How to calm a female cat to heat

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to calm a cat in heat
Video: How to calm a cat in heat


Unspayed female cats will go into heat every three to four weeks and they will get very loud! Cats are very likely to get pregnant in periods that can last up to 7 days. That means every three to four weeks, you are confronted with a loud cat with a spike in hormones. If you don't want your cat to have kittens, then the best solution is to take the cat to the vet for sterilization. However, if you want your cat to breed, you will likely have to deal with behaviors that occur during her heat cycle, such as shrill calls and courtship. You will also have to find a way to keep the cat from becoming pregnant if you don't want more kittens.


Method 1 of 2: Coping with the cat's behavior

  1. Make the cat stop crying. When it comes to heat, cats will signal to increase their chances of finding a partner and having a baby. Shouting loudly and repeatedly is one of the ways cats do this. People who are inexperienced with cats will think that a cat is in pain, but it's perfectly normal behavior. You can ignore the cat making such a noise, or there are a few things you can do to calm your cat.
    • You can use the Feliway diffuser before the cat goes into heat. A synthetic pheromone scent will help your cat feel safe and familiar. Pheromones are substances that are used as a kind of chemical signal - like the natural pheromone a female cat releases when she comes into heat to attract a sex partner. However, the pheromone diffused by the Feliway is also calming and calming for cats.
    • Although it doesn't work immediately, pheromones will build up and calm your cat after a few weeks. Therefore, it is best to turn on the diffuser early and repeatedly to let it take effect when the cat is sexually active.

  2. Cope with the scent of urine. Not all females exhibit this behavior, but some will likely mark their territories with urine. Your cat's urine has a strong scent mark to appeal to a mate. There's no way you can stop this behavior from your cat other than spaying, so you can only find a way to cope with it. There are a few ways you can apply to make things easier:
    • Make sure your cat has a clean litter box at all times. The hope is that the cat will keep the habit of pooping in the sandbox instead of marking it around in the house.
    • Get rid of the smell quickly if your cat is peeing. Doing so will prevent the cat from turning around and continuing to mark the spot.
    • Use an "enzyme" cleaner to completely remove the smell of your cat's urine. The enzymes in these products break down urine better than other cleaners. You should let the enzyme cleaner dry naturally for the best effect.
    • You can make your own cleaning agent by diluting bio-detergent with water, then rinsing the area with urine and rinsing it with water. Rinse again with baking soda solution and rinse one last time.
      • Always try the cleaning product on a small, hidden corner of the garment before removing any urine stains.

  3. Be mentally prepared that the cat will stick. The amount of hormones in your cat will increase and affect its behavior during heat. Your cat's body language and communication behavior will change a little.
    • The cat will wrap the owner more than usual.
    • The cat will ask to be scratched. When cats are scratched their backs, cats will often put their tail to the side and expose their genitals.
    • The cat will likely crawl on the floor in a high-push position and press the front body against the floor.
    • Cats also enjoy zigzag zigzagging and rolling, sometimes rolling and writhing, as if in pain. You don't need to worry — it's just flirting.
    • This behavior is perfectly normal and not worrying, as long as no male cat has access to the female cat there should be no problem.
  4. Be more interested in cats. Play with your cat often so it has to drain its energy. When there is no more energy left, the cat is more obedient and goes to sleep instead of rolling around and screaming. Many female cats love to make noise and even enjoy massages during sex. Don't be surprised when the cat seems to be flirting and showing off its genitals!
  5. Do not change your cat's diet. Many times, the cat will be sluggish in eating and drinking when she is in heat. They can lose weight, lose code and make owners worry. However, you should not give your cat more energy-rich foods to compensate for his lack of appetite. Otherwise, the cat will have more energy to spend on howling.
    • Instead, give the cat food as usual, give a little more and let it eat freely, whenever you want, it will feed itself.
  6. Reduce stress for other cats. If you have a lot of cats, you can imagine how stressful they would be when one of them was screaming every three weeks in a row. This can cause them to become chaotic. If you use a Feliway diffuser to calm the behavior of a sex cat, it will also help other cats less stress.
    • Don't forget that the Feliway diffuser takes a few weeks to work, so turn it on before she goes into heat.

Method 2 of 2: Prevent your cat from getting pregnant

  1. Keep the cat indoors. If you often let your cat roam freely outside, then you need to keep the cat indoors as soon as you notice signs of heat. When the cat is indoors, you can control whether the male cat has access to it. If a female cat wanders outside, all male neighbors will be attracted to the noise and its scent and it is more likely to conceive.
  2. Isolate the female cat from the domestic male cat. If you have a male cat that is not desexed, it may stick to the female cat like a magnet when the female cat is sexual. You will need to separate the cat from the female until the female cat's sexual cycle is over.
    • Keep male or female cats in a separate room.
    • Prepare your cat's furniture so that it will not become uncomfortable when locked in a separate room. You have to enter the room a litter box, a comfortable place for the cat, food, water and lots of toys to keep it from being boring.
  3. Close all doors and windows. Even if the cat is kept indoors, the neighbor's male cat will still be able to hear the female cat and smell it. Either way, you'll see some male cats hanging around the house.
    • Leaving the main door or window open, even if it's covered with mosquito net, is still not assured. Stubborn male cats can scratch their nets to get in with the female cat and get her pregnant without leaving the house.
    • Get rid of all the male cats that hang out from the door.
  4. Consider sterilizing your cat. Animal rescue centers are constantly accepting lots of adult cats and abandoned kittens. That remains the moral question as we continue to have a cat with an unwanted pregnancy. You can have your cat sterilized at any time. If the problem is the cost, there are animal rescue centers and social welfare agencies that have programs to fund the cost of the procedure. You can check with your local veterinarian clinics for where funding is available. advertisement


  • If you want to breed a cat, you'll need some special knowledge and equipment.
  • Remember that the cat will make louder sounds at night and be more restrained.
  • Note that a female cat, when locked in the house, will try to escape to mate. Carefully keep the cat indoors so that the cat will not become pregnant, injured, or lost.


  • If your cat bleeds, get it to the vet. You may think that when a cat is sexually active, bleeding is the same as a human menstrual phenomenon, but those are two completely different things. Females do not bleed during sex.