Ways to Look Sexy

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: 7 WAYS TO INSTANTLY LOOK HOT! (real tricks)


Have you ever experienced the feeling of being ignored when those guys are talking not about you but about your charming best friend? Surely every woman has experienced it. Be ready to change that and make everyone turn their head to look at you. No matter your hair color, skin color, eye color or body type, we can still be sexier today.


Part 1 of 3: Take care of the look

  1. Decide what type of sexy you want to be. There are two types of sexy: the stereotypical traditional one like the cartoon character Jessica Rabbit, and the other more realistic is up to you. Becoming either of the above will attract people looking for a difference. Apply this to your transformation and you will find what you were looking for.
    • Traditional sexy is a good idea if you're looking to attract temporary interest. It feels like you're putting yourself in a show, hiding your personal personality and real appearance (sending the message that you don't mind too much even if someone likes you).
    • The natural sexy style will show you who you are and your inherent personality. This means that if someone is attracted to you and they like who you are, then you will find people looking for a long term relationship. This sexy style is not suitable if you are too young, such as a 16 year old girl will not have the need to find a future partner, but if you are an adult and stable then this is a good choice for attract people of the opposite sex.

  2. Behave with confidence. Confidence is the most attractive thing. Even if someone doesn't have many options because of their normal appearance, they can still manage it if they balance their confidence with inherent ones such as personality, charm, and humor.
    • Act confidently based on personal character, stand up straight, speak up for yourself, and even start a conversation with someone you don't know.
  3. Keep everything natural. If it was in the '80s, the problem lies in the piled up dyes, makeup and shoulder pads, today we are talking about natural beauty. Makeup is essential but should make it as close to your natural color as possible. Clothes tend to be similar too: skinny jeans or leggings, anything that demonstrates the natural curves of the legs is preferred over flared shorts.
    • Show off your strengths at any time, that is natural beauty. For example, if you have beautiful eyes, don't hide them behind your glasses.

  4. Take care of yourself. Maintain personal hygiene by brushing your teeth regularly, bathing and wearing clean clothes. You should practice healthy eating habits for a healthy body. Not only does this make your body more attractive to others, but it also shows that you are a positive thinker, loving and respectful of yourself for being worth it.
  5. Pleasant scent. Fragrance plays an important role in sex appeal but should not be viewed as an approach. Contrary to TV advertising, your own natural scent is what attracts, not the cloud of deodorant. Bathing regularly to reduce body odor can make others wary, using a subtle yet pleasant deodorant. Combine with deodorant sprays or perfumes (citrus essences are most common) if you really want to, but let the natural pheromones in the sweat glands run to their full potential.
    • Good oral care. This includes brushing, flossing and rinsing the mouth. Clean your tongue with a tool or spoon every morning so that your breath doesn't smell bad. Check and clean your teeth periodically.

  6. Haircuts. A different haircut can change the way people look to you. Overall, everyone wants a sleek look to appear more glamorous, but "natural" curls and curls seem to get in the way. Talk to your hair stylist to find a hairstyle that will enhance your sexy look and showcase your full strengths in your face.
  7. Towards a mature appearance. You plan to become a mature woman to look more attractive. Cute or mischievous looks are not very effective at attracting eyes. Shop for more adult style clothing (skip the cartoon t-shirts and lace dresses). Or we can refer to the suggestions below, depending on your gender.
    • Women: Wear clothes that show curves. Of course you don't want to look like a limp branch. Choose a raised bras and wear tight jeans to show off your long legs. Wear high heels and slightly curled buttocks for a good gait.
    • Men: Change old jeans with trousers, a T-shirt for a buttoned shirt. Second-hand stores have plenty of cheap options if you don't have a lot of money to buy new stuff. Shoes are also quite important. You must have at least a few pairs to carry a change.
  8. Dress up to appeal to the type of person you're looking for. Different people look for “the other half” according to different criteria and there are many ways to dress so you can attract the type of boyfriend / girlfriend you want. People are attracted to the qualities they prioritize, so wearing clothes that are unique sends a clear message about your interests and the type of person you want to date.
    • For example, if you're looking for a sports lover, put your hair in a ponytail and dress like a rock climbing or soccer ball.
    • If you like the wacky nerd type, wear a Marvel badge or your favorite tie.
    • If you want to find someone who likes to drive, look for prettier, more expensive clothes.
  9. Don't worry about size. You are worried that you want to stuff your bra or wear padded pants to make the "boy" look bigger: that is not recommended. The media makes us think that women like men with big "sex" and men like women with big breasts, however human trends are different. There are many guys who like girls with small breasts or women who are apprehensive when the man's sensitive area is too big.

