitamin D receptors in your body.
  3. Take a high quality vitamin B complex supplement. This vitamin helps the skin repair and prevents Alzheimer's disease. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Maintaining healthy habits

  1. Have sex. Research shows that having sex at least 3 times a week will help you look younger than people who do not. ten times. Because having sex produces a growth hormone that prevents aging. This doesn't mean you will go out and find someone to "have sex" 3 nights a week to look younger, but do it more often with your partner.
    • You can say that you are too busy, tired or have too many thoughts in mind to be unable to "have sex". But hey, now you might think that having sex is not a way to pass the time but to help you look younger. Thus, you will be more aggressive!
  2. Keep good posture. Nothing can make you old faster than stooping like old people. Good posture will make you look younger; What you have to do is try to keep your spine and shoulders straight instead of hunched over and your face looking forward instead of at the floor, and you will look 10 years younger immediately. Keeping the spine straight will burn nerve cells in the spine more efficiently, increase your energy and make your appearance mixed. feel younger each day.
    • It is easier to bend over when sitting, but remember that you can maintain good posture, whether sitting or standing.
  3. Get enough sleep. You should not sleep 10-12 hours each night to look younger. That didn't work. However, you should aim to rest as often as possible. As you age, your body will begin to show more signs of fatigue, especially around the eye area. You will feel that as you get older, you will sleep less than 10 years ago, but that doesn't matter much. Try to get the amount of sleep you need, maybe 7 hours or less.
  4. Massage often. Massaging at least once a month, whether through a professional service or a loving partner, will help you relax and release the stress that makes your body look older. In addition, it also stimulates the secretion of anabolic hormone, helping to reduce the aging process.
    • Aim to massage at least once a month, or more often if you're feeling stressed.
  5. Yoga. Practicing yoga is a low-impact activity that helps you care for your mind and body, reduces stress, makes you feel more grateful for life for what you have. Observe the women in the yoga studio to see how young and energetic they are; Certainly doing yoga at least once or twice a week will have a positive effect on your appearance. Yoga is a great way to train, heal, or train for beginners (if you're in a beginner class).
    • Yoga also helps you form a healthier lifestyle and become younger.
  6. Reduce your stress as much as possible. In fact, a stressful lifestyle will make you tired, bored and create many wrinkles. Try to reduce the burdens you have and find new ways to cope with the demands of life. Try to spend at least 1 hour a day relaxing or doing something like relaxing your mind in a bath with an interesting book or watching your favorite TV show. Although you can't avoid stress in life, even if you live in a tropical paradise and have a big budget, you can take steps to reduce your feelings of stress.
    • This means avoiding stressful situations like going to noisy parties you don't like or driving somewhere during rush hour.
    • Write down the 10 things that stress you the most. Next is writing 5 ways that you can reduce your exposure to those things if you can.
    • Of course, there are many stressful things that you cannot avoid such as getting older parents or spouse losing their job; however, you can develop a positive attitude when dealing with these things.
  7. No smoking. If you have a habit of smoking, try to quit as soon as possible (this is easy to say but difficult to do, right?). This is the worst habit if you want to slow down the aging process. Smoking makes your lips thinner, your skin drier, paler and more wrinkled, and both hair and nails are dull. In addition, quitting smoking also makes you healthier and reduces your chances of having serious illness in the future.
    • Smoking also makes you smell like cigarettes. This is not the smell of the young people of your time.
  8. Laugh more. Add laughter to life. As you get older, happiness and smiles are essential for healthy living. Be with your friends with funny stories to keep you young and excited. Don't worry that a lot of laughter will create wrinkles - laugh with delight. Surround yourself with someone who makes you laugh and feel 10 years younger, and gradually you will notice your youthfulness.
  9. Don't drink alcohol too much or often. The harmful effects of alcohol are not mentioned as much as cigarettes, but the levels of harm are similar. Alcohol can cause premature aging and lead to a number of other diseases in the future. Additionally, alcohol dehydrates your skin, making it dry. Your eyes will become swollen after a night of drinking a lot of alcohol and lose youthfulness.
    • Of course, you need to feel young and always happy to be young. For some people, drinking alcohol is a fun way to socialize. Therefore, if you like a bit crazy and have a hobby of drinking martini, don't completely cut out alcohol to always have fun.
  10. Keep a youthful attitude. Seriously. The way to become young is to show a cheerful, not melancholic attitude. This doesn't mean you should behave childishly, dance on the table or tease others like you did in 6th grade. On the contrary, it means you should think positively, be friendly and avoid jealousy, anger, or any other feelings that make you an old man.
    • Stop worrying as much as you can, go out and enjoy your life. You will be busy with fun and forget the way you look.
    • Be proud of your age. Always think positively about your appearance, even if you want to be rejuvenated and others will see your appearance in a positive way.


  • Do neck exercises to tighten the skin and muscles around the neck, reducing loose skin. Your neck is a visible sign of aging, so give it a try.
  • Always happy! Surround yourself with people who make you feel young and when you feel young it shows up on the outside!