How to treat sand flea bites

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Sand Flea Bites
Video: How to Treat Sand Flea Bites


Sand fleas are small and irritating crustaceans that live on most beaches. When they bite, they leave behind saliva that causes itching and skin irritation. In some cases, sand fleas also dig deeper into the skin to lay eggs, and this can lead to infection and increased irritation. To treat sand flea bites, you need to soothe the irritated skin. If symptoms worsen seek medical attention. You can also try to prevent this bug by going to the beach at the right times and covering up any exposed skin.


Method 1 of 3: Soothe sand flea bites

  1. Don't scratch the bite. Many people are unable to hold back and scratch as soon as they get bitten by a sand flea, as their bites can irritate the skin causing itchiness. Avoid scratching the sand flea bites, as this can tear the bite open, leading to a higher risk of infection.

  2. Apply calamine cream. Applying calamine cream to the affected area is one way to ease the itchiness caused by the irritation caused by a sand flea bite. This cream, available in drugstores, is effective in soothing the skin and relieving itching.
    • When applying calamine cream, read all directions on the label and lightly apply a small amount of cream to the site of the bite. Do not apply the cream to the eyes, mouth or genitals.
    • Check with your doctor before giving calamine cream to babies under 6 months old. You should talk to your doctor before using the cream while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  3. Try hydrocortisone cream. You can also relieve itching by applying hydrocortisone cream to the affected area. This therapy can help keep you from scratching the bite. Hydrocortisone cream is available in pharmacies.
    • When applying the cream, you need to read all the instructions that came with it, then apply it to the area bitten by the sand flea. Wash your hands after applying the cream.
    • If you are pregnant or taking other medications, check with your doctor before using hydrocortisone cream.
    • Consult your doctor before using this cream on a child younger than 10 years old.

  4. Make a mixture of baking soda and water. Baking soda and water can help soothe itchy and irritated skin. Here's how to use baking soda and water to soothe sand flea bites:
    • Pour 1 cup of baking soda into a bathtub filled with cool water, then soak yourself in the tub for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
    • Alternatively, you can mix the mixture with 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. Mix well until it turns into a paste, then rub the mixture over the irritated skin. Leave the paste on your skin for about 30 minutes and rinse with water.
  5. Soak in an oatmeal bath. You can also relieve skin itching and irritation by soaking in an oatmeal bath. The antioxidants in oats have a calming effect on the skin. To prepare an oatmeal bath, simply add 1-2 cups of oatmeal to a bath filled with warm water. After that, you can soak in the bath for about an hour.
    • Do not use hot water. Hot water actually makes the skin more irritated.
  6. Apply aloe vera to your skin. Aloe vera is very effective in soothing and treating some skin irritations. You can buy aloe vera gel in pharmacies.Gently apply aloe vera to irritated skin. You will feel better thanks to the soothing skin.
  7. Use essential oils. Certain essential oils such as lavender oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and cedar oil can help reduce the skin irritation caused by sand flea bites. Apply essential oils directly to the skin and follow the directions on the package for the correct dosage.
    • Always consult your doctor before using essential oils for medical purposes, especially if you are pregnant.
    • If you have an allergy or sensitivity, try first on a small spot on the non-irritated area.
    • Most essential oils need to be mixed with a carrier oil before being applied to the skin to prevent irritation. Avoid using concentrated essential oils on the skin, unless specifically directed to do so by a specialist.

Method 2 of 3: Seek medical attention

  1. Check the bites for reproducing fleas. In most cases, a sand flea bite is usually a small red spot, similar to a mosquito bite. However, in some cases, the female flea will burrow into the skin to lay eggs. This can cause irritation and serious infection. The bite will then look like a swollen area with a small black spot in the center.
    • If you think you have been digging into your skin by a flea, get it out by your doctor.
  2. See your doctor. Symptoms subside after you apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine cream. If symptoms persist or worsen, see your doctor promptly. This could be caused by an infected bite or you are allergic to sand flea saliva.
  3. Treat the bite with an antihistamine cream. Your doctor may recommend that you treat the bite with a prescription antihistamine cream. This cream helps to reduce irritation caused by allergies to flea bites. Follow your doctor's instructions. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Prevention of sand fleas

  1. Avoid the beach at dawn or dusk. Sand fleas are most prevalent in the early morning and at night when the temperature is a little cooler. To prevent sand flea bites, go to the beach in the middle of the day. You may still get a few bites, but the flea will not come out as much at this time.
    • You should also avoid the beach when it rains. Sand fleas are most active in cool, humid weather.
  2. Try an insect repellant. Insect repellent can help keep you from getting bitten by sand fleas. Before going to the ocean, spray insect repellent on your feet, ankles and feet. Follow the directions on the packaging and look for a special type that says against sand fleas.
    • You should also bring insect repellent to the beach so that you can reapply after swimming!
  3. Cover feet, feet and ankles. A very effective way to avoid bites from this beetle is to cover the legs, feet and ankles. Sand fleas can only jump 20-40 cm tall, so it is less likely that you will get bitten from above your waist. When walking along the beach, wear light pants and sandals. When lying on the beach, make sure to use a towel or blanket. advertisement


  • If the bite is painful, you can try a pain reliever like Advil or Tylenol.