How to be a porn star in America

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
J Stone - Porn Star (Official Video) Shot By: Toney Franco
Video: J Stone - Porn Star (Official Video) Shot By: Toney Franco


Among the most lucrative entertainment industries in the world, porn production brings in almost 100 billion dollars a year. There are many people interested in finding work in this lucrative field, but it's not as easy as they think it is. Although life as a porn star is not as glamorous or carefree as we see it on screen, many people have made a lot of money and have had the fun of starting a career in the entertainment industry. Adults.


Method 1 of 3: Understand the porn industry

  1. Ask yourself if this is right for you. On the surface, porn production is a career field for explorers and provocative actors. You get paid to have sex every day, which is pretty decent. However, porn carries risks that may outweigh the benefits you see. Remember:
    • Your image, once on the film, will appear on the internet forever, even if you try to change careers.
    • You need to take the time to shave, eat well, keep your body clean and hygienic.
    • You are not making love for fun, but this is your job. Don't expect sexual inspiration too much as it will disappear after 4 long hours of recording a video.
    • Maintaining a sincere relationship in pornography is impossible because jealousy is natural.

  2. Always remember that you must be 18 years old to play porn. This is the most important law in the adult film industry, otherwise it could lead to years in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. Whether by agreement or voluntarily, you must be 18 years of age to participate in pornography in the United States.
    • You need papers to prove your age (valid passport, ID card ...) to be able to act.

  3. Know the amount you will receive. Average pay-rate for a heterosexual adult film actor in Brooklyn, NY, ranges from $ 500-600 per video. Gay stars can triple it but gender is not the problem. The general rule of thumb is that the stranger than "average", the more you get paid. So a normal male and female scene can make $ 800, a bullying scene or a novel situation can bring in $ 2,000, or more.
    • The median income of female pornstars is $ 50,000 a year, sometimes up to $ 350,000.
    • The top male actors make more than $ 100,000 per year, while the average is much lower.

  4. Know where the porn movies are produced. By law, producers can only legally make adult films in Los Angeles and New Hampshire. In theory so, but most films do not show the location specifically, it is difficult to identify the location of the film, so the producer can shoot anywhere. The porn industry has grown in many big cities, but to make a career you should move to LA. Some of the major centers include:
    • Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, California. This is the erotic capital of the world.
    • New York City, New York
    • Orlando, Tampa, and Miami, Florida
    • San Diego and San Francisco, CA
    • Portland, OR

  5. Know that it is difficult to be a "star adult movie. This smokeless industry bursts with loads of young talent piled up in Los Angeles hoping to be famous. The sad reality is, not everyone is successful. If your only reason for making porn is being popular, earning more than six figures a year then you will soon be disappointed. This is a highly competitive environment based on internet traffic, so be prepared to work hard to make a name for yourself. Porn is not a perverted lifestyle but a job, and you want to be successful you have to take it seriously.
    • Although no one forces you to do anything, but having a variety of excitement and daring to try many things will bring you a lot of gigs and fame.

Method 2 of 3: Search for the first audition

  1. Remember that any type of body is beautiful and has value in the porn industry. One of the most interesting aspects of this field is diversity. Stemming from the differing interests and search trends of people on the internet, almost any man or woman has found a place for himself in the porn industry. It's about your confidence in front of the camera, not your looks.
    • This means you have to show your body well in front of the camera. Exercise, eat well, and a good posture will bring you closer to success on screen.
  2. Take provocative, nude and dressing pictures. Producers need to choose the right person so they care about the actor's appearance when he plays porn. Take as many body images as possible, exposing the strong points of your body. If you have astonishing breasts, arch your body up and make it stand out in the photo. If you are proud of your bust, curl your body poses so that everyone will be amazed when viewing the photos. The photos you need to take:
    • Full body photos, sexy clothes (t-shirt and shorts, bikini, etc.)
    • Nude photo. Men should shoot with a fully erect penis.
    • Portrait.
  3. Get fully tested for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. One of the greatest benefits of the porn industry is the drive towards safe, healthy sex. Any sex movie will ask you to check for current STIs (30 days back) to make sure no one is dangerously infected while filming. You can check at:
    • Local American family planning organization.
    • Your own doctor.
    • Hospital or health clinic.
    • The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has tools to find you national sites that can check for sexually transmitted diseases and get free HIV testing.

  4. Draw personal boundaries about the types of sex you voluntarily engage in. If you don't do this at home, don't do it for money. Always keep in mind every time you receive a show because it keeps you happy and healthy as you progress in your career. Know your limits and the "restricted" area, be frank with the producer before accepting a role. Some common types of sex include:
    • Objects '' is a type of porn that shows a sexual interest in objects other than the genitals. These items give the character a sense of excitement, be it underwear or feet.
    • '' 'BDSM:' '' This phrase comes from “Bondage, Discipline, and Sado-Masochism, which is extremely A variety of tools such as whips, chains, handcuffs, masks and leather clothing.
    • '' Sexual acts: '' There are a ton of sexual acts and special types of porn out there, and you need to know what you're going to do before you decide. If in doubt, research more about pornographic keywords and vocabulary.

