How to be smart

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Exercises That’ll Make You Smarter In a Week
Video: 10 Exercises That’ll Make You Smarter In a Week


Intelligence is not a gift that we are given from birth. You can get smarter with a little bit of effort! To do this, you need to train your brain with quiz games and exercises that require creativity, develop communication skills, learn hard and constantly strive to widen your horizons with open-minded and stepped out of his comfort zone. Raising your brain can seem like a daunting task, but you can do it if you are really eager to learn.


Method 1 of 5: Brain training

  1. Play brain games like Rubik's Cube. Such quiz games will keep the brain working and improve your brain power. The brain is also a muscle: you have to force it to exercise!
    • Sudoku number tiles are a great puzzle game that will help you develop your thinking. The game is available as a book, is often printed in newspapers, and is also easily available for free online.

  2. Join art activities. Drawing, sculpting, and other artistic activities help you spark your creativity and develop your problem-solving skills. A creative mind can think outside the box in search of better and faster solutions in all situations.
  3. Do mathematics. Learn mental arithmetic or quick calculation. Math requires your brain to be active and connected so you can think better and faster.

  4. Writing. Writing stories or poems. The work of composing forces the brain to work to devise situations and lines, characters, and settings. As a result, you will be better at thinking and know how to process information. Using language like this also helps you to improve your vocabulary and sentences. Writing is also a great way to express yourself and your thoughts. advertisement

Method 2 of 5: Develop communication skills

  1. Simplicity in communication. You will not be smart if you say things that no one understands. A talented person is someone with the ability to turn complex things into simplicity. Practice explaining concepts to others to see how simple and clear you can express.
  2. Learn how listen Other people's opinions on controversial issues, or issues they know about without your knowledge. You don't have to agree with them, but remember that everyone has something you can learn from. Asking questions will help you to re-evaluate your own beliefs or spot their mistakes. Maintain an open mind. The sharper your brain, the more questions you will ask about everyone around you.
  3. Be nice to people. Showing kindness in the face of challenges is an expression of maturity, greatness, and understanding. Don't forget that you can learn a lot from others. Your kindness towards people will pave the way for you to access their lives and experiences. You do not know what you will learn? advertisement

Method 3 of 5: Self-study

  1. Set self-study goals. Remember that education is not a burden you must complete in order to earn your degree; it is understanding of the world around us. For some reason, the curious nature no longer asks questions since the beginning of school. However, a brilliant mind always asks questions about the world around them and tries to explain properly. That is the secret of "genius ''.
    • Self learning.You can even learn from your own life experiences, sometimes referred to as "natural education".
  2. Expand your vocabulary. Every day find a few definitions in the dictionary, or if you learn English then subscribe to the program "word-of-the-day" (each day a new word) on the internet. You can also take vocabulary tests in cultural magazines (if you want to increase your English vocabulary, Readers Digest is a useful magazine) or buy books that will help you increase your vocabulary. See the dictionary word by word. It will take at least a year, but you will become wiser.
  3. Read a variety of books. The habit of reading a lot is often described as the key to having an intelligent mind. The world's most brilliant people read it every day. You may not always enjoy reading, but this habit will help you open your mind with many new ideas and experiences. Maintain your reading richness by finding reading in all genres.
  4. Study the world around yourself. Cultivate interest in topics such as current events, interesting events, witty and inspirational quotes, great books and movies, scientific research and interesting inventions. . Educational television programs are a great way to learn. Practicing critical thinking about the world around you through the awareness of cause and effect in all things will make you significantly smarter.
    • If your reading speed exceeds the speed of speaking, then reading a book or electronic documents such as wikis will be much more efficient than watching a show for everyone but requires no thinking or Educational programs depend on the image. Commercial TV shows are really not beneficial, as their ultimate goal is to keep you from leaving the screen and the commercials instead of responding to the things you need to be able to do things. other.
  5. Make connections. Find ways to use knowledge rather than just gleaning useless little information. The knowledge buried deep in the brain will not do any good; you must be able to apply it in real life. Think of situations in which a certain piece of information becomes useful. Share that information and you'll see how it develops! advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Develop good habits

