How to be wacky

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Stronk In Roblox Wacky Wizards
Video: How To Be Stronk In Roblox Wacky Wizards


Does everyone look alike today? Sometimes being yourself is not enough, you need to be a bit eccentric if you want to stand out. Always remember one thing before consulting this topic: You want to be wacky, not crazy! That means you have to balance cute and weird, not act thoughtlessly indiscriminately.


Part 1 of 4: The wacky act

  1. Create your own place and custom. Create your own holiday and give it an eccentric name. When that day comes, celebrate. Talk about a place that you have been to but still no one knows about. Your holidays will be held here and you can show your friends the timeless customs of this magical land if they wish.
    • Today, every passing day has a meaning, but not everyone really celebrate them. What will you do on National Pancake Day? Go for a walk, hand out flyers with pancakes pictures, and tell everyone that you're trying to spread this breakfast. Note, however, that Shrive Tuesday (also known as Pancake Day) is widely held in the UK and Commonwealth countries. To be really wacky, choose a holiday or anniversary that isn't popular anywhere.

  2. Chat with any stranger you come across on the street and say confusing words. Try saying "Hi, Grandma! Looks like I haven't seen her in a few years!" and of course grin, or "Wow! How are you?" while they are still living well and healthy. Making sure you choose the right audience means that the person will laugh, not someone who thinks you're crazy.
    • Ask someone randomly if they see a rhino, elephant, etc. "around here". Be serious when you ask. Of course, after a few minutes of teasing, admit that it was just a joke!
    • Pretend you don't know the common stuff. When your friends ask if you want to eat a banana, say, "What is a banana?"
    • Of course, some people will think you are acting crazy and assume that you are bothering them. Carefully choose your subject and always act with a smile on your face to show them that you didn't mean anything.

  3. Overreacting to small things. For example, if you see a rainbow spring, act as if it were a great discovery. If you act inadvertently but don't care about it, like forgetting to push a chair into your desk or wrinkling a piece of paper, be sad. How dare you work so horrible? No one will ever be able to tell if you are serious or not!
    • If you see a friend stepping on an ant, say, “God! What did you just do ?! Poor little ant, your life is so short! Rest in peace! " Then keep walking and having fun.
    • Just act like that sometimes. If people can't guess what you're doing, they may assume you have lost your mind.

  4. Create a different taste with the food. For example, say, "I can't believe it! Is this an Oreo cake? How spicy! I didn't know they sold this cake here too!" or "This pickle is as sour as my brother's wallpaper."
    • Try foods that most people do not eat or what everyone eats but in a different way of enjoying them. For example, take a lemon with you for lunch and eat it as if you were eating an orange, or place the orange between two sandwiches to make a "orange sandwich."

  5. Do something in your own style. You want to do something with your own identity. The act should be a little weird and no acquaintance you know can be imitated. You can dance step by step while walking, make a noise after every sneeze, always wear a hat, or be afraid of the clam. Be creative!
    • It could also be the way you talk, the moment you speak, or just the way you laugh. The simpler the action will stand out.

  6. Choose a strange hobby. You want to do something that no one has done yet, like collecting peanuts and turning them into sculptures, making piñatas, drawing on your nose, or making a sarcastic poem about Jackalopes. Who knows? If you are the only version, take advantage of that to make money!
    • This weird hobby might be keeping pets like no other, like pet rock, pet ladder, pet soda or pet shoes. Take it with you everywhere and chat with it. Soon, you will be dubbed the "pet rock pet." If one day you don't bring it with you, people will definitely ask you where it is!
    • Make sure you have a few best friends who won't run away because of your eccentricity.

Part 2 of 4: Wacky Talks

  1. Form new words. For example, other synonyms for Ninjas are ninjosity and ninjitude. Use these words often, as if they were common words. If someone tells you that the word is incorrect, tell them the word immediately! Explain the reason skillfully.
    • Can't think of any good idea? Take some of your favorite words and put them together. Are your favorite words bubble (bubble) and flamingo (pink bird)? Putting those two words together will give you Bubbingo. So, what can bubbingo mean?
  2. Talk with a different voice. On day one imagine you're Irish, the second day you're French, and the next day you're Chinese. Why not? You can even invent your own voice if you want. Could that be the voice in the place of your imagination you just set foot in?
    • There are articles on the topic of gossip online. It's your own way of speaking in easy language. If your friends want to learn it too, you can get "wacky" together!
    • Arbitrarily press the voice up and down at different times. Whisper unnecessary times, sing along the words, or tell the truth, really, slowly, when inspired. Be careful though, this may be annoying for some!
  3. Chen interrupted the conversation with an unrelated statement. For best results, make sure this statement has nothing to do with the conversation. Are people talking about the new song on the radio? You should suddenly interrupt and say, "Oh my God, there are blueberries. They look so ... "
    • This is a great way to stop a conversation and start another. Does the current topic boring you? Say, "Are you guys talking about that broadcast?" and your friends will be so distracted that they will not be able to recall what they thought.
  4. Talk to yourself and talk to inanimate objects. Don't act like this all the time (otherwise, you look like a psychopath) - only do it when the people around you ignore you. That will definitely get them to focus on you!
    • Nothing to say while chatting? Friends make you feel bored? Why not stir up the conversation with notebooks or food? You will quickly become the life of the party! Even though you are eccentric, you are still the center of the party.

