How to be a seductive woman

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Seduction : Feminine Voice & Body Language | Become a Siren to Seduce & Hypnotize a High Caliber Man
Video: Seduction : Feminine Voice & Body Language | Become a Siren to Seduce & Hypnotize a High Caliber Man


We all want to be attractive, and you deserve it. Luckily, you can do so many ways to attract others, so any girl can be sexy. The best way to make you more attractive is to show your confidence, and it also helps you look perfect. Besides, learn how to become active and sociable by showing a positive side of yourself. Finally, remember to take good care of yourself physically and mentally.


Method 1 of 4: Show confidence

  1. Stand up straight so you have the right posture. Correct posture helps you naturally show confidence and comfort. To stay upright, keep your back straight and chest out. Next, lift your chin and look straight ahead.
    • If your posture is not correct, try practicing standing up in front of a mirror. Over time, your muscles get used to straightening, and this will become a habit.

  2. Use comfortable body language like leaning forward and making eye contact. Smiling also helps you become confident and open-minded. Besides, you should place your hands comfortably parallel to your body while standing. These gestures help you become friendly and look more attractive.
    • Don't try to laugh when you don't want to. However, when you smile a lot, you will become more attractive in the eyes of others.

  3. Show a positive attitude. A positive attitude is what makes you attractive. To look more positive, try to see the positive side of things, even if you don't feel optimistic. Also, encourage others and share positive stories in your life.
    • For example, you might feel nervous about the group presentation. However, instead of showing anxiety, you should probably say "The time spent working with you guys was really great and I am so excited with our final presentation today!"
    • If someone is upset, you can say, “I know you're going through a tough thing, but I believe you can get through it. You have had a lot of hardships in the past and that's what makes you stronger ”.
    • When you talk to your friends, try talking about recent accomplishments, funny stories your pet has done, or the goals you are pursuing.

  4. Try new experiences that will be enjoyable in the eyes of others. Taking a risk and stepping out of your comfort zone will make others see you as interesting and exciting. As such, you will become more attractive. Be bold to try something different by exploring new places and inviting your friends to participate in special activities.
    • For example, sing karaoke, take dance classes, bungee dance, skydive, take part in music competitions or rock climbing.
  5. Share interesting things about you. Take the time to get to know yourself so you can realize just how great you are. To do this, make a list of your talents, accomplishments, interests, and goals. You certainly have a lot of unique features that make you special; So please share that with others.
    • Don't compare yourself to others, as it makes it easy to forget what's great about yourself.

Method 2 of 4: Take care for an eye-catching look

  1. Choose hairstyles that are easy to take care of or tie a towel to your hair. Hair accentuates your face, so styling will make a big difference to your appearance. Just styling makes a big difference; Therefore, it is best to do this every day. Choose the hairstyle that best suits your hair's texture, styling timing and preferences.
    • Or you can style your hair with a beautiful shawl.
  2. Choose neat, fitting clothes to highlight your beauty. You don't have to choose expensive, trendy clothes to be attractive. Just choose clothes that fit rather than be baggy. In addition, matching outfits make you feel better and look better.
    • Choose clothes that show your style. For example, choose floral motifs if you have a feminine side, or choose leather if you have a strong personality.
    • Wearing red can attract the attention of others, so this is a powerful color when you want to create affirmation!
  3. Make up when you want to highlight your beauty. For example, eyeshadow and eyeliner can make your eyes stand out, while lip gloss can give you a sunny smile. If you want to cover up pimples or wrinkles, you can use concealer and primer to create the look you want.
    • Natural makeup is usually more attractive. However, feel free to wear makeup the way you like because the most important thing is to be yourself.
  4. Choose a signature scent to help you release a pleasant fragrance. Using scents is a subtle way to become more attractive in the eyes of others. In addition to attracting attention, this is also a way to show you take care of yourself. In addition, the fragrance is also a sign of cleanliness and decentness.
    • If you can't find your favorite fragrance, you can order perfumes at the mall. Next, you should try different scents because the body changes the scent of the perfume.

