How to Treat Constipation with Aloe

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Use Aloe Vera for Constipation - What to Do to Get Rid of Constipation Immediately
Video: How to Use Aloe Vera for Constipation - What to Do to Get Rid of Constipation Immediately


Aloe vera is a succulent plant with dark green leaves. This plant has long been used to soothe, heal burns and remove makeup.In addition, aloe is also used to treat constipation naturally, but it can cause diarrhea and is not really safe. Additionally, it has been linked to kidney disease and cancer. However, if you really want to use aloe for constipation, you can buy aloe in liquid, liquid, or oral tablet form.


Part 1 of 2: Learning about Aloe and Constipation

  1. Find out the causes and symptoms of constipation. If you can't go outside or walk less than usual, you may be constipated. Constipation can result from dehydration, lack of dietary fiber, changes in travel habits, or stress. Knowing the different causes of constipation and its symptoms will help you determine why you are unable to pass and take appropriate action.
    • Constipation often makes you uncomfortable, but it is common. Only if you are unable to go outside after a long period of time will the constipation become severe and you need to see a doctor to cure the condition.
    • You may experience constipation for a variety of reasons, including: dehydration, not enough fiber in your diet; affected daily habits or had to go away from home; not doing much exercise; eat a lot of dairy products; stress; laxative abuse; hypothyroidism; the effects of analgesics or antidepressants; Eating disorder; irritable bowel syndrome and pregnancy.
    • In addition, there are many other symptoms including: difficult or irregular bowel movements, hard or small stools, feeling of not passing clean, a swollen abdomen or abdominal pain; vomiting.
    • Everyone has a different number of going out. Some people go 3 times a day, while others go once a day. If you notice less frequent bowel movements than usual or don't go more than 3 times per week, this is a sign of constipation.

  2. Drink plenty of fluids and eat plenty of fiber before using a laxative. Before using aloe and home remedies for constipation, you need to drink plenty of fluids, eat plenty of fiber and do a squat. These will relieve constipation without the use of laxatives.
    • Drink 2 to 4 glasses of water a day. You can also drink hot tea or warm water with lemon.
    • Eat foods high in fiber to help with digestion. Fruits and vegetables are the best option. You can also eat prunes and bran cereals for more fiber.
    • Men should get 30-38 grams of fiber per day, while women need at least 21-25 grams of fiber.
    • For example, 1 cup of raspberries has 8 grams of fiber, and 1 cup of whole-wheat pasta has 6.3 grams of fiber. Legumes are said to have more fiber, 1 cup of peeled beans contains 16.3 grams of fiber and 1 cup of lentils has 15.6 grams of fiber. Chocolate and green beans contain 10.3 grams and 8.8 grams of fiber, respectively.
    • If you drink a lot of water and digest high-fiber foods and still do not get rid of constipation, try a natural laxative method with aloe.

  3. Learn about natural aloe laxatives. Aloe vera can be used as a laxative in three forms: drinking water, a paste, or a pill. Aloe vera, in any form, is very effective at laxative and should be used only in small amounts, not in excess.
    • Aloe vera medicinal products are usually taken from 2 parts of the plant to form a gel (a paste) and a latex (resin). Aloe vera gel has a clear, viscous form taken from the pulp of the leaf. Aloe vera resin has a yellow color close to the shell
    • Some aloe vera products are made by crushing the leaves so they have both viscous mucus and plastic.
    • Aloe vera resin can affect the kidneys; therefore, only a small amount should be used. Due to concerns about the negative effects of aloe as a laxative, the US Federal Drug Administration has requested that aloe vera-based laxatives to be sold over the counter since late 2002. .

  4. Buy aloe vera juice, gel or oral tablet. Aloe vera juice, pure aloe vera gel, and aloe vera tablets are often very easy to find in retail or grocery stores. You will need to blend the two into a different juice or tea.
    • The grocery store is where you can find 100% pure aloe vera water and gel. Some retail stores that specialize in nutritional foods also sell these products.
    • Supermarkets also sell these products, especially aloe juice.
    • Be sure to buy pure aloe vera gel, not the one you can use when you burn. The product cannot be eaten like pure aloe gel.
    • Aloe vera oral capsule can cause cramps. However, you can purchase herbs such as turmeric or peppermint tea to avoid the side effects of the medication.
    • You can buy aloe vera tablets at a drugstore or health food store.
  5. See a doctor. If you are constipated for 2 weeks or more, see your doctor. This will help you avoid the risk of a bowel obstruction, and your doctor will also prescribe effective, safe drugs that help with laxatives.
  6. Avoid constipation. If you've stopped constipation and want to avoid this discomfort from happening again, change your diet and exercise routine. These will help you avoid constipation.
    • Make sure you eat a balanced diet with high amounts of fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole wheat bread or cereals.
    • Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water or other drinks every day.
    • Exercise regularly. Even something as simple as walking will help your gut.

Part 2 of 2: Treating Constipation with Aloe

  1. Prepare to have water or aloe vera gel. Prepare a liquid or gel aloe vera for twice daily use if you choose to replace oral tablets. This will help relieve your constipation after a few days.
    • You will need to drink 0.5 liters of aloe vera juice (about 2 cups) each morning and before bedtime.
    • The taste of aloe vera juice is quite strong. If you can bear it, drink it like that, otherwise add a little juice to dilute the taste.
    • With aloe vera gel, you need 2 tablespoons (about 30 ml) per day mixed with your favorite juice.
  2. Take aloe vera tablets. Take the pill 3 times a day along with an herb or tea if you choose to replace this with water or aloe vera gel. This will help relieve your constipation after a few days.
    • Dosage should be 1 tablet 5g each time and 3 times per day.
    • Use more herbs like turmeric or herbal teas like peppermint to reduce the side effects of aloe vera pills.
  3. Avoid aloe vera in some cases. Not everyone should use aloe as a laxative. If you are pregnant and breastfeeding, aloe should be avoided. Children and people with diabetes, hemorrhoids, kidney problems, and intestinal problems like Crohn's symptoms should avoid aloe.
    • In addition, people allergic to onions, garlic or tulips should not consume aloe.
  4. Understand the side effects of aloe. Aloe vera is very effective at laxative, but when used it is unavoidable some side effects such as abdominal pain and stomach cramps. Therefore, you must use the correct dosage and stop taking it after 5 days.
    • Long-term use of aloe vera for laxatives can have serious health consequences. Besides stomach cramps, it also causes diarrhea, kidney problems, blood urination, decreased potassium, muscle weakness, weight loss and heart problems.
    • Try a different laxative method such as psyllium fiber, cholera, or this over the counter medicine if you don't want aloe. Both types have a mild laxative effect.


  • Relaxation and relieving stress can also help with constipation.


  • Avoid injecting aloe vera as it can cause a serious reaction.
  • Children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not eat or drink aloe.
  • Do not take aloe if you are allergic to any of the lilies, such as onions, garlic, or to tulips.