How to be patient

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BE PATIENT | 7 Ways To Deal w Impatience | Renee Amberg
Video: HOW TO BE PATIENT | 7 Ways To Deal w Impatience | Renee Amberg


It is never easy to be patient, and today makes it harder than ever to be patient. In an age where messages and information are sent around the world quickly, everything can be ready with just a few clicks. Fortunately, patience is a virtue that can be built up and nurtured over time. From there, you will be amazed at how relaxation and peace of mind can affect your quality of life.


Method 1 of 5: Why are you impatient?

  1. Try to find out why you are always in a hurry. Example: While waiting for an important meeting to start! We often get impatient when multitasking or when we have a tight schedule and think time flies with the busyness and chaos.
    • If you are hugging too many things, review your to-do list before trying to change your natural response to stressful situations.
    • Try to spread out your work to just do one thing at a time without getting yourself into a state of impatience waiting to be busy with something.
    • Divide responsibility with others if possible; This in itself is a test of your patience, but you must learn to share the burden.

  2. Identify factors that often make you impatient. For example when you do nothing! Impatience appeared silently; And when you feel restless, anxious or unhappy, you may not realize the underlying cause of these feelings is impatience. To reduce impatience times, you need to be aware of this.
    • What events, people, stages, or situations always seem to make you lose your cool? Sit down and make a list of the things that make you nervous, stressed, or angry. The crux of almost all matters is that we often find it difficult to accept reality. For you, what is that reality?

  3. Find common ground. Being aware of your impatience also gives you the opportunity to learn from it, sometimes even helping you discover a bad or non-constructive relationship or situation through which you also see that you have the power to make a difference. Once you understand that, you can think deeply about the problem and decide if your impatience is justified or helpful. Usually no, but otherwise you can try to fix the cause of the problem instead of just feeling stressed. advertisement

Method 2 of 5: Noting emotions

  1. Write diary. Within a week or two, whenever you feel rushed and impatient, write down what is involved in that emotion (eg July 1 - astronomy class). Make sure to take regular and continuous notes every time that feeling occurs.
    • You will find yourself more conscious (and more ready) for impatience. You can also objectively observe impatience and know which events cause this feeling to increase.
    • You will draw the conclusion that the circumstances around you are not causing you anxiety, but that it is your feelings that cause it. This way, you will better control impatience as it appears.

Method 3 of 5: Overcoming impatience

  1. Overcome impatience. In the long run, you need to change your attitude toward life to practice patience, but you can quickly improve by learning to relax whenever you feel impatient. Take a deep breath and relax your mind. Focus on your breathing and you will get over it.
  2. Let go if you can't do anything about what is causing your impatience. If you can't do anything about the cause of your impatience, just let it go. Yes, this is not easy to do, but it is not impossible. And that's the only best thing to do.
    • It may be difficult to relax at first when the problem is important to you - wait for the results after a job interview - but you can ease your impatience over the little things ( for example, queuing at the supermarket).
    • If you make an effort to be more patient on the short-term or trivial things, you will gradually gain more strength to maintain patience in the toughest and most persistent situations.

Method 4 of 5: Look at the big context

  1. Remind yourself that everything takes time. An impatient person is someone who insists on getting things done right now and don't want to waste time. However, there are some things that cannot be rushed.
    • Think about your best memories. These may be situations where your patience pays off, such as when you work hard to accomplish a goal that isn't immediately achievable, or when you've spent extra time. time to relax with loved ones. Think you can create those memories if you are impatient? Probably not.
    • Most good things in life take time and effort; If you are impatient, you will often give up on relationships, goals, and other things that are important to yourself. Good things don't always happen to those who wait, but most good results don't come immediately.
  2. Knowing what is important. Not focusing on the most important things in life can lead to impatience. Make life peaceful by being kind, being forgiving towards others, being grateful for everything, and making the most of what is most important. When small things make you impatient, taking the time to remember one of these things will reduce your impatience to change immediately.
  3. Always remember that you will get what you want in the end. (This takes maturity and patience to understand and accept!) This may be true if you focus your efforts on something; but often you will have to be persistent to reach your goal.
    • For some, this can be easy, but the only thing that makes sense is knowing how to keep yourself busy, even in your spare time.
    • Remember that patience is a mental skill that you will never forget; Therefore, you need to cultivate patience as an important part of your life.Impatience is something not to be proud of, but it's something you should work on before it destroys your life.
  4. Always look at life in a positive way. A positive attitude plays an important role in your ability to train to have patience. Remember that life is not a race, but a journey that you enjoy every experience along the way. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Look at reality

