How to treat back acne

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid of Back Acne the Natural Way | Effective Home Remedies
Video: How To Get Rid of Back Acne the Natural Way | Effective Home Remedies


Acne on the back is most common and a nuisance. Pre-puberty teenagers and both adults with back acne know that this is a problem and is even more difficult to deal with than the acne on the face. However, since acne on the back is also caused by overactive sebaceous glands, there are similar treatments available for other forms of "cystitis".


Method 1 of 3: Change Your Lifestyle

  1. Wear a clean bra. If you wear a bra, it is extremely important that it be clean. Try to change bra every day. The bra straps should be tight enough not to rub against the pimple as you move, causing it to irritate. If possible, wear a cordless bra as it will help reduce redness on your shoulders.

  2. Wear loose, clean, and well-ventilated clothing. Make sure that the material that touches the back is also clean, and if possible, the main ingredients should be natural fibers like cotton. Try to avoid wearing tight clothing. And finally, the clothes should be washed regularly - preferably after each wear.
    • Try to wash your clothes with a mild, fragrance-free, mild detergent. Strong or fragrant detergents can cause blemishes or worsen your acne condition.
    • If possible, bleach your white items. Bleach kills any remaining bacteria on your clothes and prevents acne from growing. You must rinse it thoroughly after exfoliation to avoid chemical irritation.

  3. Take a shower after sweating. After you practice running or playing basketball, be sure to take a shower. The sweat that stays on your skin after exercising creates an ideal summer playground for bacteria that cause acne! Furthermore, sweat can clog pores, giving ugly acne a chance to grow.
  4. During the shower, make sure to rinse the conditioner out. One potential cause of back acne is the conditioner that hasn't been fully rinsed out of your hair. Conditioner is great for hair, but not good for your back. There are many ways you can stop conditioner from getting into your back and causing nasty little pimples:
    • Lower the water temperature before you rinse the conditioner off. Warm water will enlarge pores, while cold water will constrict your pores. Getting pores to expand as soon as conditioner runs down your back is not a good way to treat back acne.
    • Wash your back last, after shampooing and conditioner.
    • Instead of using conditioner in the shower, condition your hair when you are finished with an oil that does not require rinsing.

  5. Change the detergent type. If you have sensitive skin, the detergent you use can irritate your skin. Try switching to a different brand that's more comfortable for your skin.
  6. Wash your sheets often. Dead skin cells and dirt quickly attach to the sheets. Pets sleeping in bed also cause stains. Peel the sheets and wash them twice a week, or change the sheets twice a week.
    • If possible, bleach your sheets to remove any remaining bacteria after washing. Be sure to rinse the bleach off to avoid chemical allergies.
    • Wash blankets, blankets, and other bed linen regularly.

Method 2 of 3: Special Treatment

  1. Take a full body bath with an oil-free herbal shower gel. You need one with the active ingredient salicylic acid 2%. Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash is a good product to treat acne on the back. Focus on rubbing on the acne area and let it sit for a few minutes before washing off. Let the medicine seep in and take effect.
  2. Moisturize with an oil-free herbal lotion. Your skin is an organ in your body, literally. And like all organs, it needs water and other nutrients to be healthy and smooth. Apply lotion to your back after each shower (daily).
    • Or you can use a non-medicated lotion, but make sure it is pore-free. This is essential because salicylic acid causes dry skin.
  3. Apply acne medication. Since salicylic acid is used to wash and moisturize, you should use another medicine to apply it on acne, such as 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. Do not use 5% or 10% benzoyl peroxide if your skin is too sensitive as this will increase irritation. A 10% sulfur solution may work for you if you are sensitive to benzoyl peroxide.
  4. Apply retinol cream. Apply retinol cream to your back at night. It will help peel the skin and prevent the spread of blemishes in areas prone to blemishes.
  5. Use AHAs and BHAs. Alpha hydroxy acids are exfoliants that often clog pores and cause acne.Beta hydroxy acids fight acne-causing bacteria from the inside out. If possible, try to find a body scrub that contains AHA and use it to shower three times a week. After showering and moisturizing, wipe your back with a BHA-containing cotton pad.
  6. See a dermatologist. Chances are this may require treatment with prescription acne medications or topical acne creams. Don't be afraid to get checked out by a dermatologist. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Natural Back Acne Treatment

