How to be a pretty girl and attract guys

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
15 Cute Things Girls Do That Guys Love | What Guys Find Attractive in Girls
Video: 15 Cute Things Girls Do That Guys Love | What Guys Find Attractive in Girls


Guys aren't just attracted to one type of girl. They like pretty girls in many different ways. While your appearance can grab a guy's attention, your shining smile, your confidence, and your open-minded personality will hold his heart.


Part 1 of 3: Show off your beauty

  1. Wear clothes that help you feel comfortable and confident. One piece of clothing can make you extremely shy or promote confidence. Choose items that highlight the best, hide blemishes, and fit you.
    • For example, if you have a slim waistline, wear a shirt, a sweater, and a waist dress. If you want to hide the area between your chest and waist, wear a skirt, shirt, or a dress with a wide spread at the hips.
    • If you're uncomfortable with crop top or low-cut dresses on the back, don't wear them.

  2. Highlight your strengths with beauty products. Makeup was invented to subtly show off your natural features, not to hide them. Try out a variety of products to find the best makeup for you. Remember, makeup that is too bold won't look good. You should try to bring out the beauty with makeup instead of overdoing it. Sometimes girls look cuter without makeup.
    • Create a smooth skin by covering all pimples with foundation and concealer.
    • Emphasizes eyes with natural eye color. For an eye-catching look, line up eye contours and lash up with mascara.
    • Give cheeks natural blush with blush, volume, and shine.
    • Complete your look with a lip gloss or lipstick that matches your skin tone.

  3. Take care of yourself. Small details, such as well-cared nails and smooth skin, can appeal to guys. Spend time taking care of your skin, nails, and nails.
    • Cleanses, moisturizes, and exfoliates.
    • Use sunscreen to protect your skin.
    • Cut your hair, style it, and if you like, paint your nails and toenails.

  4. Use your own "branded" perfumes. When you use perfumes, perfumes, make-up removers, deodorant sprays, body lotions, and more, guys will remember and associate the scent with you. Before going out, spray some perfume on your hair. When you meet a guy you like, flip your hair to subtly bring the scent towards him.
  5. Smile often. Boys and girls are more likely to be attracted to funny people instead of scowl. Smiling is also beneficial for making you and the people around you happier.
    • The smile is also very charming as it brightens up your face.

Part 2 of 3: Discover your inner beauty

  1. Learn more about yourself. When we become aware of who we are, we begin to accept ourselves and feel more comfortable around others. Journaling or blogging is a great way to increase a sense of self and track personal growth. As you write, you can consider the following topics:
    • Identify the things you like and dislike.
    • Determine your dreams.
    • Determine what areas of your life you need to improve.
  2. Accept your flaws. When the media bombard you with idealized images of beauty, it will be easy to forget that nothing is perfect and does not have all-round beauty. Your flaws set you apart — acknowledge your imperfections and start taking advantage of them.
    • Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your physical appearance, honor the traits you love.
    • Surrounding yourself with positive people helps you feel loved and beautiful.
  3. Try to be a person positive, generous, and enthusiastic. Your inner beauty — your thoughts, your actions, and your passions are a reflection of who you are. You can enhance your inner beauty and external attraction by putting the needs and feelings of others above yourself.
    • Instead of judging others, praise them.
    • Willingness to dedicate time and resources to those who need your help.
    • Be kind and generous to everyone you meet.
    • Follow your passion — when you do what you love to do, you'll feel happy.
  4. Stay with positive people. The people in your life will have a huge impact on your confidence. When friends and loved ones continually criticize you or themselves, it can be difficult to feel good about yourself. Spend time with people who help you assert your worth, praise you instead of criticizing it, and highlight your confidence. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Make a guy like you

  1. Become an expert in body language. Non-verbal cues are an effective form of communication. When you flirt, use body language to let him know that you are easy to get along with and have feelings for him.
    • To show a friendly approach, keep your chest, upper body, and abdomen comfortable. Avoid crossing your arms across your chest.
    • Besides, take some time to hang out with the guys and accept the invitation. Following popular girls or just listening to their opinions won't make you attractive at all. Remember, it's not just because your friend doesn't like someone, you have to turn them down. Join your friends and hang out with others as well.
    • To show that you are trustworthy, put your hands out. Avoid keeping your hands in your pocket or under the table. Also, popularity doesn't necessarily mean attractiveness.
    • To show off your charms, wear an open-necked top. Gently bring your head back slightly as you smile.
    • To attract or maintain his attention, gently touch his hand. Touch releases hormones that make you feel connected to others.
  2. Encourage him to engage in meaningful conversation. To make a sincere connection with a guy, talk about meaningful topics rather than social ones. In the process of conversation, you can be weak — sharing your interests, innocence, and fears.
    • When people share passions, they feel more comfortable and happy, and quickly become more attractive to those around them. In addition, they automatically connect positive energy to those nearby.
    • During conversation, maintain eye contact. Not only does it let him know that you are listening, it actually makes him more attracted to you.
    • Compliment something that is really important to him, such as his determination to succeed in school or a sport.
  3. Never show that you are not easy to conquer. Clingy girls can make boys bored or feel pressured. However, acting difficult will not help you become "mysterious". You don't have to be confusing and vague every now and then in order to attract someone. One thing's for sure, though: if he likes you, he'll work hard to get your attention.
  4. Maintain your independence. Boys fall in love with independent girls. Prove to him that you have specific goals and interests. You can talk about the classroom — what is your favorite subject and why do you like it? Share your dreams — what adventure do you plan on going on?
    • When he asks for your opinion, don't answer "I don't know". Tell him what you want to do on a date and where you want to eat.


  • Even if you're sure you like a guy, if the two of you have nothing in common, it's best to give up and look for someone else who shares the same interests. Not only will this cause unpleasant moments of silence with nothing to say, but it will also make you bored afterwards.
  • Make sure you take care of your teeth! A smile that reveals stained teeth is a sign of lack of hygiene, and that is the lingering impression you have of meeting guys.
  • Remember that proving you are not easy to conquer can work sometimes, but guys don't like girls that are difficult to get along with. They like friendly girls.