  1. Regularly Make a question. Constantly asking questions and studying things around us is a way to make us smarter. There is nothing wrong with being unable to answer questions like why and how. Everyone has something that doesn't know. But when you have a good habit of asking questions when you don't know something, you will find yourself getting smarter and smarter.
  2. Set goals weekly. As you set your goals for the next week, ask yourself how many goals you achieved last week, why you didn't accomplish some of your goals, and what you can do to increase your chances of success. .
    • Always work hard to achieve each goal. Without a goal, you have nothing to hope for. Reward yourself when you achieve your goals.
    • Live orderly. You don't have to be extremistly organized, but wasting your time is not wise. Yes, many geniuses have lives that are "disorganized" (like absent-minded professors), but if you are striving to be intelligent, making a conscious use of your time will be a big step forward and in the right direction.
  3. Spending time to learn. The self-learning process takes time, and it also takes a lot of effort if you want to get smarter. Don't wait for a miracle to happen overnight! You have to spend a lot of time learning and thinking positively if you want to become truly intelligent.
  4. Don't stop studying. Today there are many sources of information that you can access. Books, documentaries and the internet are just a few of them. School is just a source of knowledge. Your A's in school also don't prove you're smart. Practice and an open mind will make you smarter, and continuous learning will help you get there. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Extend the horizons

  1. Learn a new language. In addition to language training benefits, learning a new language can also bring you closer to new people and ideas. You will feel less alienated when you go to a place where you know a little bit about their voice. Also, sometimes you will find that there are some idioms and concepts that cannot be translated into your native language! This can be a fun and challenging brain exercise. (Note, you need to be patient and active as learning a language can take time to reach the desired level.)
  2. Visit as many places as possible. You should also try to travel to other countries. Trips to cities in the country or abroad will help open your mind and teach you many things about the world. You will have a chance to learn about other cultures (the lifestyles of people in different lands and how they treat each other). You will also learn that there is so much to see and do anywhere. You will be fascinated by the richness of the different peoples and cultures of this world. These experiences will help you to become intelligent and interesting.
  3. Keep an open mind and be ready to learn new things. It's not because you're good at something, you have to stick to it all the time! Find a way out of your comfort zone. That is where you can learn from. advertisement


  • There is not only one form of intelligence. There are forms like book intelligence, practical skill intelligence, interactive intelligence, emotional intelligence, technology intelligence, and many more.
  • Being intelligent can also include appearing smart, especially in Britain. Make sure you're smart and know what kind of intelligence you need or want. Misidentifying this can make you regret it.
  • Know the difference between being smart and wise. Intelligence is not the same as knowing much about a subject. Intelligence means understanding problems and being able to find solutions to them. Wisdom means knowing a lot about one or more subjects. Do you have both intelligent and wise qualities or have only one?
  • Don't just go online looking for a thing to make people admire. Instead, choose a topic and do your research.
  • If someone asks you a question and you don't know how to respond, ask them to explain it or ask in another way. Maybe they don't know how to ask a question or they want to ask it indirectly; maybe they're not really asking, but trying to express a different idea. For example, "Am I wearing these pants too fat?" Actually not a question but just a way of assertiveness. If you know that they want the sincere answer but don't know how to say it, ask why they want to know it or rely on the context of the question. Once you understand what they really want to know for which you don't know the answer, be honest and say you don't.
  • Concentrate in class, during lectures, in meetings or seminars. Concentration will help you gather information and clues that others ignore. It will save you time and help you stay smart.
  • Don't begin to assume that you are superior to people because you are faster than them.
  • Concentrate during class. If you do not understand something, ask the teacher. Don't be afraid to ask!


  • Do not show yourself "know all" or good at everything, do not be the person who likes to argue. Nobody likes such people! It is better to be humble and sensitive.
  • Knowing your limits, you need to pause from time to time to look at yourself and to see how you can achieve your main goal.
  • Don't underestimate yourself. In doing so you begin to believe that you are not intelligent; that can lead to feelings of "surrender" and self-satisfaction.Tell yourself that you can do it, no matter how much time and effort it takes.