How to write a publication proposal

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write a Good Book Proposal
Video: How to Write a Good Book Proposal


A well-written publication proposal encourages interviews or journalists seeking additional information about your company's products or activities. Every day, editors are bombarded with such suggestions, so the right design and content is critical to stand out from the rest of the emails. Use the following tips to improve your skill and your chances of success.


  1. 1 Learn about the purpose of the offer letter. Such a letter should interest the editor or producer to include the material in their show / news. The main task is to generate the desire for more information. You can offer fresh news or an original perspective on current events to get your proposal accepted.
  2. 2 Select target media. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the publications in a particular publication in order to select the media, the topics of which are most in tune with your topic. Otherwise, you will send a good letter to the inappropriate publication, and your efforts and time will be wasted, as will the time of the editors reading it.
    • Research promising publications. Check out the topics of the publications and pay attention to who the local journalists usually interview. Choose the most appropriate media.
    • Show the connection between the proposed article / interview and their audience / company. If it is a local publication, there should be a connection with your community, and it is better for the national media to cover events and trends on a national scale.
    • Find out the name of the official to whom the letter of proposal will be sent.A personal letter increases the chances of being read and interested in receiving further information.
    • No mistakes in the name / surname of the addressee! Also, you need to include the title of the recipient. A mistake in these points generates hostility and reduces the chances of further cooperation.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the format / style requirements. Although the format may vary slightly, most offer letters use the same basic structure.
    • Size limit - 1 page (margins 2.5 cm). No "water", everything should be clear and on the topic.
    • Choice of words. Better direct sentences than intricate structures. Do not write that they "should" interview you, it is better to offer to take advantage of the opportunity to get interesting information.
    • Write on letterhead. If you don't have letterhead, design your letter to create a professional and clear impression.
  4. 4 Include correct information. By withholding the information you need, you speed up the path of writing to the trash can.
    • Grab your attention from the first lines of the letter. Remember that the editor receives such letters in batches, so a lot depends on the starting interest. Get him interested in the beginning so that the sentence is read to the end.
    • List the main details. This includes answering the who, what, where, when and why questions and their relationship to your company / event. There is no need to strain the editor, forcing to look for this information.
    • Leave your contact details in the last paragraph. Include a website if you have a page on the internet. This must be done even if such information is duplicated in the header of the official form. Make it easier for the editor to get in touch with you.


  • The letter of offer must be sent at the correct time. For example, if there is an article on a hot topic in a local article, send a response email immediately to increase the chances that you will be interviewed.


  • Be careful when contacting the editor / producer again. Remember that hundreds of such letters pass through their hands, and if your proposal is really interested, they will definitely contact you.