How to be slim in a week

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Lost Belly Fat In 7 Days: No Strict Diet No Workout!
Video: How I Lost Belly Fat In 7 Days: No Strict Diet No Workout!


Aim to lose 0.5 - 1 kg per week for many people is completely healthy and reasonable. Reducing above this threshold in a week is not easy and can be harmful to your health if you are not careful. However, there are a few things you can try if you only need to lose a little weight or a few centimeters of your waist in a short time. One of the fastest and easiest ways to lose weight is to lose water weight by making some small lifestyle changes to reduce the amount of fluid stored in your body. You can also lose some fat in a week by cutting calories and increasing the intensity of exercise.


Method 1 of 2: Lose water weight

  1. Drink plenty of water to increase the amount of water discharged from the body. This may sound counterintuitive, but when you drink a lot of water, your body stores less water. Drink filtered water or other beverages such as low-sugar fruit juice or low-salt broth to allow stored fluids to be released from the body. You can also increase your hydration by eating watery foods like succulent fruits and vegetables.
    • Avoid sports drinks that contain salt and sweeteners that can cause the body to store water.
    • Stay away from beverages that dehydrate your body such as alcohol, tea and coffee. If quitting even temporarily seems difficult for you, talk to your doctor. They can offer advice to help you quit or reduce the habit.
    • Drinking coffee can also be a difficult habit to change. Consider gradually reducing coffee over a few days before you get rid of it completely.

  2. Cut back on salt to reduce water storage. High salt intake encourages the body to store water. Avoid foods high in salt such as processed meats, salted snacks and crackers, and sports drinks. When you prepare and eat, you need to limit your salt intake.
    • Potassium-rich foods like bananas, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes can help the body get rid of salt.
    • Try replacing salt with other spices when preparing foods, such as black pepper, garlic powder or a delicious vegetable oil (like sesame seed oil).
    • You can avoid unnecessary salt intake by making foods from fresh, unprocessed ingredients.

  3. Limit carbohydrates to quickly lose water weight. Eating plenty of carbohydrate-rich foods can cause the body to store water. Therefore, many people lose water weight quickly when switching to a low-carbohydrate diet. Cut back on foods like white bread, pasta, potatoes, and baked goods.
    • Replace carbohydrate-rich foods with fiber-rich fruits and vegetables such as berries, green vegetables, and legumes.
    • Cutting down on carbohydrates in your diet is good for a short-term weight loss plan, but not healthy in the long run. To maintain a healthy diet, choose sources of complex carbohydrates such as whole grain breads and pasta, brown rice, and legumes.

  4. Exercise to make your body sweat. When you are active, your body releases water and salt through the sweat glands. So, try jogging, cycling or brisk walking to stimulate blood circulation and make your body sweat a lot.
    • Try rotating or intense exercise to quickly reduce the amount of water in your body.
    • Don't forget to drink plenty of water during exercise as your body stores more water when dehydrated!
  5. Consult your doctor about diuretics. Certain medical conditions can cause the body to store lots of water. If you are having trouble losing water weight, talk to your doctor to find out the cause of this condition. Doctors can treat the disease and prescribe medications to reduce water storage.
    • Perhaps your doctor will prescribe a diuretic or a magnesium supplement to reduce water storage.
    • The most common causes of fluid retention are premenstrual syndrome, kidney or liver problems, cardiovascular disease, and lung problems. Certain drugs can cause the body to store water.

    Warning: See your doctor right away if you gain about 1kg in a day or 2kg in a week. This could be a sign that the body is storing too much water.


Method 2 of 2: Lose fat by making changes in your diet and lifestyle

  1. Choose low-fat sources of protein to feel fuller faster. The protein supplement helps to boost the immune system so the body burns calories more efficiently. In addition, protein also keeps you fuller longer than other foods, reducing hunger between meals. Every day you need 7g of low-fat protein for every 0.5kg of total weight to achieve the effect of weight loss.
    • Some healthy sources of protein include poultry, fish, legumes (lentils, a variety of beans) and Greek yogurt.
  2. Avoid liquid calories. You can easily get extra calories from drinks without even realizing it. If you want to lose weight quickly, avoid beverages high in calories and sugar, such as alcohol, sugary carbonated drinks, coffee and tea with sugar.
    • Choose water to replenish your body with water. Drinking plenty of water not only helps you lose water weight, but also reduces the feeling of hunger.
  3. Eat 3 moderate meals a day to encourage your body to burn calories. Instead of eating many small meals throughout the day, you should eat 3 moderate but full meals if you want to lose weight. Your meals will include low-fat protein, fruits or vegetables, and whole grains. After a meal, avoid snacking while you wait until your next meal.
    • When you limit snacking between meals, your body will start burning fat for energy.
    • If you don't have a post-dinner snack, your body will easily burn fat while you sleep.
  4. Strengthen your immune system with high intensity interval training. Performing intense exercise can strengthen the immune system and speed up the body's fat burning process. Talk to your doctor, physiotherapist or personal trainer about trying a high-intensity interval training workout to stimulate blood circulation and burn calories quickly.
    • Do a 4-minute exercise with 8 high intensity exercises. Each movement will last for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second pause.
    • Some moves that are suitable for intense exercise include burpee jumping, high jump and squat, and rock climbing.

    Advice: This form of resistance training also brings fat burning and muscle growth effects. Don't lose faith when you don't see the weight loss, because perhaps your muscles are growing!

  5. Talk to your doctor about switching to a low-calorie diet. If you need to lose weight fast, a low-calorie diet is the right choice. This solution usually helps you to consume no more than 800-1500 calories per day. However, keep in mind that this is not a good choice for a long-term weight loss plan. Only follow a low-calorie diet with the supervision of a doctor or dietitian and do not last longer than the scheduled time.
    • Eating a low-calorie diet can be dangerous for pregnant, breastfeeding women or people experiencing some health problems such as vitamin deficiencies or eating disorders.


  • Set realistic expectations - it will be difficult to lose a lot of weight in about a week; Losing too much weight too quickly is completely unhealthy.


  • Do not make major changes to your diet and exercise habits without talking to your doctor. Depending on your age, current weight, and medical condition, making these changes without the supervision of a doctor can be dangerous for your health.