Getting the hiccups

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why do we hiccup? - John Cameron
Video: Why do we hiccup? - John Cameron


Hiccups have many causes, some unknown and others known, such as stomach dilation. The hiccups can cause an uncomfortable and irritating feeling. The best way to avoid getting hiccups is to know which ways you can get hiccups. Sometimes getting hiccups is just inevitable.

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Method 1 of 3: Eat and drink

  1. Drink a carbonated drink. Club soda, soda, and other carbonated drinks can all cause hiccups. If you drink a carbonated drink quickly, you are even more likely to get hiccups.
  2. Eat dry food without drinking anything. Eating something dry like bread and crackers quickly without drinking anything can also cause hiccups. Because the moisture balance changes, your diaphragm can become disturbed.
  3. Eat spicy foods. Eating foods that are spicier than usual can irritate the nerves around your throat and stomach, causing hiccups. You can also get an upset stomach if you eat foods that are spicier than you can handle.
    • This does not happen to everyone.
  4. Alternate between cold and warm drinks. A sudden temperature change in the stomach can sometimes cause hiccups. This can happen if you have a hot drink followed by an ice cold drink. You can achieve the same result by eating hot and cold foods in quick succession.
    • This could permanently damage your teeth as the enamel on your teeth can crack. Don't get into the habit of doing this, or try this technique if you have a porcelain denture or if your teeth become sore or sensitive from heat and cold.
  5. Drink large amounts of alcohol. Being drunk has traditionally been associated with hiccups. Older cartoons often have a drunk character who has a lot of hiccups and can hardly get his words out.

Method 2 of 3: Getting the hiccups in a different way

  1. Swallow a large mouthful of air. Take a deep breath, close your mouth and swallow the air. This is one of the only methods that has been used successfully by a research team. They think the hiccups are a reaction to get large pieces of food out of the esophagus.
    • You can simulate this by chewing a fairly large bite of bread and swallowing it all. It is not recommended to try this with other foods and certainly not with large amounts of food as you run the risk of choking.
    • If you try this too often, chances are your stomach will feel uncomfortably bloated.
  2. Make sure you burp. Some people who can burp repeatedly on command get hiccups because of this. You can achieve the same effect by quickly sucking air into the back of your throat. However, do not over-stimulate the glottis or flap in the back of your throat by closing and reopening it in quick succession. This is the same movement that is made when you have the hiccups, so by inadvertently stimulating this you can get the hiccups.
    • Your glottis is active when you say "oh oh". Know that you are taxing your glottis when you burp or sing out screaming. If you know where your glottis is and when it is being stimulated, you are less likely to strain it.
  3. Make a sudden change in temperature in the shower. A sudden change in temperature can stimulate certain nerves, which can cause hiccups. This is the same technique described above where you eat or drink things at different temperatures.
    • A change in temperature can also cause hives and swollen skin.
  4. Invoke certain emotions. Nervousness and excitement are emotions where there is a good chance that you will get hiccups. This is probably the least reliable method because most people only have occasional hiccups while still having mood swings on a daily basis. However, know that if you get excited, scared, or nervous about a particular movie, computer game, sport, or other activity, it can cause hiccups.

Method 3 of 3: Associating the hiccups with medical causes

  1. Get hiccups due to intestinal problems. Many types of gastrointestinal problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal blockage and reflux disease can cause hiccups. These conditions can be caused by too little fiber, not enough exercise, traveling, eating and drinking too much dairy, stress and pregnancy.
  2. Start hiccups due to a respiratory disease. These are conditions such as pleurisy, pneumonia and asthma. When your airways are stressed, it affects your diaphragm, which can cause hiccups. Respiratory diseases can have multiple causes such as:
    • Genetic predisposition
    • Inhalation of toxic substances (cigarettes, oil vapors, etc.)
    • Accidents
  3. Get hiccups due to a brain disorder. Injuries to the brain, brain tumors and strokes can all cause the hiccups. You can even get hiccups from internal psychological causes such as grief, excitement, fear, stress, hysterical behavior and shock.
    • Psychogenic hiccups are rare, but both children and adults can experience it.


  • Many of these techniques can cause discomfort if you try them multiple times. You shouldn't try them if you have an upset stomach, heartburn, or feel sick.