  5. Wander around the porn model forums in search of opportunities. You can easily find them with the keyword “Adult Movie Modeling Forum,” which allows you to upload your own pictures and find suitable roles. Never put your real name and address on these forums, instead wait for a call from a producer interested in you and introduce yourself later.
    • You can start as an amateur actor before you get paid for professionalism.

  6. Submit your resume along with a photo. To apply directly at the film producer headquarters or submit their profile on their home page in the "contact us" section. Use the keyword phrase "Adult film studio + your region" to find producers near you or visit websites like to find potential listings.
  7. Bring a friend with you to the audition to avoid being used. If the producer says you can't bring anyone with you because it's a "closed film," don't come. You need to protect yourself from the risk of being scammed or exploited, so traveling with a friend is the best way.
    • For more detailed information, classes and updates on the latest legal changes to the adult film industry, you should sign up for the Free National Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology. Sexual Arts (NAASAS) online.
    • Beware of unbelievably good things ($ 1,000 for a small job) or provide ambiguous information (don't say what you're going to do, where, how long, and how much) , in these cases it is best not to accept.
  8. Ready to perform. An interview is more than just posing and taking a few photos. You need to be ready to show a professional and collaborative attitude. If you are going to an audition, make sure working with lenses is fundamental. Prepare the following:
    • Look great - put on nice clothes, shower clean and trim the sensitive area thoroughly.
    • On time.
    • Bring identification showing your age and the most recent sexual disease test results (back 2 weeks).
    • If you're a man, show it off by bringing a girl. Renowned adult film actor Ron Jeremy says the only way to get the role is to bring a girl ready to act with you.
  9. Alternatively, make a video yourself and upload it online. The internet is magical, it has brought many unnamed characters to light with just one camera and co-stars. The website, for example, allows you to upload your videos and give you 50% of your profits if viewers download your movies. This is a great way to practice acting, get natural in front of the camera and see how much you are capable of in the porn industry.
    • Focus on inspiration. Naturally in front of the camera, the audience will love it.
    • You can attach these videos in the "resume" sent to potential producers.

Method 3 of 3: Build your career

  1. Partner with a big porn star company. These agencies help you book schedules, protect you from contract disputes, and act as a bridge to other stars and producers. A list of trusted companies can be found on the LATATA website, where you can connect with them by submitting photos, experiences, products or questions. Refer to the website to choose a place that suits your industry and desire to work. Some of the major and well-known partners include:
    • LA Direct
    • OC Modeling
    • Burning Angel
    • Spiegler Girls
    • Lucas Entertainment
    • World Modeling
  2. Choose a private pornographic stage name. While there is no rule that prohibits you from using your real name, it is easier to use a shell with a different name. From casual names like Ron Jeremy or Jenna Jameson to a slightly weird-sounding name like Moe the Monster or Brick Steel, you should try and make things simple and popular.
    • The most common names are Lisa, Angel, Nicole, Jessica, and Vanessa (female), or David, Tony, Mike, Steve, and Jason (male).
    • They are popular like Love, Star, Foxx, Rose, and Sweet (female), or Lee, James, Stone, Steel, Black, and Williams (male).
  3. Become professional. Just like regular movies, porn films require a well-organized combination of cinematographer, director, sound engineer, lighting officer and actor to finish. Don't think it's easy - you should prepare for a 3-4 hour recording session, turn around, pose. Sometimes a scene you have to perform 5 times, you have to re-act / perform and perform at the right position, at the right time. It will be harder than you think after 3-4 hours of continuous activity in bed.
    • Stand in their correct position - they often use tape to mark your place on the ground, you have to find and stand in the correct position without looking down.
    • Present at the right time with the papers you have prepared.
    • Be open and honest when exchanging work. Tell the producer what your limit is before you work on and ask for a bit of time if you have trouble getting started, adjusting to the outfit, or preparing a shot.
  4. Know that you will have to follow someone else's standards. Porn is an entertainment industry that caters to others, and the director, screenwriter and production team have their own vision of what is fascinating. You need flexibility and willingness to change whether wearing makeup, working continuously or having to take injections or oral medications to strengthen your "relative". This is not always pleasant, but in order to develop a sustainable career it must be accepted.
  5. Never sign the receipt until you get paid. This can anger manufacturers, but protect your rights to avoid fraudulent schemes. It is not too late to wait until you have cash or a check in signed hand.
  6. Diversify your options. People who do only one form of porn usually don't get much work. The porn industry is constantly changing and evolving, requiring actors to be flexible and eager to experience new things. Although you need to respect your boundaries, trying a new role compared to what you normally do will take you to a new level.
    • Always remember that the more strange the shot, the higher the payout.
    • Scenes with multiple sex partners of the same sex are always well-paid.


  • Think carefully before starting your career. Once your face is on the internet, the chances of getting rid of the crossbow are very difficult. You need to be 100% ready before jumping into the business.
  • Treat your job fairly - being kind, professional, and hard-working you will go further.
  • If you are the animal type, don't be ashamed of it.


  • Not accepting footage that makes you uncomfortable, or working with someone who forces you to do something you don't want to do.
  • If you cannot determine whether your co-star is healthy, does not have a sexually transmitted disease or not, do not work with them of any kind.