How to be a personality girl

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Develop an Attractive Personality | 7 Personality Enhancing/Development Tips | ChetChat
Video: How to Develop an Attractive Personality | 7 Personality Enhancing/Development Tips | ChetChat


All you need to be an individual is confidence and being realistic. You can learn how to make positive changes in your life to become the person you want and have confidence in everyone's eyes. Make the most of the actual version of yourself. Become a person with your own style.


Part 1 of 3: Becoming confident

  1. Visualize yourself and your future as a personality. What does it mean to be a personality girl? Do you have any traits that need to be personality? Imagine yourself as the person who has the style that you desire. How will the way you move, act, or dress differently?
    • Imagine a girl you want to be. What will change? Do you talk more or less? Do you dress differently or the same as before? Where do you live? What is your occupation? Who are you related to?
    • Think about the female idol personality you want to emulate. Do you prefer Joan Jett or Madonna? Joni Mitchell or Janis Joplin? Angelina Jolie or Judi Dench? There are many female idol characters to follow.

  2. Be consistent in your actions. When envisioning yourself as a personality girl, the most effective way to make small changes is to always act according to your vision. Maybe this is silly, but try to move, behave, and even think like you'd imagine when you were a girl with personality. Start small and make big changes slowly.
    • Personality people show confidence in everything they do. Imagine you are confident as a person with your own style. Try walking along the hallways your way. Now walk the way of a personality. Make the change you want to see.
    • Choose one of the female idols, such as Angelina or Janis, and imitate the way she walks every day. Dress in the style you think she will wear, based on what you have in your wardrobe. Say what you think she would say in a situation.

  3. Promote your passion. What do you want to achieve? What is your life goal? Personality girls are not the ones who lament. They are in control of their own lives and take the initiative to get what they want. If you don't know what you need or how to get what you want, it becomes more difficult.
    • If the concept of "passion" seems too complicated, think hobby. What do you like to do? What are your goals for the next 5 years, 10 years, 30 years?

  4. Stop waiting for permission. Cool girls don't wait for anyone to let them do something. With a very unique style, you need to act on your own understanding and purpose, and pursue what you want without worrying about whether others will allow you to do it.
    • Treating people to please people is not the way of a girl personality. Act for yourself, confident but not selfish.
    • Of course, if you are still in school or under age, you will need to follow a few rules to not fall back. Learning how to compromise principles is not easy while you still want to do what you want.
  5. Think openly. Personality people are thoughtful and cautious people, but they are not conservative. It is important to remember that you need to be extroverted and show the beauty of your soul. Think and have a plan to show your very own style, but make sure you live in reality instead of living in a fantasy world.
    • Don't be afraid to speak your mind. If she wants to say something, an individual girl will always say what they think.
    • Write a story about your life in which you are a main character with a special personality. See yourself as the main character and storyteller in your own biographical movie.
  6. Relax. Personality girls choose to live comfortably. They are steadfast, calm, and calm.If you can do one thing to be more personality, always stay calm when faced with problems and act as if you have less concerns than your peers. You are not interested in trends, fads, or group gatherings. You act on your own accord and that makes you different.
    • Personality girls are not cold or emotionless. Show enthusiasm when needed. You can act the opposite of those around you. If everyone in the group gets too excited, stay calm. If everyone is indifferent to their studies, get excited. Go against the standard.

Part 2 of 3: Becoming a personality girl

  1. Speaking earlier in conversations, but speaking less. Taking the initiative in advance gives you a few advantages. It helps you initiate, control the conversation, and lead the topic you want. You set the rules and be a pioneer. Talking less can help you stay in control. Don't get into the trouble of arguing.
    • After taking control of the conversation and setting rules, keep quiet and stay calm. Let others say it. Listen attentively to them and genuinely interested in what everyone is saying, but don't be too affected.
    • If you have to interrupt, speak calmly and clearly. Start by saying, "I have something to say", and pause for 5-10 seconds. People will pay attention to you.
  2. Rely on yourself. A person of personality won't need to ask people for help. This obviously depends on your status and job, but it's important to try to be as self-reliant and assertive as possible. You are not a helpless young woman who is always sad, you are an individual girl who can take care of herself.
    • If we really need help, that's fine - we're all human. However, don't give the impression that you can't do something yourself. Be proud when you work hard to get things done.
  3. Help other girls. Don't keep a strong personality to yourself. Someone who is not selfish and always helps others in need will be seen as mature, interesting, and admirable. Do not assume that women are always jealous of each other. Treat girls well and make friends with girls.
    • If you're still in school, protect the girls who are weaker than you and hang out with those with few friends. Hang out with a new transfer friend. Take the initiative to converse with people who are not language proficient. That is the way of a personality girl.
  4. Take risks in planning. Are you willing to do something that might fail? That is a personality girl. People with special personalities do not live in a way that is too safe and secure, they are willing to take the challenge to achieve outstanding success than others. Be frank with a teacher when they mistakenly teach a controversial topic. Stop a class bully when a friend is being teased. Applying for a scholarship is not sure you will receive. Try taking a position on the team. Be ready to face failure.
    • "Expected risk" does not mean "risky action". The risk in the mind could be that you have the courage to talk to the barista at a coffee shop and be willing to face it if ignored, rather than drinking a full bottle of wine and driving your dad out. Being personality and acting stupid are two completely different things.
  5. Real life. Being a girl is not acting. A personality girl is not a "mean girl". It's not a gimmick, cover, or fad, and it has nothing to do with the feminist story of being "the leader." We recognize individual people by their truest and least counterfeit version. If you want others to say "She's so cool" when commenting on you, do what you want for a purpose, not your reputation. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Have a personality

  1. Decide how you dress. Personality people don't follow trends or fads. They have personality because they want to. A stylish girl can dress up as if she lives on a farm with a youthful short haircut and cowboy boots, or dress like a trendy fashionista with big sunglasses and Vogue brand clothes . Dressing should help elevate who you really are, not to change yourself.
    • Link your dress style to your real life. If you're a girl with rough hands and cracked nails, you should accept it. Be yourself.
    • Dress in the same way as you picture yourself. If you want to make a positive difference in your life, clothes can help influence your emotions. Take a look at your wardrobe and pick out those inspirational clothes, or the ones your female idol will choose from.
  2. Wear clothes that help you feel confident. Clothes affect your emotions and can enhance who you are. If the way you dress is not right for who you are, you can create an outward change that will affect your emotions. Be careful with clothes, stylish or casual as you want to feel most comfortable.
    • Redo the wardrobe and try it on. Which one really suits your needs? Which one helps you to be confident? Sexy? Strong? Personalities? Please wear that.
  3. Cleaning clothes. Get rid of any items that are not suitable for a girl. It is easier to gather clothes over the years and throw away old items at home if they don't make you feel confident and stylish. If you keep only clothes that make you confident and strong, you will always feel like you are personal, which will affect your actions.
  4. Stop chasing a temporary trend. All trends are just to make you look trendy in the eyes of others, not yourself. Maybe you spend hours looking at fashion magazines to see the next trending trend every month, it's not a girl's job. Trying to stay ahead of the trend means "trendy", not personality.
    • If you really care about fashion and follow trends, do what you love. However, do not pressure yourself. A girl with a personality won't be influenced by others.
  5. Eye contact. One of the most effective ways to look personality when you're around others is by making more eye contact. This will help you appear confident and strong when interacting with others, and they'll notice your strong gaze.
    • You don't have to be comfortable, always agree, and indulge others. Be as cautious as if you were carefully pondering what others are saying, and you may object. That is the personality of a girl to learn the truth from others. Don't let yourself be intimidated, but be a girl that people admire.