  1. Be prepared for the unexpected. Even though you have a plan, things don't always go as planned. Accept life's difficulties and twists skillfully. Set realistic expectations. This applies not only to the situation but also to the behavior of those around us.
    • If you get angry with your kids or spouse because they accidentally spilled the water, it means you never acknowledge the fact that no one is perfect. Even if it doesn't happen once, but many times because of your negligence, losing your patience won't make things better. It is something that needs to be handled with autonomy and communication if possible.
  2. Give yourself a break. This has two parts.
    • First, do nothing for a few minutes. Just sit still and think. Don't watch TV; don't even read. Do nothing. It can be difficult at first and you may lose patience after a minute or two, but those few minutes can really slow your life down, and it's a key to attitude building. needed for the formation of patience.
    • Next, don't frame yourself and the world around you to unattainable standards. Surely we would have been more patient if we didn't hear the cries of small children, the disks didn't break, the computers wouldn't hang and people didn't make mistakes, but those are things that never happen. Expecting your life to go smoothly is like banging your head against a wall. Let yourself relax! Have your kids go out to play so you won't get stressed out with taking care of them!


  • Instead of getting annoyed by being disturbed (such as crying babies on a long flight), be a passive observer. If you get into the habit of daily observing things and things without making subjective judgments or opinions, being able to acknowledge something without making you uncomfortable, you will gradually become more comfortable.
  • Boredom can make it harder to be patient. If you're waiting in the doctor's office and the only thing you can focus on is the ticking of the clock then hopefully you don't lose patience anytime soon. However, if you can read books and play crosswords, time will pass quickly (or at least not too slow). If you have nothing to do in the meantime, appreciate the fact that you don't have work to do. In a life full of hustle and bustle, opportunities to do nothing are often rare and should be appreciated because you have the opportunity to forget the everyday trivia.
  • Being patient with others is a way to respect them. No one is perfect; and if you want to be a good parent, owner, husband / wife or friend, it is important to recognize this in order to be patient with others. "Don't waste time on little things" is a very good motto. You and those around you will feel more comfortable and closer to each other.
  • Becoming patient is no easy task and you need encouragement to be more patient. However, this is something you can do and should do. Patience can reduce stress levels and improve health and prolong life; Besides, patience can really make you happier. Whenever you feel impatient, think about the positive effects of patience, and remember that impatience only makes things worse.
  • Remember that for every moment of anger, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.
  • Return to reality and focus on the work at hand. You might think you have a lot to do today, but you only have one thing to do is right in front of you. The sense of accomplishment after a job is done will help ease your anxiety and encourage you to work hard for more.
  • When you can change your attitude towards being a patient person, you will find that patience can help you to endure any obstacle, no matter how persistent or frustrating it is. Perhaps more importantly, patience will help you achieve your goals.
  • The way to relieve stress is to write. Studies have shown that people who write about their emotions are calmer and learn to accept the emotions they are experiencing. So the next time you feel angry, write it down and try to think about why you were angry.
  • A quote from the novel Shogun by James Clavell: “Karma is the beginning of understanding. Next is patience. Patience is very important. A strong person is a patient person. Patience means trying not to depend on seven kinds of emotions: hate, love, joy, worry, anger, sorrow, fear. If you are not controlled by those seven emotions, you are a patient person, then you will soon understand the rules of things and get along with the unchanging.
  • Many people find that meditation and yoga can help build patience.
  • Remember, in short, the key to patience is to distract your mind from things that make you impatient and keep your mind occupied with other things.


  • Be patient with impatient people. If they feel they are making you too uncomfortable, leave and go somewhere else to avoid their stressful behavior.
  • Patience should not be equated with procrastination. Understand that patience can help you feel comfortable doing nothing, but not sitting down can lead to impatience and stress.