How to be a happier person

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
10 Habits Of Happy People - How to Be Happy
Video: 10 Habits Of Happy People - How to Be Happy


Happiness can be many things to many people; for some it is happiness to ride a roller coaster while for others it is happiness to hold a baby that has just been born. While happiness varies from person to person, many factors can contribute to a happy life and feeling like a happy person. Paying attention to your attitude and making changes in your daily life can help you lead a life full of joy and happiness.


Part 1 of 2: Changing Your Attitude

  1. Positive thinking. Having a life without challenges is impossible, but your attitude makes all the difference by how you face the challenges in life. Thinking positively means approaching your difficulty with a positive outlook. It doesn't mean that you avoid or set aside unpleasant things, but that you see the best in the situation.
    • Thinking positively means reminding yourself that negative problems are temporary and are opportunities to learn and grow. Instead of sinking into the negative aspects, find ways to learn from each situation. For example, don't think negatively when you walk to work and it rains all the time. Use this scenario to realize: maybe it is time to buy an umbrella or rain boots.
    • One way to practice negative thinking is to pay attention to your inner words. Instead of thinking "This time I'm going to be so bad," replace it with the thought "I'm bravely trying something new and I can't control the results."

  2. Regularly express gratitude. Learn to accept the big and small things in your life that can have a profound impact on your life. Make it a habit to say "thank you" often. Some people write gratitude journals, draw pictures of gratitude, or take pictures of what they are grateful for each day. Showing gratitude not only helps you feel happy, it can also positively affect your physical and psychological health as well as boost your self-esteem.
    • When you feel a negative thought coming, notice it, and then replace it with something you are grateful for. You might be surprised at how quickly your emotions can change!

  3. Live in the present. Life can be hectic and easy to get caught up in with things to do, planning ahead, and what's next. The truth is that your body is present, but your mind may be in the past or in the future. If you feel disconnected from yourself or with others, practice directing your thoughts and attention to the present moment. Use your senses to bring you back, one by one: capture the sounds you hear, even the things you don't want to hear. Use your eyes and look around. Pay attention to every scent. You don't have to give a name to what you're feeling, just feel it.
    • Connect with breathing. Cognitive breathing can help bring you back into your body.
    • Listen to your mind. Let the mind run after all thoughts it wants to experience without having to engage in or respond to the thought. When thoughts come, acknowledge them without judgment. For example, say, "I am thinking about a busy day coming." You don't need to analyze or judge a thought, just acknowledge it.

  4. Handle stress every day. Although you can't stop billing or take a break when the deadline for work or school assignments is coming, you can learn to handle your responses to everyday stressors in a healthy way. strong. By doing a daily stress management, you can deal with daily stress instead of letting it grow. You may not realize it, but you can handle stress in many ways: someone chooses to smoke, drink alcohol or are tired watching television, playing video games, or computer as their coping strategy. Although they are not recommended and are not particularly beneficial for health. Instead, do things that relax your mind and body.
    • Practice yoga, meditation, and relaxation regularly to recover.
    • Do progressive muscle relaxation every day. Find a comfortable position, sit or stand, and relax your body. Relax and breathe deeply. Start right first, stretch, then relax. Then stretch your forearms to your upper arms, stretch the muscles, and then relax. Do the whole body: right arm, then left arm, face, neck, back, chest, hips, and legs and feet. After all, your muscles won't feel any tension.
  5. Practice satisfaction. It's easy to get caught up in consumerism; It means believing the following (car, home, wallet, shoes, video games) will make you happy. The wealthy and the wealthy often do not have a high degree of happiness. Make sure your basic needs for money are met, and that too much money is too much to fulfill your basic needs, they end up meaningless in your life. Be satisfied with what you have and learn not to ask for what you don't have.
    • Instead of spending money on these things, spend money on experiences. Join a festival, attend a conference that interests you, and travel. The memories you get from your vacation at Machu Picchu will be worth much more than the memories you made while playing video games.
    • If there is something you want to risk yourself for, think about how it will affect your life five years from now, and if it still matters then.
  6. Avoid living in the past. Maybe something happens that you regret, or you wonder if you could have done it differently. Don't allow yourself to live in a time that no longer exists. Reflecting on past events can lead to a cycle of negative thoughts, depression and anxiety. Instead, use the situation to solve any future problems and think about how you might react differently. You cannot change the past, but you can change the future.
    • Identify your fear that causes reflection on your past. Maybe you're afraid of becoming a fool or being alienated, or that people think you lack social skills. Take time each day to document the fears that caused you to live in the past.
    • Ignore what is out of your control. Ask yourself what you can change (if any). If you can change many things, determine what can change and how you will deal with them.
    • When you reflect on your past, don't just rely on negative self-assessment. Besides, remember the things you did well and when you responded positively.

