How to Be Interesting

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become More Interesting
Video: How To Become More Interesting


Are you called a specialist in the inspiration, a young man, or a bored man? Do you not know how to communicate in a more enjoyable way? If so, don't worry - just try to be more sympathetic to people, more comfortable teasing yourself, and ready for the next adventure. If you really put in the effort, people will stop calling you "boring" and make you the "soul" of the party.


Part 1 of 3: Have Fun

  1. Relax. People like peace of mind and comfort between friends, and they're always ready to have fun.If you want to show a pleasant demeanor with silly tricks and give everyone a good time, then relax, and that will help others relax as well.
    • Praise everyone with short sentences. This way they will see that you care and notice them.
    • Laugh more. Use open, relaxed body language. Show everyone that you are ready to participate in any game.
    • Try to be as relaxed as possible. If you are stressed, your friends will also be tense. Free yourself!

  2. Take care of your friends. Make eye contact, put your phone away, make your friends around you feel important. If you seem distracted and seem like there are a billion other things to worry about, your friends will not be comfortable and playful with you.
    • Looking at everyone with approval. Don't make them think that you are condescending or judging them, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to open up around you.

  3. Present many fun games. If you don't mind making yourself look silly or weird, people will love to surround you. Here are a few ways to make a joke:
    • Parody the best (or worst) impression of a person everyone knows, including a teacher or a colleague.
    • Dance like a fool, pretend you're calling yourself the best dancer in the world.
    • Sing your favorite crazy lyrics.
    • Wear a quirky outfit, or have lines printed with stupid messages.
    • Don't be afraid to tell old jokes or use innocent puns.

  4. Be adventurous. If there's something you've never done before, here's a reason to try it! Follow inspiration and experiment with something new instead of giving up. If you are the type of person who always comes up with funny ideas to try out with new things, your friends will think you are interesting.
    • Say "yes" more. Instead of saying, "I can't, because ..." try to take on new challenges and try new things.
    • Research the latest trends to get ideas for interesting things and work on them with friends.
  5. Keep a positive attitude about everything. Everyone has bad days, but focus on talking about the good things in your life and what you have to work towards instead of complaining about the little things that annoy you. This creates an upbeat look when you interact with society and makes people like to be with you more.
    • If you suddenly find yourself saying something negative, try to make two positive comments counterbalance the negative comment just said.
    • If the people around you are upset, try to cheer them up instead of getting down on them.
    • You don't have to completely pretend or try to force a fake smile if there is a bad day. However, try to be more optimistic if it's just a minor annoyance, or know that what's bothering you isn't very important.

  6. Connect with friends. As for a group of friends, try to make sure most people love each other, or at least understand each other. Be the glue that holds the friends around you, creating intimacy and intimacy between people, even if you have to sacrifice something.
    • Skillful. If you're talking to two people and they don't seem to have anything in common, come up with something other people care about to help them connect.
    • If you have two friends who don't really get along, mention the good things about one person to another to increase their chances of getting along.
    • Help people bond by inviting them into fun activities that all can be played like bowling or team games. The more fun the activity, the better.

Part 2 of 3: Saying Appropriate Things

  1. Ask people interesting questions. Initiate conversations. You don't have to be too curious to come up with questions that trigger conversations and make people happy. Here are a few things you can ask people:
    • Once someone was embarrassed in childhood.
    • A comedy or comedy show they just watched recently.
    • Once they ran into a situation that turned upside down or got into trouble.
    • Once someone was stunned because their first impression turned out to be the exact opposite.
    • The strangest place that people have ever been.

  2. Don't complain too much. Unless you're capable of humorous exaggeration, it's best to have a positive outlook on things. No one likes someone who complains or gets gloomy all day long. This may make your friends think that you are not that interesting. If something really pisses you off, then write it down or tell a best friend, but avoid shouting out loud in front of people if you want to make yourself interesting.
    • Don't let other people complain too much either. If someone by your side complains all the time, find a way to make a joke about the topic and steer the story in a more positive direction, which can make everyone happier.
  3. Open up to everyone. Interesting people are comfortable with themselves, and like to share their experiences and thoughts with others. When you open up, the people around you are also more open-minded, and you create a happier and more pleasant atmosphere. You can share the following:
    • Your funny childhood memories
    • Once you do a stupid thing
    • A clumsy act in a romantic moment
    • Your relationship with a friend or relative makes you laugh
    • A funny extra job you used to do during your summer vacation
  4. Make a joke about yourself. Don't take yourself too seriously. If this is just for the sake of laughter, now might be the time to have fun. That would probably make it easier for people to relax, and also lead to a more hilarious situation.
    • Tell a funny story about something you did that day that made everyone laugh. If you make a clumsy comment, spill coffee on you, or do something that makes people stare at you, share those stories for fun.
    • If you make a mistake or say something stupid, don't act embarrassed, like you're just afraid that others will see you as weird. Instead, laugh at yourself and say things like, "That's me again!"