Method 3 of 4: Show off your personality

  1. Be friendly and kind when communicating with others. Others are attracted when you treat them well. Smile or nod when you pass someone. Besides, you have to prepare some questions for others to talk to them. In addition, you take the initiative to help others when they need it.
    • Saying hello and smiling to others is just what you need to be friendly.
    • If you don't know what to ask, you can ask “Have you seen any movies recently?”, “Do you have plans for the weekend?”, Or “How are you doing this week? ".
  2. Do activities that you enjoy. You look the most attractive when you're happy. In addition, having a hobby helps you to appear familiar and understanding. This makes you more interesting and also more attractive.
    • For example, if you join a band, play bowling, compose poetry, enjoy concerts, or join a sports entertainment club.
    • If you don't know what you like, try a variety of activities until you find the right one.
    • Another plus is that your confidence increases when you do what you love to do!
  3. Share your special or unusual interest. Being different makes you more attractive and attractive, so share what makes you stand out from the crowd. Perhaps you like pop culture desserts or make jewelry from soda cans. No matter what you do, let others know it!
    • Being unique and different doesn't mean you're the only one to do something, so don't force you to do something no one has ever done.For example, collecting a typewriter is special, but you are not alone.
  4. Show special care for others. People are attracted when you show interest in them. Ask other people and listen attentively to their stories. When they share something, you need to show appreciation by accepting information and responding kindly.
    • For example, someone tells you about their trip. You might say, “Oh, the trip sounded great. Thank you for sharing your experience ”.
  5. Talk about yourself positively rather than self-criticizing. No matter how great you are, you can break things with self-criticism. Instead of talking about your flaws, you should highlight your good points. Besides, don't forget to tell stories that show the best side of your life. This is how to help others see your best side.
    • For example, don't talk about your bad hair. Instead, you need to focus on good deeds. You can say, "I am very proud of myself because I went to work 5 minutes earlier today."
    • Likewise, you should accept the compliment happily instead of trying to deny it. If someone says "You look great!", Say "Thank you!" I also intend to say the same thing about you! ”.

Method 4 of 4: Learn to take care of yourself

  1. Bathe every day to keep personal hygiene. Always keep yourself clean by bathing with soap and warm water at least once a day. To always smell good, use a deodorant, an antiperspirant, or a fragrance to block sweat and body odor. Besides, the daily use of skin care products keeps the skin soft and smooth.
    • If you sweat a lot, you need to shower more times or use a washcloth to stay clean.
  2. Follow skin care procedures to fight aging and prevent acne. Wash your face with a mild cleanser in the morning and at night. Apply more moisturizer after washing your face. In addition, you can use more products to treat each skin defect such as eye cream for wrinkles or dark circles, acne cream, or lip balm for dry, chapped lips.
    • Never go to bed with makeup as this is bad for your skin.
    • Better yet, use a mild moisturizer during the day and a thicker product at night.
  3. Choose healthy, balanced diet. Make sure your meals include half a plate of veggies, 1/4 plate of low-fat protein and 1/4 plate of whole grains or carbohydrates. Next, you can snack with fresh fruit and vegetables whenever you feel hungry between meals. In addition, you need to drink about 8-12 glasses of water per day to prevent dehydration.
    • If you often overeat during meals, try using a smaller plate to make it feel like you're eating more food.
    • Don't try to get rid of your favorite food as it makes you miserable. Instead, you eat your favorites in moderate amounts and find healthier ways to prepare foods that don't fit with your diet.
  4. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to improve your physique. Choose a form of exercise that is enjoyable to keep you motivated. For example, you might try walking, brisk walking, dancing, aerobics, fitness classes, kickboxing, or swimming. Find a sport that's right for you!
    • Don't try to exercise continuously or lose a lot of weight at once. You can become attractive at any weight, just focus on improving your health in a sustainable way.
  5. Regular skin care at home or spa. Skin care methods such as facial masks, massages, bathing and nail care can help you feel more beautiful. These are also ways to help you become more attractive. If you want to save money, home skin care is always a great option. However, being generous with yourself from time to time and going to spa is also fun.
    • You don't have to spend a lot of money on skin care at home, so don't let the money get in the way.
  6. Relieve stress so you always feel your best. Stress is part of life, but too much stress is bad for your health. Not only does the stress level affect your skin and taste, but it can also affect your mood, making you lose interest. Say goodbye to stress with these relaxing activities:
    • Talk to a friend
    • Play with your pet.
    • Take a warm bath.
    • Write diary.
    • Coloring with adult coloring book.
    • Go for a walk in a place with lots of greenery.
    • Watch a funny movie.
    • Meditate for about 10 minutes


  • Focus on what makes you feel best, not what others want from you. Not only will this make you happier, it also increases your confidence level.
  • If someone makes you feel less attractive, don't spend a lot of time with them. They don't share the same interests as you and may have problems with self-image building.
  • Everyone has a different opinion about what makes someone attractive, so it's okay when other people disagree with you.