Part 2 of 2: Influencing Your Actions

  1. Surround yourself with positive people. A major factor affecting your well-being are the people around you. You can be around people you don't like, whether at school or work. But don't let them sag you. Having good friends allows for a sense of belonging and support. Having positive and supportive friends in your life is an important part of your emotional health and well-being.
    • If someone in your life is always pessimistic or complaining constantly, consider letting them out of your life. Don't let negative people affect your happiness.
  2. Forgive. You may feel justified holding hostility towards someone who has deeply hurt you. It is important to realize that holding onto hatred does not harm others, it will only create deeper wounds in your heart. Forgiveness helps you heal, but not just for you or for others. You forgive because you finally realize that is the best response.
    • Forgiveness doesn't mean justifying the other person's behavior or pretending it didn't happen. Forgiveness is a way to free you and others from pain and hurt.
    • Show your inner pain and what has caused you a deep hurt. Will wrongdoing cause feelings of abandonment, hurt, or unpleasant memories in the past? Write down your feelings and recognize the deeper hurt this person has caused.
    • You can quietly forgive others in your heart without having to speak formally. This is especially important when the person who made a mistake with you no longer shows up in your life or has passed away.
  3. Practice your interests regularly. Do things that make you happy and interested. Hobby helps you deal with stress, can give you social circle, and make you and your life more enjoyable. Snowboarding. Sew or create a piece of wood. Take a walk in the park! Whatever it is, be happy with your hobbies and activities.
    • Not sure what your hobbies are? Please follow the things you care about. You have a chance to discover many things you might like. Try hiking or a soap making class. Try different sports, both team sports and individual sports. Explore the things you're interested in and find out what interests you most.
  4. Meditate. Meditation has many positive effects on your daily life, such as reducing stress, reducing anxiety and increasing love. Although according to traditional thinking, meditation is about sitting still and relaxing the mind, it can take many forms, such as running, walking, drawing.
    • Some people choose to meditate on certain words (like "love" or "forgive") and sit quietly and ponder these words.
    • Other breathing meditation exercises often focus on conscious inhalation and exhalation. Sitting meditation is usually done by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and relaxing your body and breathing.
    • One method of meditation that helps increase positive emotions for yourself and others is called loving and kindness meditation. Loving and kindness meditation leads to good wishes or wishes for oneself and then for others. You should start by thinking about the 3-4 phrases you would like to happen in your life, such as “May I be healthy, wish I were happy every day, and wish I loved and to be loved". Say it to yourself first, then towards the person you love. Next, send it to someone you feel neutral about (a salesman, who sits next to you on the bus). Then, send that meditation to someone you really don't like. Finally, direct the meditation to all the people in the world ("May everyone be well, May everyone be happy every day, and may everyone love and be loved").
  5. Practice. Exercise as part of your daily routine can help you feel good physically and mentally. Exercise for better health, self-esteem, sleep, and happiness. Exercise benefits both body and mind, and can even help you sleep better.
    • Experts recommend that adults spend 150 minutes a week engaging in a variety of physical activities. This may include walking the dog, cycling to work, jumping on springboards and playing outdoors with your child.
  6. Volunteer. Volunteering allows you to step outside of life and help in other people's lives. Volunteering can help you feel a life of purpose and even make you more happy volunteering. Volunteering can also be a great way to meet people who share your passions.
    • Decide where you want to volunteer and who you want to help. If you love animals and want to take care of them, volunteer at an animal shelter or animal shelter.If you want to play with kids, volunteer at schools or children's organizations. If you have a interest in looking after the elderly, volunteer at a nursing home. There are countless options for you, and your contribution to society will be of great help to others.
  7. Let life be full of happiness. Fill your life with positive effects. Listen to a happy, happy song, sing, dance, and laugh. Or watch a show, call a friend, read a book, or even add a little color to your life by drawing pictures. Create optimism around you.
    • Knowing what will lift your spirits. Maybe you enjoy watching pandas surfing videos, or enjoy watching cats videos. Doing these things improves your mood and makes you feel good.


  • Avoid people who make your life painful and sad and spend time with people who make your life brighter.
  • Do things that make you feel great every day. Even simple things like journaling or nail polish.
  • Adopt a pet! If you have the ability to be responsible for another animal, a pet can be a great addition to your family, and is sure to give you lots of laughter and joy.