Part 3 of 3: Doing Interesting Things

  1. Meet new people. Whether you get acquainted with a cute latte girl or just meet interesting strangers at a cafe, the key to having fun is being willing to take whatever others say. It is the only way to be open to new people and to have new experiences and to be happier during meeting.
    • Even if the person is completely different from you, you should still be happy and respect your differences instead of just staying in your comfort zone.
    • Everyone has something that you can learn, and the more people you know, the more knowledge you gain. Never look at a new person as if the person isn't worth talking to or is just wasting your time.
    • Just say hello, introduce yourself, and ask a question or two about the person. You can speak more openly as you get acquainted with them.
  2. Explore other areas of your city or neighborhood. Watch out for exciting new activities around your place. It could be a wooden ball match, a folk singing contest, or a vegetarian food festival. Look for new opportunities in other parts of the city you've never seen before and bring your friends along, taking it as a new adventure.
    • If there was an event that made you feel like you were completely out of your comfort zone, it would be fine whether it was a gathering of people with roasted pork or a poetry contest. Think of all the new and exciting people you can meet when you try something you haven't done before.
    • Encourage your friends to be adventurous with you. Let them know that trying something new is fun.
  3. Step out of your comfort zone. Whether you're trying to learn a new language or running for 5km, pushing yourself to experiment with new and exciting things makes you a more interesting person. The more you can do things, the more active you will be and the more experiences you have to share with those around you. You can try the following activities:
    • Juggle
    • Dance, hip-hop or belly dance
    • Cook an impromptu noodle dish
    • Take an improvisation or acting class
    • Learn the basics of gymnastics
    • Learn magic tricks with cards
    • Learn how to interpret tarot cards
  4. Dance even if you can't dance. Whether you're dancing alone like a fool at a party or walking out with friends in a group dance, or gliding on the floor with your dance partner, it's important to be present and have fun.
    • When you dance, shout your favorite song, or nod to the beat, everyone will be happy to be with you.
    • Encourage everyone to go to the dance floor with you. Involve shy friends and show them how happy they can be.
  5. Overcome your fear. Regardless of whether you have a fear of heights, a fear of clowns or even small dogs, take the time to try to cope with it and pull through. You will be surprised by your ability.
    • Make it a habit to accept invitations to participate in new activities. If you turned down an invitation from an eager walking friend or an avid oil-painting artist for the reason that you haven't tried it, now you should accept it and see what you will do next time. .
    • When you go to a party or an event, find from a crowd of people you think you have the least in common with and get to know them to see how much you can learn.
    • If there's a show that invites a volunteer, don't hesitate to raise your hand. Get noisy and crazy in the music you love. Wear crazy clothes that make you feel comfortable. Sign up to sing a karaoke song even when your voice "goes astray". Organize a party with a quirky theme. Be happy!


  • Be honest and keep your promises. If people know that you are trustworthy, they will be more comfortable with you.
  • Treat people the way you want them to treat you.
  • If you are one of those people who find it easy to fall into an awkward silence when talking to others, make a list of topics that you can address when needed. Remember to look for the positives of the problem (unless, of course, the wrong time).
  • Always learn new knowledge. Insights help you get quicker, give you a lot to say and make life more enjoyable.
  • Avoid gossiping and spreading rumors. This doesn't benefit anyone and can spoil your good reputation as a pleasant and enjoyable person. It's hard to be happy when you think someone is just looking and gossiping about you.
  • Laugh with friends and other people instead of making fun of them.
  • Set your limits. Take time to recover your spirit and energy from time to time when other people are not around. You should also let people know that you have limits they cannot overcome.
  • Smile a lot and try to love everyone. Don't judge others because you don't know what they might have gone through.
  • Be optimistic and show concern, and remember that if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything.
  • Make sure you do what other people want to do, not just you.
  • Talk to everyone, even if it's one who doesn't stand out. It will be a memorable day for that person, and you'll probably find yourself having a lot in common with them too!
  • Overcome your greatest fear, be brave and adventurous.


  • Do not laugh at people, but laugh with them. However you can laugh at yourself. You need to practice keeping your attitude happy through your mistakes and failures.
  • Don't alienate your current friends because they are your best friends. Keep them in their lives or they will feel offended.
  • Don't just pay attention to be funny. You also need to take a more serious side and show it at the right time. When a friend needs your support in a difficult time, take it as your responsibility and show them that you are a worthy friend. The same goes for your parents - show that you deserve more freedom by believing what they say and by taking responsibility.
  • Make sure that your jokes are healthy, legal, and don't hurt anyone, including yourself.
  • You can flirt with someone you know. But when you are new to it, you should start with courtesy.
  • Do not try catch people think you are funny, because it makes you seem fake and proud.