How to be a great best friend

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Things Best Friends Do For Each Other
Video: 8 Things Best Friends Do For Each Other


Want to be a great best friend but don't know how and where to start? Do you make your best friend angry and want to prove yourself a good friend if forgiven? Whatever the reason, this article will make you a great friend.


Part 1 of 5: Respect yourself

  1. Be yourself. Being yourself around someone is one of the factors that makes you a good friend. Live true to what you are and your best friend will accept it. Living in a "fake" way can cause you to lose good friends, and pretending to be someone you aren't can be tiring. Be close to people who love you for who you really are, don't try to be someone else just to get along with someone.
    • Don't hide your feelings. If you feel uncomfortable or upset with your best friend, let them know. They may hurt a little, but if they let their friendship crack and the other person doesn't know what they've done wrong, they'll hurt even more. Keep things comfortable and you will always be good friends.

  2. Be your own good friend first. You need to learn to respect yourself, if you can't respect yourself, you won't be able to respect others either. Define important boundaries for yourself and respect them. Not only is this good for you, but it also gets you used to respecting other people's boundaries. Identify and stick with thoughts you think are important and find friends who value them. Connecting with like-minded people can hurt you and themselves.
    • Close relationships - whether it's love or friendship - teach us a lot about ourselves. Don't be afraid to find out about yourself, if you don't like yourself it will also be difficult for others to love you.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes we often set standards too high for ourselves, too high to meet. If you are a perfectionist, try to learn to forgive yourself.
    • Don't be afraid to get hurt. Each of us has something that hurts us, right? So don't be afraid to let your best friend know what you're vulnerable to. They won't mind, if they do then maybe that friend is not the right person for you.
    • If your friend sincerely points out your mistakes and / or suggests things you need to change to build a better friendship, don't rush into frustration or self-esteem. They are just trying to make you a better person and you should feel lucky to have such kind of friends. Plus, happily improving yourself will also help you have a stronger friendship.
      • However, if your friend has a bad attitude when you make a mistake and criticizes you for it, gently let them know how you are feeling. If they keep criticizing, don't make time for them either.

Part 2 of 5: Build trust and loyalty

  1. Mutual trust. You may find this difficult and making your best friend always happy is impossible, but becoming a great best friend is really not difficult. All you need to do is make sure you trust each other when faced with really important issues. Don't cheat or take advantage of your friend for your own benefit; You need to show that you are a trustworthy person.
    • Know that your best friend has other friends too. Believe that you are really important to them and be happy that they have social relationships other than you. Friendships should never be jealous.
      • To avoid the gnawing of loneliness, you should play with a group of friends. So when one of them is busy or turns your back on you, you still have others by your side. Play with as many friends as possible, but you should only have a few really close friends to share all the secrets of life together.
    • Don't keep it a secret. Be open to your best friends about your life and what you know about others. Don't bring up something when you don't really want to talk about it. If your best friend definitely wants to hear, and you still don't want to speak, then you can say: "You're my best friend; if I want to talk to anyone, it's you. But really I don't want anyone to know about it yet, I promise you'll be the first to know when I want to say, okay?".
    • Know that there will be tough times. Sometimes you need to give your best friend some space so they can think about things.A best friend is someone who will know when some time and space will be good for the other person.

