How to be supple

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do These 6 Exercises to Increase Your Mobility & Flexibility
Video: Do These 6 Exercises to Increase Your Mobility & Flexibility


  • You need someone to guide you while doing stretches. If you do not know what you are doing, an injury can occur. Most martial arts and aerobics classes have well-formulated exercises and instructors. You should find out more information.
  • Remember to do regular movements all over your body while stretching. You need to do it in a balanced manner. If you stretch your left muscles, don't forget to do the same for the right. If you stretch your muscles first, don't forget to stretch your muscles.
    • If you don't feel the muscles slightly tense, the action you do will not be as effective. It's normal to get the muscles slightly tight.

  • Stretch every day (at least 10 to 15 minutes) with increasing intensity. This is important if you want to be supple. Note, you cannot become supple overnight. Exercise at a level that you are comfortable with and gradually increase the difficulty (duration, degree of stretch, or both).
    • When doing stretches, wear comfortable clothing such as a t-shirt and shorts or a tight outfit.
    • Warm up before performing a stretching exercise. One way to get started is to moderate jumping jacks.
    • Performing hard and high-lift exercises right away is dangerous and can be traumatic for anyone. Start with the simple exercise, then move on to the more difficult exercise.
  • The next section will teach you how to do basic and appropriate full-body stretches. Be careful, work slowly to get used to the movement before forcing yourself to do the harder exercises.

    Method 2 of 9: Shoulder stretching exercises

    1. Take turns extending your arms across your chest, then use your other arm to hold it in a position where you don't feel any pain and hold it for 5 or 10 minutes a day. advertisement

    Method 3 of 9: Back muscle stretching exercise

    1. Always observe carefully and be cautious while performing back stretching exercises. Work slowly and gently; If you feel like you can't do any, don't force yourself.
    2. Perform a backbend, also known as bridge posing. Be careful not to overdo it! Once in the bridge position, you will put pressure on your shoulders, try to gather your feet together and stretch. Don't put pressure on your toes!
      • When doing the backbend, make sure the position of your right shoulder is in front or in line with your arms.

    3. Do a gentle swing. Stand upright with your hands parallel to your body. Then gently rotate your body from side to side.
    4. Stretching movements like snakes or seals. Lie on your stomach on the floor and use your arms to lift your body up to stretch like a snake or seal. advertisement

    Method 4 of 9: Leg muscle stretching exercise

    1. Sit down as you would a back stretching exercise, but this time your legs should be straight in front of you.
      • Stretch toward knees. Don't bend your head close to your knees, your face should be facing forward.
      • This movement also relaxes the neck muscles; If you feel pain in your neck while doing this, you can stretch and bend your head close to your knees.
    2. You can also sit with your legs straight and pull your right leg to your left leg several times. Then do the same for the left leg.
    3. Legs are as wide as possible but be careful for about 4 minutes a day. If you have experience and can spread your legs on the floor, get a small pillow and place it under one leg to improve the stretch.
    4. Perform a stretch of your body forward to reach your toes.
      • First, you will lie on your back on the floor and then sit up.
      • Stretch to reach your toes.
      • The face is facing the knee and stays in position for 20 to 30 seconds.
    5. Stretching movements like butterflies. Sit with your legs crossed and your feet touching the nhaur then pull your legs closer to you.
    6. Do lunges. Get on your knees, one foot step forward, one foot behind so that your legs form a 90 degree angle, lowering your body. Then keep the front legs straight.
    7. Do a sitting with legs spread. Spread your legs as wide as possible while sitting. Gently lean left and right but still sit still. advertisement

    Method 5 of 9: thigh muscle stretching exercise

    1. Squeeze thighs together.
      • Hold the position for about 5 minutes. (If it feels too long, you can start with 2 minutes and gradually increase the time.)