Part 2 of 3: Impressive appearance

  1. Gifted development. Talent is one of the factors that create charm, even when you are not the type of person with innate charisma. You can look at rock stars, especially from the days when they weren't famous for comparison. Pick a personal talent and practice it well, or you can learn new ones. WikiHow has lots of articles on skills, otherwise learn at home through online classes.
    • Talents you can try include guitar, piano, painting, car repair or mechanics, computer skills or other talents of your own.
  2. Have ambition. Nothing is sexier than an assertive gaze. If you really care about something and work hard to achieve your goals, it is really impressive. Other people hoping to get similar results and being around you will be their inspiration. We also feel more confident working with potential associates knowing that they will be able to handle it no matter what happens. Pick a goal and make an effort to accomplish it, anything like working to get the position you want or practicing an important skill. If you are too young or lack the proper guidance, it just needs you to be a little ambitious and willing to work hard to regularly achieve your goals.
  3. Become a well-rounded person. People don't like one-dimensional characters: they like people with a variety of interesting things. Think of it this way: would a good guy like a cute waitress or a cute waitress who always dreams of becoming a nurse? Qualified and dreamed, you will be unique and stand out from the crowd thanks to your excitement and attraction. You have basically been successful. Let your excitement and passion shine, pursue new things to develop yourself in a holistic manner.
  4. Be yourself. Stop imitating others. We often think we need to behave like someone to be attractive (girls trying to be like Beyonce, guys who turn themselves into Tom Cruise). But being a copy of them is not only not sexy, but also shows you weakness and lose your worth. Be yourself, like what you like, don't feel guilty. That shows confidence, the factor that attracts others the most.
  5. Makes people laugh. If you have a godly sense of humor, there's not much you need to do. Are funny guys always surrounded by girls? Try to develop a sense of humor by watching different types of comedy and paying attention to what's going on around you. It's a practiceable habit. Even if you're a woman, don't feel limited: a funny girl is far more sexy than a guy. Everyone loves to laugh and it helps them a lot when going through difficult times, so humor is a quality that is loved.
  6. Send out signs that you are a good person. People tend to like good qualities even if they're not looking for lasting relationships. Be kind to the children (even if you don't like them), be polite, and help those around you. This will melt the hearts of anyone you want to attract.

Part 3 of 3: Show off what you have

  1. Hold on to something. The bit of mystery is the sexiest thing, right? But that doesn't mean you act as though your life is a bad modern fantasy novel. You also don't have to act like you have something very sad you can't share or let your bangs cover one eye. Instead you just need to keep some of the tips for yourself. There is no need to spontaneously reveal every detail about your life. In this way, you create a challenge that someone who wants to overcome has to learn more about you in order to learn the fascinating secret.
  2. Use eyes. We still often communicate without words with others and the most attractive language is eye contact.Try looking at someone through your lashes with a charming smile on your face, then look away every now and then as you talk to them.
    • Biting or licking your lips is typical seduction.
    • Practice in front of the mirror. This is very important. You need to master these expressions and visualize them how to better apply them.
  3. The body has to be comfortable. Just like loving your body and having self-esteem, this is a must! Being comfortable with your body means confidence in movement. Practice to increase grace. Let's learn to dance. This subject will help your movements neat, more natural, contribute to increase sexy look.
  4. Learn to control your voice. The sexy voice is difficult to learn as it is more natural. However, it is worth practicing because if you use it properly and in the right situations, you will have a powerful tool in hand.
    • The number one rule of voice control is to lower everything a little from normal: lower your voice, speak slowly, and speak less.
    • You can practice by recording and listening to your own voice. Adjust until you achieve a tone that feels good.
  5. Let them see you on weekdays. For many people, it can be tempting to see someone daring as often as one day looking simple. It gives a feeling of closeness, as if they are the only one who sees who you really are. Try showing your boyfriend in your pajamas or wearing nothing but his baggy T-shirt, or going to meet your girlfriend without gel strokes (girls like to have their head just woken up. boy).
  6. Stay away from drama. A performance that tries to look sexy will make most people shake their heads. Life is not like reality shows. No one wants a turbulent life like a movie. Also, no one likes people who are always aggressive, talk negatively and gossip. When you behave like this, other people will wonder if when they dated you, would you talk badly behind them.


  • Drink plenty of water every day. Water is good for the skin, nourishing and makes you feel good.
  • Smile. It is crucial that your smile is; Not only does it make you look confident, it also makes you attractive. Happiness makes everyone comfortable, and you are comfortable too (taking good care of your teeth for a beautiful smile).
  • Treat yourself like a queen / king… don't wait for anyone to do it. Love yourself first.
  • Posture is an important factor in a sexy look. If you feel confident and stride, people will turn to look. Keep your back and chin straight when walking.
  • Don't be afraid to change your looks. You're comfortable with what you wear, but don't be afraid to try a new one. Once you fit in with a certain style, you'll be confident and stand out from the crowd.
  • Dress suitable for the situation. Do not overdo makeup, clothing or accessories.
  • Above all, be yourself. Charm is the confidence and comfort you have.
  • Do not be too confident because it can lead to complacency and unwise behavior.
  • Sexuality is for you, not necessarily for anyone.
  • Don't be afraid to reveal some flesh! But do it delicately.


  • Don't become dirty or sloppy.
  • Don't judge others.
  • Speak intelligently. It's uncomfortable when someone has to talk to a boring girl.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke too much. Be limited.
  • Don't overdo it. Brushing lashes, curling hair, and staring will make a guy feel uncomfortable.
  • Remember: You can be sexy even if you don't look sexy! Just don't overdo it to make yourself look sexy. You don't have to be gorgeous to get noticed, the key is to be confident inside and good on the outside.
  • Do not be noisy, rude, obnoxious or disrespectful.

What you need

  • Sexy outfit but not too revealing
  • Shampoo and conditioner for smooth, silky hair
  • Hairstyles that make you stand out and give you a stylish look
  • Make up (if desired)
  • Beautiful teeth
  • Good skin care
  • Attractive smile
  • Healthy habits
  • Stay away from alcohol and tobacco