  2. Be a reliable person. If you do share a secret, try to keep it private. Never let someone know, even if it is someone you trust. Secrets are secrets.
    • You need to distinguish between harmless secrets and dangerous secrets. Dangerous secrets threaten not only the life of the sharer, but can also affect you. Even if your friend doesn't want it to be known, it's best to tell your parent or a trusted adult. Remember, your friend may have told you because they were tired of keeping it all alone and that's how they silently asked for help.
    • Keep promise. If you say you will do something then keep it. There is a saying: You must keep your words, don't be like a butterfly sitting and flying again. Let your best friend know that when you say something, you will definitely do it.
    • Do not tell your best friend's story. You should not say anything to get other people to talk about your best friend. For example, if she has a crush on someone, if you tell someone else, she will be very embarrassed. Unless your best friend agrees, don't share her story with anyone. This can be difficult sometimes, but work hard for a lasting friendship.
  3. Loyal. Always stand by your friends when they need help, and respect when they need to fight on their own. You need to always trust and be willing to hurt with them. Going through ups and downs and disagreements together but still trying to find solutions and always being friends is the best proof of the loyalty in the friendship.
    • Say "no" to your friend when necessary. An upright friend is a precious friend. You polite Give feedback when thinking that your friend is doing something wrong. In life, we don't have to be right all the time, it's important to learn to grow from our mistakes.
    • If you don't learn to say "no" to your friend, you will destroy your friendship more than you build. Not only will your friend become too dependent, but you will always feel stressed and frustrated.
  4. When an argument arises, try to find ways to resolve it so that everyone will be happy. Don't say damaging words, either in person or via text. Even if you apologize, understand that everything that happened takes time to calm down. Give your friend time to calm down and talk to you when you're ready.
    • Never ignore a problem and pretend it doesn't exist. Contradictions will not go away on their own, one day they will arise again. It's best to thoroughly tackle the problem before it gets too big and complicated.
    • If you need help handling things, ask a parent or a trusted adult.
  5. Always help each other in difficult times. When your best friend needs help, come over and give them a hand, they will surely appreciate it. You won't know when you'll be in a dilemma and need someone (a good friend?) To help you.
  6. Protect your best friend. Resisting a blind eye when you see your friend being teased for sure are not makes you a good friend. If your best friend is being bullied seriously and you are afraid that you will get involved if you protect them, ask your teacher or parents for help. If you may Stand up and fight for them without affecting yourself, then do so. Imagine how happy you would feel if you were bullied and had someone get up for you to get rid of those who like to cause trouble?
    • If you or your friend is constantly having trouble with another person, try to resolve it in a mature way. Don't prank or humiliate the person, this will only make things worse. Let the adult know or simply ignore the taker. Nobody likes to be ignored by others and over time the person will no longer be interested in teasing you.

Part 3 of 5: Spending time together

  1. Make time for your friends. You can get together on the weekends, or sometimes plan outings, do homework and chat while out at school. You don't have to stick together all the time, but spend quality time together building and strengthening friendships.
    • Know that you may have to sacrifice your time and effort to spend time with your friend. Think of it as the right thing to do, no matter how difficult it is.
    • Gather with other people. Being a good friend of someone doesn't mean you have to isolate yourself from others. Sometimes, spending time alone is great, you can still have fun without anyone else. But there are times when life will be more fun if you enjoy it with everyone.
  2. Share laughter. Laughter is a great thing to bring people together. Moreover, as true friends, we can laugh together for the stupidest, smallest, most ridiculous things, and it really doesn't matter. Remember to take the time to enjoy the exciting things in life.
  3. Learn to listen. Perhaps no one likes a close friend who can only speak and speak and never listen. If you are a talkative person, try to develop your skills in listening to others. When your best friend says something, listen attentively and respond. Do not interrupt or act impatiently repeatedly while they are talking to you. If they need your advice, listen attentively and give them the best advice possible. Doing so will help them respect and talk to you more.
    • Be an active listener. Active listening is listening to understand what others mean. Sometimes it also means that you can guess the speaker's feelings or thoughts before they say it. If you are an active listener, you may even know who your friend likes before they realize it.
    • Know when are not should to say. There is a proverb that says: Being wise doesn't say much, wise people say a few things also wise. Even with a little exaggeration, partly done in reality is also true. Please be comfortable when beside Your best friend, don't try to speak just to fill the silence.