  5. Create nicknames for all friends. Use a different nickname each day. Not necessarily a good nickname! Take advantage of their personalities and appearances (without meaning) and think about which nickname is right for them.
    • Or try to see which nicknames don't suit them! Some of the nicknames are funny because they are irrelevant. Is a friend in the group taller than you? Call him "Short Legs" from today. Another girl who loves puppies? Call her "cheese" - this nickname has nothing to do with! Change words in their names. For example, Thanh can turn into Than (whine). Only do so with the consent of a friend.
    • Remember that this may not be appropriate for Australia, as there are often red-haired people nicknamed 'Bluey.'

Part 3 of 4: Looks wacky

  1. Wear clothes with contrasting colors, textures, and designs. Costumes are the main factor in being crazy! Combine colors or contrasting designs to create costumes that can't stand out more. Remember to incorporate era, for example clothing with modern and classic trends. Make sure you don't mind all eyes staring at you!
    • Transform with fancy clothes, like fairy wings, witch hat, or vampire fangs. Halloween costumes will always be a great idea, no matter what day of the year.

  2. Don't wear clothes other people are wearing. If everyone wears tight jeans, wear torn flared pants. If everyone wears checkered outfits, try outfits with rebellious designs. Coordinate them together. Try going to secondhand stores and find a unique new look. Being wacky means taking your own style and making them stand out.
    • To be truly eccentric, that means dressing arbitrarily. In general, your focus is on being wacky and not being cool. Get inspired by your parents' wardrobe.
  3. Dress normally once in a while. When Halloween season comes, put on your clothes like normal people wear. Also choose random days to dress normally. If not, people will get used to what you will wear.
    • If you want to be eccentric, you have to be a little heterogeneous. The occasional casual dress will stand out to people, making them curious when you're going to be wacky again.If your way of dressing is always wacky, then they seem to have gotten used to it.

Part 4 of 4: Wacky thoughts

  1. Don't try to be someone other than you. Nowadays, people often try to be someone. Just be yourself, you yourself are a bit eccentric. Rarely has a copy like you completely. Just accepting a few instinctive eccentricities is enough.
    • Everything will be easier if you act like a natural instinct. If you pretend to be eccentric, you are just acting and it will be difficult to make everything look consistent. Plus, this will disappoint you about not being yourself anymore. The more reasons you will be to be yourself!
  2. Don't care what other people think. If you are preoccupied with your own image, being eccentric can be a little tough. You must ignore what others think of you and focus only on what you think is right for you. Your reputation does not matter - you are a freak from now on.
    • Whether you are eccentric or not, other people's thinking doesn't matter. Important people won't care who you are. So why do others have a decisive voice in who you are or what you look like?
  3. The reputation is far away. When you start acting weird, there will be rumors that you are a little different. Everyone has even gotten used to that. Your action may be completely normal, but because it's you, people will show enthusiasm for it. So make sure you want to be wacky - because this can last a while!
    • What's more, you may forget how to act normally again. After all, a habit will create practice. If being eccentric doesn't work for you, it can be difficult to get back to acting normally like you used to. So make sure of everything before you decide to dwell on being wacky.
  4. Be completely different from time to time. Become king of Napoleon, president, princess, prince, little man, etc. Transformed into them, from appearance to personality. Visit the Halloween stores after the Halloween season to hunt for special deals and design your own outfits.
    • Try to think like them! For example, a tiny person will not know how to use a cell phone. When your phone rings, react like, "Ahhh! What device is this scary! What should I do with it now ... hmm ... That's interesting."


  • Another way to stand out from the crowd is to dye your hair like no other.
  • Learn a foreign language and start chatting or singing at random times when everyone is talking to you!
  • If someone makes fun of you or says you are eccentric in an offensive way, make them feel like they've just given you great compliments!
  • Practice trying not to laugh at yourself. You can practice with friends, parents, stuffed animals or even with rock pets!
  • If someone is holding something like a shoe, approach them and say "You know, shoes are my favorite food. Would you mind if I ..." then lean over and pretend is biting it.
  • Always ask questions or search the internet for random ideas that come to mind. You will have a collection of useful and wacky information in mind.
  • Spontaneity whenever possible, as impromptu as possible!
  • It is not necessary to do all or any of this; And if you are seen as eccentric, take it as a compliment and accept the difference.
  • Sometimes, you will look like a geek if you stop on the street just to stare at a random object like a fire hydrant. Then continue to act like that.
  • If you live near a wooded area, act like you are scared. Whisper to the branch and break it.


  • The recommendations do not apply to those who are doing the work such as doctors, psychiatrists, people helping adults and children, teachers, etc ... v.
  • When you act normally, people still treat you as if you were a freak.
  • Some of the steps in this reference sound like you are acting even in public - so you can end up in a psychiatric camp. Psychiatry is different from eccentricity.
  • Avoid drooling yourself, because this can be seen as scary.
  • Remember, some jokes can hurt, so be careful not to over-offend others. What you say about someone should be limited. However, I still have to speak my opinion (even though the person is hurt, I still cannot help but say my thoughts about the person), but I should not speak up.