How to Become a Kpop Trainee

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Become A K-pop Trainee 2021
Video: How To Become A K-pop Trainee 2021


Before K-pop singers or groups (short for "Korean pop", meaning Korean pop music) became stars, they were trainees. The trainees are future Kpop artists; They live together, trained and performed since 9-10 years old under the strict management of the music company. See Step 1 below to learn how to become a trainee and start your journey to becoming a K-pop star!


  1. Understand becoming a Kpop trainee. You will have to practice hard, even more than 10 hours a day. While the footage of your favorite singer or group can be fun, becoming a K-pop star (or "idol" - this is the more widely used word) requires. a lot of effort. Although many believe that after becoming famous, these trainees will instantly become millionaires, but the Korean music industry often does not pay artists the money they deserve. The majority of fans - and even those applying to become trainees - do not know the conditions idols had to accept in the past, such as low salaries and shabby dormitory. On the other hand, there are also a lot of positives, especially when you love Korean culture, Korean, or have a passion for music and dance. Before taking the audition to become a trainee of a company, make sure that none of the artists of that company have ever sued the company for issues such as unfair manners or misbehavior. bad living conditions.
    • At the same time, understand that even when you become a trainee, your career is not guaranteed. You can practice for years and still never get a chance to perform in public.

  2. Learn to sing or rapping. To become a Kpop trainee, you have to sing (or rap) well, because your main task is to create music that emphasizes singing. Great if you are already a good singer. If your singing skills are lacking, go to vocal school, hire an instructor, or search for online vocal lessons to practice each day. If you are not a great singer but have the right charisma and appearance, you can choose to train to become a rapper (rap reader).
    • Other musical abilities, such as playing an instrument, may also be helpful, but a good voice is needed.
    • Note that many companies will train trainees to sing, dance, and sometimes even foreign languages ​​in order to communicate with the audience. If you have not officially learned the first two skills but have demonstrated a certain level of proficiency, you may be able to meet the requirements to pass the exam.

  3. Improve your dance steps. When taking part in auditions at entertainment companies like SM Town, JYP or YG, the judges will ask you to dance. If you can't dance, frankly admit it. Some K-pop artists, such as Lee Hi, have absolutely no choreography in their songs. However, you will always has plus points when being a good dancer; therefore, if you have a natural talent for dancing, work with a dancer or improve yourself to sharpen your skills into something that can be "marketed".

  4. Learn how to act. Many K-pop stars got into acting - in music videos or cinematic works.While your singing and dancing abilities are the most important thing, your acting ability can also be a big strength in your exam. Consider hiring an acting instructor or participating in local theatrical productions to nurture your burgeoning acting talent.
  5. Learn Korean! Kpop singers often sing English without being fluent in this language, but you cannot do so with the main language of Kpop. To have the chance to actually become a K-pop star, at least you need to have a certain understanding of Korean. This will take a lot of time and effort if you start from scratch, you even have to pay for a tutor, attend computer training programs or language courses. As a beginner, you may Learn Korean with a little basic knowledge and some songs.
  6. Select a company to apply for. There are a lot of companies currently active in the Korean entertainment industry and promoting K-pop artists they manage, however SM, JYP, YG, Cube, LOEN, Pledis, Woolim and BigHit are popular companies. best known. Each company has its own goals, so the reasons why people get it or don't get it will be different for each company. For example, SM Entertainment is often known as a company that looks for people with good looks, JYP chooses trainees through equal consideration between looks and talent, and YG chooses trainees based on talent. than appearance. You may be interested in these rumors when you schedule your exams.
  7. Examination! You may not believe it, but the exams for Kpop trainees take place all over the world. Most of these exams are in a traditional style - that is, you perform in front of the judges - but you can also get noticed when you apply via YouTube! Plus, there are many talent shows like K-Pop Star (one with three judges searching for a K-pop star) that allow you to apply.
  8. Understand that though not necessarily Must be Korean or even from East Asian countries, most Kpop artists are Korean. However, whether they were born in Korea or other countries is not really a problem. The reason Koreans are given priority are not because of racism, but because Koreans normally easily meet Korean beauty standards. Another explanation for Kpop has few non-Korean trainees is because Kpop is still a relatively new industry and has only attracted the attention of Western countries in recent years, not many people. The West wants to try it out in this industry.
  9. Choose the right style for the entrance exam. Your show off is all! When examining, do not wear weird or offensive outfits. For example, you shouldn't wear items for noisy parties. Instead, choose elegant and decent clothing that flaunt your natural beauty. Even simple jeans and a t-shirt should suffice if they are right for you!
    • Apply light makeup if you intend to wear makeup. The examiner wants to see your natural beauty, so don't overdo it!
  10. Please be patient. Success can be elusive, but don't get down! If you are truly passionate about this industry, continue taking the exams. Don't let a few failed exams stop you. Persistence will bring success. advertisement


  • Please show your respect to everyone in the auditions!
  • 15-16 is the best age to take the exam, maybe even lower, but it's okay if you're past this age! Many people have been successful even though they take the exam at the age of 18-19, even over 20.
  • Do exercise! Health is very important and you need to lose weight if you are overweight. Entertainment companies often look for thin people with well-balanced shapes.
  • Make sure this is the life you want, as popularity can have negative effects, like paparazzi and crazy fans. Many laws have been enacted in Korea due to the fans' pursuit of idols.
  • Understand that the exam process can be very short, not even more than a minute.
  • Find out the company where you want to become an intern; make sure they have a good reputation in dealing with their interns.


  • If you pass the exam, you may have to move to live in Korea to practice.
  • Your schedule can be tight, you won't have time to sleep and the training will be extremely heavy. Think carefully before you become a trainee.
  • You may not have time to meet family or friends, so think again carefully.
  • While the looks of Kpop can be interesting and beautiful, the industry has a downside. There are many entertainment companies that abuse their trainees and artists, for example forcing them to participate in prostitution activities or to satisfy the sexual needs of important characters. Be careful.