Part 4 of 5: Care for each other

  1. Take care of your best friend. If they are sad, find out what it is. They may not tell you right then, but it will be another time. Don't get angry even if they don't say it: Understand that it's better to have private things to do, and believe that if they are in your position they will be patient with you just like that.
    • If you are sad about a love affair, you can advise them not to worry because you always have you. Moreover, there are many people out there waiting for the love of their lives. Tell your best friend that they will surely find someone who loves them one day.
    • Always remember that it doesn't cost you anything to help your best friend. Whether you don't immediately make them feel better or don't know what to advise them is that when you have a hard time, they will be there for you just like that.
    • If your best friend is away from home, send a card or gift to let them know that you still care. If your best friend is sick, you can call and ask. Show that you appreciate their presence in your life by writing inquiries, caring, gratitude, sharing about your life, and always giving them time.
  2. Learn about family. Even though it sometimes makes us feel uncomfortable and frustrating, the family always plays an important role in everyone's life. Getting to know your best friend's family will show that you value their background and care for the people they value. advertisement

Part 5 of 5: Be realistic

  1. Avoid expectations. If you are overly expecting your best friends' roles, you may be disappointed or depressed.Best friends are the most valuable friends you have, yet they cannot help or support you in all areas of your life. Don't expect them to always be there or say what you want to hear. If the expectations are too high, you'll only get disappointment back.
    • Take care of yourself. As said before, be your own best friend and take care of yourself. If you can take care of yourself, you will never have to rely on a best friend. If you never have to rely on them, you will never be disappointed.
    • Remember that no one is perfect - not even your best friend. Everyone has shortcomings and should work hard to overcome. Do not criticize your friend's shortcomings, but help them improve and ask for their help to improve themselves. However, when you point out the other's flaws, you need to understand that they will more or less hurt, so focus on the major flaws that affect your friendship and ignore / ignore them. minor blemishes.
      • Sometimes, let them fix a defect on their own without help, unless you can ask. The fact that you always say they have to change this and that can make your best friend nervous and frustrated, and because of feeling too much pressure, you will no longer want to build a friendship.
  2. Understand that sometimes best friends will become distant. It is natural that we no longer feel close to someone. If you and your best friend grow apart, for whatever reason, be happy with the time and feel fortunate that they are a part of your life.
    • If everyone is not trying to get closer, or often arguing without reason, then you are probably not true best friends. And this is not anyone's fault either. Maybe you are too similar. Who knows, after a few weeks of private time you will probably continue to be good friends.
    • Always respect your best friend even if you are no longer close. Do not be angry with them and hold that anger in your heart. Be polite, kind and respectful of each other, you will never know how things will change in the future.
  3. Support your best friend having other friends. If your best friends make friends with others, try to make friends with them, maybe you will become a close group of friends. Everyone is constantly looking for new friends, however, never leave old friends; Your bonding is what they expect and believe in every day. advertisement


  • Always keep your promises. Sometimes you may break your promise because of emergencies, but you should only do so when you encounter a really urgent and force majeure situation.
  • Talk about comforting topics with your best friends. While they are speaking, ask questions from time to time to show that you really care and are attentive, be interested but don't be too nosy.
  • Don't try to make your best friend jealous, even to get their attention. Intentionally making them jealous can make your friendship even more fragmented.
  • If you can't help your best friend when they need it, get them clear as soon as possible.
  • If you find out that your best friend has been abused, bullied, or hurt, tell a teacher or a trusted adult.
  • Sometimes others will upset you, including best friends. Remember, that person is your best friend and is calm. You can move away and avoid seeing them for as long as needed, but don't argue with them.
  • If they move, keep in touch with email, text, social media, phone, or video calling. You can also write letters to each other. And if possible, schedule a time to get together.
  • Make friends with people who share many similarities so you can share a lot with them. At the same time, don't be afraid to step out of your way to make friends with people with different interests and thoughts!
  • Don't be afraid to show disagreement with your best friend. True friendship won't end because of a little disagreement.
  • It is normal to tease at one time or another, but it has to be limited. If you feel that your friend has been hurt, even if it was not on purpose, apologize. At the same time, sometimes let them vent, don't dismiss their problems by making fun of them when they talk about them seriously.