    Method 6 of 9: Finger muscle stretching exercise

    1. Hold a fist out in front of you.
      • Slowly open the fist.
      • Stretch your fingers as far as you can. Hold for about 1 minute.
      • Repeat with the other hand. This will help you to improve carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Method 7 of 9: Stretching exercises for the ankle muscles

    1. Rotate your ankles in any shape or form (such as swing and sing). advertisement

    Method 8 of 9: Wrist stretching exercise

    1. Sit on your knees with your hands out in front of you as if you were reading a book.
      • Place your hands on the floor with your fingers facing you, as if you were turning a page upside down during a break.
    2. After doing the above, you can also turn your hand in any direction (regardless of whether your finger is facing forward or back). advertisement

    Method 9 of 9: Purification of mind

    1. Practice mind meditation. In addition to physical training to become resilient with muscle stretching, flexion exercises, we should also focus on training inside the body. Because the inner and outer physical parts have a close relationship. In addition, by paying attention, you will reach into your own inner self.
      • Mind meditation means concentrating attention or feeling the energy within the body.
      • Meditation not only makes the body light, it also helps you notice the tension of your body parts without your knowledge.
      • Try this: focus your attention on your shoulder or hand from the inside of your body and hold still for a while. From there, shift your focus to other parts of your body and feel your fullness. Do you feel like your body is relaxed?
      • If desired, you can do more specifically. For example, if you feel the vacuum is flexible, you can focus and maintain your attention on the energy inside the leg.
      • Do not refuse or accept anything. Please experience. Learn how to meditate and focus on the present for more details.


    • It takes time to have a supple body. Be patient in expecting progress; After about a week, you should notice a small change and after a month you should see a noticeable difference. One day, being supple won't be a big deal. Fighting!
    • Start with stretching exercises for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then increase the amount of exercise to 30 minutes per day for better results. You should exercise regularly.
    • A warm room will help you relax your muscles. Turn on the heater when the room is too cold. You can also heat up your muscles; Place a heating pad on the area you want and do the stretching exercise after 10 minutes but don't forget to apply ice after the workout is over.
    • Alternatively, you can take a brisk walk, walk or jog to increase blood circulation and help circulate blood before doing any stretches.
    • Develops processes in muscle relaxation. For example, first you will stretch the arm muscles, then the leg muscles and other parts. However, don't be afraid to change the sequence if you want.
    • Please maintain a safe state while exercising.Stretching exercises are to increase stamina and endurance, not to tear muscles and endure terrible pain.
    • Remember to do stretching exercises every day and don't give up! Seeing someone as an idol can also help, such as someone who has been doing stretches. If possible, ask them for advice. This will make the training process easier.
    • Always warm up before stretching.
    • If you're having trouble getting your hands to your toes, you can stretch as much as you can every day without needing to bend your knees and hold in position for longer. Gradually, you will see improvement.
    • Ballet is also one way to improve endurance. If you've never tried the subject before, you can sign up for an adult ballet class.
    • Guidance is essential when you first start stretching exercises. If you don't know how, follow the instructions or stop.
    • While doing muscle stretching exercises, don't forget to drink water. Water is essential to prevent dehydration in the body.


    • Don't forget to boot; If you skip this step, you may be injured.
    • Do not continue to stretch if you feel pain. This can tear off muscles.
    • Don't try to do stretches that you don't understand how to get right or perform movements that require someone else's support. You can easily get trauma.
    • You should not smoke if you are doing stretches. Smoking causes many serious body problems that can get worse when you do stretches.
    • Depending on what movement you do, excess muscle stretching can result in serious conditions like a fracture or a sprain.
    • If you practice again after your injury, consult a physiotherapist or a coach to make sure you're training to get better instead of worse.
    • If you feel pain in a certain part of your body, you are stretching too much. You need to decrease the intensity and use less force.
    • Be careful when creating your own stretches. This can be very dangerous for someone who doesn't know how!
    • Talk to your doctor if you are unable to do muscle stretching because of fatigue, muscle weakness, or injury. Don't wait for this to end on its own.
    • Make sure you don't get constipated while doing stretches as it can be very painful.
    • Do not perform muscle relaxation exercises when you are deprived of calcium intake as you will easily damage your bones.
    • Children must have the supervision of an experienced person before performing any movements that could cause injury.
    • Always believe that you are a great person.