How to calm the dog

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Calm Your Dog Down Music! Relaxing Music for Dogs to Stop Anxiety and Help Keep them Calm! 🐶
Video: How to Calm Your Dog Down Music! Relaxing Music for Dogs to Stop Anxiety and Help Keep them Calm! 🐶


Usually the solution to calming your dog depends on the situation. Strangers, thunder, fireworks explosions, garbage trucks, vet visits, and the presence of other animals can cause a pet to become scared, anxious, or agitated. On reflex we will cuddle and cuddle the dog, but another way to handle the situation is to train the dog to be fearless, anxious, or agitated. To calm your dog down, you need to be aware of his or her behavior and find out what triggers a pet's reaction.


Method 1 of 2: Calming your dog

  1. Find out what body language an anxious dog has. The animal's body language is quite complex and often misunderstood. There are no permanent signs to tell if your dog is worried because each dog behaves differently. When frightened one may become aggressive, but another will run away and hide. Both behaviors show that they want to be safe, but how to handle the situation is not the same.

    Some common signs include
    - Curl up
    - Turn away / dilated pupils
    - Drop your ears or back
    - The forehead is full of wrinkles
    - Whine
    - Shivering
    - The soles of the feet sweat
    Loss of control over excretion

  2. Find out what's causing your dog's behavior. The cause is usually quite obvious. Your dog may be afraid of thunderstorms, strangers, loud noises, or specific spaces. Put yourself in your pet's shoes. I have little contact with the outside but witnessed something terrible. How will you act then? You need to have empathy for your partner.

  3. Limit what causes stress. Move your dog to another room if someone scares them. Close curtains and turn on music to block out thunder or fireworks. If your dog wants to turn its tail off and seek shelter, like a crate, cover it with a thin blanket to block out the panic sounds. As mentioned above, depending on the cause, you can choose the right method to calm your dog.
    • You can provide a safe hiding place for your pet by keeping the door away from loud sounds or by training to use a crib. If this is the case, the dog will turn to the crate to reassure himself.

  4. Change your dog's focus. You should direct your puppy's attention to something "nice" and even helpful. Does your pet like any toys or chewing sticks? If so, take it out so that it will no longer pay attention to the triggers of the fear. Turn stress into a good time. The dog will eventually associate the initial cause of the stress with the positive experience and will not be affected by it later (e.g. strangers, thunder, vet, or other animals. ).
  5. Pet a pet. Each dog has a different taste and a different style of caressing. Some dogs like gentle petting, while others prefer to pats hard and tight. One of the most common cuddles is to gently stroke the back. Place the palm of your hand on the top of the dog's head and gently stroke it from the spine to the hips. Repeat this many times to calm your pet.
    • Keep in mind, however, that petting can be misinterpreted as complimenting your puppy for fear. Although it may sound counterintuitive, unintentional cuddling with dogs will cause them to become frightened in the future. Consider the situation, but sometimes it's a good idea to ignore your fear so they know there's nothing to panic about.
  6. Use "Thundershirt". These coats are used to put on the body and create pressure when the dog becomes anxious. Your dog will perceive the pressure just like a baby perceives a nappy wrap. For some dogs, this coat has a calming effect.
  7. Play classical music for your pet. Many owners and ranches play classical music to calm dogs. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Prevent feelings of anxiety in dogs

  1. Dog trainer. Most dog trainers believe that extreme anxiety, agitation, or fear is often caused by inadequate training. You need to reinforce positive behavior when training your dog. Teach them stress-free going to the vet, getting excited at a dog park, or afraid of thunder. You can do this by offering an alternate quest to get the dog to focus and then rewarding the pet when it completes the task successfully.

    Example of dog training
    When you go to the vet, if your dog becomes extremely anxious in the waiting room, ask him to "sit down" or "lie down". The base command will take effect during this time. Later Reward the dog after obeying the order.
    This helps reinforce the training post and divert the pet's focus from stressful situations. In the next times the dog will Associate veterinarian waiting rooms with the act of sitting and take the normal part, not being examined by a stranger.

  2. Cover your own reactions. The puppy sees you as a member of the pack. If your pet sees you as anxious or scared, they will perceive the same emotions. If you're in a difficult situation, don't show your feelings. Take a deep breath and count each beat, then exhale slowly and slowly.

    For example
    If you take your pet to the clinic for surgery and feel stressed, don't show this to him. Instead, create a positive attitude for the pet in these situations.

    Don't scream every time you hear the thunderclap, the dog will think something terrible is going on. Then they will also feel fear.

  3. Use a pheromone diffuser. This is a chemical transmitter secreted by the mother while breastfeeding her puppies to calm the cubs. Pheromone synthetic products for dogs that are soothing for dogs on the market today (DAP) are available at pet stores. Simply plug it into the wall or attach it to your pet's collar and watch for the device to help calm the dog.
  4. Give your dog a zylkene supplement. This contains a milk-derived protein that has a sedative effect similar to diazepam. It is taken twice a day and has been shown to calm dogs during thunderstorms, see a veterinarian, or stay in a crate.
  5. Talk to your veterinarian. They will teach you how to get the most out of it, either with behavior or with drugs. If needed, you can get a prescription for a stronger drug. Only give your pet a drink if your veterinarian has prescribed it and followed your veterinarian's instructions. Five drugs commonly used to correct behavioral problems in donor species include benzodiazepines (BZ), monoamin oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. (SSRI). advertisement


  • Research has shown that dog sterilization has a calming effect on dogs. The time to go for sterilization (before or after heat) is not clearly defined.
  • Cuddle your pet, but don't hold her. Research has shown that about 83% of dogs show at least one sign of stress when being hugged.