  1. Exfoliate the dead skin using a sponge or a loofah. But don't scrub it too hard, or you may further irritate it.
  2. To the beach. Soak your back in sea salt water for about 10 minutes and then sit in the sun for 10 -15 minutes. The sun dries out your pimples. However, do not sit for longer because if you get sunburned your acne may worsen. Repeat this process a few more times and you should see results within the first two days.
  3. Try zinc. This isn't a common home remedy for acne, but it certainly works in some cases. Zinc is the enemy of acne. Humans need a small amount of zinc for certain essential functions to function. In addition to treating acne, it is also used to boost the body's immunity. Zinc can treat back acne in two ways:
    • Apply zinc directly to the skin. Try looking for a lotion containing 1.2% zinc acetate and 4% erythromycin to rub on your skin twice daily. If you can't find this, puncture a zinc capsule, squeeze a few drops on a clean finger or on a cotton swab and apply directly to your back.
    • Take zinc as your daily vitamin. Try taking zinc tablets at doses ranging from 25mg to 45mg per day. Do not exceed 50mg per day as it may pose a risk of copper deficiency, as too high zinc will prevent copper absorption.
  4. Make a natural exfoliant. It will help remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and spread acne. Squeeze a grapefruit and place in a large bowl with 1 and a half cup (about 360 ml) white sugar and 1/2 cup (120 ml) sea salt. Massage into the affected area and pat dry.
  5. Change the pH of the skin. pH is another word for skin's alkalinity. Scientists have determined that a skin pH below 5 - ideally 4.7 - is good for the overall health of the skin and beneficial microbiota on the skin. This can cause the skin's pH to rise above 5, leading to dry, scaly and acne-prone skin.
    • Consider replacing your showerhead. Invest in a shower that filters out the chlorine in the water. Your skin will thank you for this. A good shower with filters costs around $ 25 to $ 50 but can have a huge impact on your skin.
    • Prepare a mixture of one part apple cider vinegar and part water and pour it into a spray bottle. After showering and before going to bed, spray on your skin and let it dry. This will lower the pH of your skin.
    • Instead of using apple cider vinegar, use the same amount of apricot and water, the effect will be similar.


  • Don't squeeze a pimple as it will become red and sometimes scarring.
  • Avoid processed foods not only because of pimples on your back, but also because they won't help any organs, be it your face or your whole body!
  • Lemons are great for drying out acne.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking enough water will prevent your body from producing a lot of oil and bacteria in the form of pimples on your back.
  • Wash the loofah thoroughly after using it as it can easily turn into a haven for germs and bacteria.
  • Try to avoid eating a lot of processed foods as it may be one of the factors that cause back acne. Also, scratching your back can cause acne to spread, so avoid it too.
  • If you are sensitive to salicylic acid or find products on the market that are not effective for acne on your back, try a skin treatment powder. These are usually very effective and don't over-dry the skin. Ask the pharmacist about the brands of your choice.
  • There are many types of acne shower gels on the market. Just look for the active ingredient salicylic acid 2%.
  • For men, avoid undressing and then contact with dirty objects such as walls or the ground.
  • Some other therapies to try to treat back acne:
    • Tea soap
    • Dandruff shampoo contains zinc
    • Tea tree oil is a topical remedy that can be used in place of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.
    • Applying lemon juice (sliced ​​and rubbed on the skin) or tomatoes is fine, as the acid in it will help kill harmful bacteria. This is especially good if you have sensitive skin and chemicals can do more harm than good.


  • Do not touch pimples. This only increases your chances of infection. Treat broken pimples with 3% hydrogen peroxide or 10% benzoyl peroxide to reduce the chance of infection.
  • If you are taking accutane, do not use neutrogena or benzoyl peroxide. Accutane works by destroying the sebaceous glands under the skin, thereby removing the important oil-producing agent.