How to be emotionless

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Emotionless Person
Video: How to Be Emotionless Person


People are often annoyed by the people around them. A person may be overwhelmed by betrayal, disappointment, or negative emotions that make them feel better off being emotional. While being emotionless is not possible for healthy people, sometimes you can benefit from being emotionless in specific situations. If you separate yourself from the realm of emotions, avoid being too friendly, put yourself first, then others won't have a chance to take advantage of or hurt you for their benefit.


Method 1 of 3: Act emotionless to avoid emotional pain

  1. Let go of past feelings. The term "emotional debt" refers to unhealthy emotions and we let them repeat over and over again in our daily lives. Be honest with yourself about your lingering past emotions, try to break the patterns you've developed in response to those feelings, and step out of your comfort zone. This helps you to be aware of the effects of your emotions in the past and to let them go.
    • You may think that your comfort zone protects you from bad emotions, but if you stay there, you are making uncomfortable emotions hold you back. When you step out of there, you can take control of your negative emotions.

  2. Avoid specific expectations. When an experience or a person is not what you expect, you get hurt. Get rid of all the expectations you have in life, and once you expect something, keep your vision as wide and as little as possible as possible. This prevents you from having to endure any emotional pain when things don't go your way.
    • You can also change your expectations to something more realistic. For example, if you expect weather to be cooler today, you will be less disappointed than if you expected the weather to be exactly 23 degrees, windy and sunny.

  3. Keep yourself busy. Busy helps you to improve your life satisfaction. Choose activities that motivate you to your goals or that benefit you. Making a self-motivating reward will help you stay occupied.
    • This also helps you to spend energy on work, exercise, cleaning, etc. rather than looking for emotional bonds.

  4. Keep relationships under control. Avoid letting people get too close or controlling you with promises, pleas, or apologies. Identify each type of relationship you want to enter and control how much you invest in that relationship.

  5. Seek professional help from therapist. If you feel overwhelmed by trauma from your past and can't let your emotions go away, you may need help from a professional psychotherapist. Issues like chronic depression or anxiety should not be ignored.A therapist can help you determine which medical options / medications are right for you to help you overcome this emotional debt. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Act emotionless to avoid being taken advantage of and move forward

  1. Know what you want. You seem to know what you don't want in life. What you need to do next is to define your own interests and work towards determining exactly what you want in life. The more explicitly you want to be without hesitation, the more you will be able to effectively achieve what you want.
    • If you know what you want, it will be harder for others to get you. This is critical to success and not wasting time and energy on others.
    • Sometimes guilt and stress will make you go against what you want. Knowing what you want will make you stronger when faced with difficult situations.

  2. Communicate your wishes. Once you know exactly what you want, chances are you will have to share something for others to understand. Communicate exactly what you want and expect from the people around you. Don't compromise with your own wishes.
    • You will probably need to spend some time and energy to get the people around you right. But remember to draw the line and not let anyone use your wishes against you.
  3. Say "No" to things that are not in your favor. When you agree to do something in your favor, you are wasting your time. Don't give away time so easily. Only engage in activities that help you achieve your personal goals, and politely decline unsatisfactory offers or invitations.
    • Be frank. Say "No, I can't (or won't) do it". If you want to explain more, you can say “I don't have time to commit to this thing”, but it's not necessary.
    • This step can be difficult, especially if you are easily convicted. Things like charity you don't support, friends needing help, and even your family that requires too much time can hinder you from being successful. Please say "No".
  4. Consider working with others. Whether as yourself or your company, your organization, your community, etc., it is often difficult to accept the fact that working with others can benefit you, but it is true. Cooperation is a healthy and effective way to achieve your goals. Make sure the relationship is mutually beneficial and that neither side is taken advantage of.
    • Relationships must come from two sides. When you work with others, you have to give the equivalent of getting back. This will help build stronger professional and social relationships.
  5. Examine the motives of others. You will often be asked to help people in some way. Understand why they ask you and what they hope for when they ask you. Understand why someone needs something from you, then determine if it will bring you any benefit to be willing to do so. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Act emotionless to avoid people

  1. Avoid gossip. Technology has made it easier to avoid gossip. Pretend to make a call or show off intentionally by wearing headphones to prevent strangers or acquaintances from approaching. You can also interrupt the conversation all the time by saying something like "I'm too busy to talk".
    • For example, when a coworker meets you at a snack vending machine, you can just interrupt them with the sentence "I can't talk now. There is a deadline to pay ”.

  2. Decline invitations to meetings. You don't have to forcefully decline. However, you should make a firm and decisive decision. If you use a weak excuse not to participate, the chairperson of the meeting will beg you to come.
    • A good way to avoid most events is to say heavy statements like "Sorry. I have other plans.
    • You don't need to explain if you decline an invitation. Just simply say "Sorry, I can't come".

  3. Refuse to help. Sometimes it feels like helping others is the right thing to do. Instead, choose to decline and say "No" confidently. Again, you don't have to be rude to get others to understand.
    • If a friend asks you to watch the house, simply say “Sorry. I can't help ". You can explain more if you like, but usually it doesn't.
  4. Consider building a new support system. If you feel that friends and family are a problem, being able to build a new support system is a healthy way to cut off those people. Try meeting new people who share your interests. Find people who hang out to places you go to often, work in the same industry as you, or generally like things that you also like. advertisement


  • Do not hesitate, but take advantage of the opportunity for yourself.
  • Don't feel guilty.


  • Be prepared to be coldly treated by others.
  • Some people will not like it when you become indifferent to them.