How to be a girl's best friend (for men)

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Relationships can sometimes be very confusing. Even with a friendship, gender plays an important role in how comfortable you are with your friend. As a man, you need to remember that men and women are not the same and sometimes value different things. Women often like to share their feelings, especially with close friends. So, if you want to be good friends with a girl, you will need a different approach from the way guys are used to befriending each other.


Method 1 of 3: Become a friend who is closer to the girl you know

  1. Find and share common interests. Sharing your favorite activities together will help strengthen your relationship with her. Girls will usually remember a good time when you and her were together. Friendship starts when two people share a common interest, so it's important to find something in common so that you can become closer to her.
    • To avoid misunderstandings, tell her about the costs of activities that you will be doing together. This way, you will make it clear that you are hanging out with her as two friends, not dating.
    • You can go out to eat at a restaurant, visit an amusement park, attend a friend's birthday party, go surfing, take a drawing class or other activities that you both enjoy. .
    • Watching movies at home is also a good option if you have no other plans.

  2. Helpful? Talk to her sincerely and listen to her feelings. We often get closer together through conversation, especially when we talk about psychological issues. The more you talk about each person's life, the more you will feel attached. Listen to her fears and feelings and be open to what is in your heart.
    • Don't criticize if she tells you about a problem. In her heart she already knew she was causing trouble and what she wanted to hear was not how wrong she was.
    • Always listen to her point of view and understand why she thinks so before giving advice.
    • Asking a girl's advice will make her trust you and she will more likely turn to you when she needs it.

  3. Praise her as a friend. Receiving compliments will make us happier and more motivated. Compliment her on her accomplishments that you admire. Don't mention her looks, though, as you may make her uncomfortable when you are just friends. Instead, compliment her in a way that she compliments you. If she never talks about your looks, you'd better never talk about her looks.
    • Don't say something like, "You're really beautiful," or something like that.

Method 2 of 3: Keep your friendship strong

  1. Stay in touch with her. Over time, it will become harder and harder to maintain a strong friendship with a girl, so you need to put more effort into texting and calling her. If you are still living close to each other, don't forget to invite her to events or gatherings. Her birthday is also a good opportunity to contact or visit her.
    • If she moves somewhere else, keep in touch with her on social media.
    • If she's busy, take the initiative to arrange free time to see her at a convenient time. She will appreciate this.
  2. Go out when she asks. When you accept to participate in events, maybe in the future she will find you more and more. This is especially important when she has to attend an event she doesn't like and needs a companion for support.
    • If you are busy or have other plans and can't go with you, give her early notice so she can find someone else to go with.
    • If you don't want to attend an event, it's best not to. Being unhappy can make her unhappy as usual.
  3. As spiritual support for her. We all go through different ups and downs in life and everyone needs a friend to support them in times of trouble.
    • Being a good friend also means knowing when to step back so that your friend has space with her own feelings. Don't overestimate them.
    • Mental encouragement is not only necessary during difficult times, but also during critical moments, such as before she goes to a performance or sports competition.
  4. Avoid flirting or being romantic unless she means so. Flirting openly or romantically when someone doesn't like it is one of the easiest factors to destroy a friendship with someone of the opposite sex. You will make her uncomfortable and even sad because she really only sees you as a friend, not meant to be in love. Love can gradually arise out of a friendship, but this only happens when feelings come from both sides.
    • If you develop feelings for her, let her know. Be careful though, this could affect your friendship in the long run.
    • If she wants to develop a more intimate relationship and you want that too, don't be shy. Friendship is the source of so much beautiful love.

Method 3 of 3: Meet new girls

  1. Attend events that are attended by girls. If you want to make friends with girls, go to the events they attend. Look out for great shows in the city or town and get ready to take part. You can also sign up for a favorite course, such as a community arts class or join a local sports club. It's not hard for you to get to know new people, just go out and give yourself a chance to meet them.
    • If you do not have many opportunities to interact with girls, you need to be proactive and creative. You can meet and get to know them at the grocery store, church, gym or mall.
    • If you're still in school, it's a perfect opportunity to get to know the girls in your class. Talk to them before or after class.
  2. Get to know the girl you want to make friends with. Introduce her name and ask her name, then start a conversation about what activities you are doing or where you meet.
    • If you feel stressed about getting to know another person, the only way you can fix this is to face it. Anyway, the worst that could happen is that she just doesn't want to talk to you.
    • You can start talking with questions like: "It's quite fun here, how do you feel?" or "This class is so boring, do you find this subject very difficult?"
    • Show confidence but not pride. Talk to her like you would any other man, but in a more polite way.
  3. Find and talk about common points. It's more likely that the friend and girl you want to befriend with have something in common because you are participating in an activity together. For example, if you meet her at a sports club, both of you seem to be interested in sports or if you meet her at a painting class, you may have the same passion for art, etc. Try to find a common interest and share something that you understand and are interested in.
    • Be funny and cheerful when you chat with a girl. She will definitely want to make friends if you can make her laugh.
    • Be a good listener and let her speak. The more questions you ask, the more open and relaxed she will be. Remember to respond and give your opinion, and focus on listening.
  4. Please contact information. If the conversation between you and your new girlfriend is going pretty well, don't forget to ask for her phone number. Don't be shy, especially if you feel like you and her talk very well. Let her know that you are happy to talk to and hopefully you can talk to her more. If she thinks so too, please get contact information.
    • If the conversation isn't very pleasant, she probably won't give you her phone number.
    • If you are not sure when you will leave, you can ask for her number before the conversation ends.
  5. Text her out to invite her out. Find an activity you both can do and ask if she wants to go with you. You can invite her to have lunch, go hiking or watch music. If you don't know what to ask her to do, rethink what you talked about before and choose an activity that you both are interested in. However, don't date in a romantic way and don't listen to your text or she might misunderstand you. You can even say bluntly that you want to befriend her, not have any intention of finding a girlfriend right now ..
    • Don't text too much if she doesn't reply. Maybe she is busy or doesn't want to talk to you. Don't turn yourself into a pitiful loner and don't make her angry or bothered.
    • You can also send her funny and interesting pictures via text.
    • Be polite when talking through text messages. Since she can't hear your tone, don't play words if you don't want her to misunderstand.
    • If she texts you a lot, you should also text her. Pay attention to how much she prefers to chat via text in order to respond appropriately.