How to treat acne with toothpaste

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Is Using Toothpaste For Acne safe? || Know the Truth
Video: Is Using Toothpaste For Acne safe? || Know the Truth


Toothpaste can be used to treat urgent acne by drying it out and reducing the time it takes to heal. However, toothpaste can irritate the skin, so it's not recommended to use it as often, and should be used correctly. Read the following article to learn more.


Method 1 of 4: Before Using Toothpaste Therapy

Toothpaste can cure acne quickly, but some other acne remedies may be more effective. Before using toothpaste, try:

Method 2 of 4: Choose Toothpaste

  1. Choose a white toothpaste. When choosing a toothpaste for acne treatment, go for a white one, not one with red, blue, or green stripes. Ingredients that help dry out acne like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and triclosan are all in the white part of the toothpaste, while colored parts can contain ingredients that irritate the skin.

  2. Avoid using toothpaste with active ingredients. Whitening creams that contain bleach (to make teeth whiter) can bleach or burn the skin, causing itching. This is especially true for people with darker skin - as the excess melanin in the skin causes the skin to react more strongly, and therefore more prone to scarring and acne. People with fair skin may be less affected by these ingredients, but it's best to avoid whitening toothpaste.

  3. Do not use gel toothpaste. Gel toothpaste has a different formulation from regular toothpaste, and may therefore lack the active ingredients needed to effectively dry pimples. You should not use them, as they are not beneficial for your skin.

  4. Choose a low fluoride toothpaste. More than 95% of toothpaste in the US contains fluoride because it helps to remove plaque and prevent gum disease. However, many people do experience mild skin allergies to fluoride, and fluoride can cause dermatitis (hives) if it comes into contact with the skin. For this reason, it's best to find a toothpaste with the lowest fluoride content possible (or without fluoride) to minimize the risk of skin irritation.
  5. Choose organic toothpaste. Organic toothpaste is probably your best choice when it comes to acne. They do not contain fluoride (except in the case of natural fluoride) and do not contain growth hormones, pesticides or other chemicals. On the other hand, they still contain essential ingredients for drying out pimples like baking soda and tea tree oil along with the addition of natural anti-bacterial and soothing agents like aloe, myrrh and eucalyptus oil. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Usage

  1. Wash your face. As with any topical treatment, it is important to apply toothpaste to clean, dry skin. Excess dirt or oil on the skin may limit the effectiveness of the treatment. Wash your face with warm water and cleanser, then pat dry.
  2. Squeeze some toothpaste onto your finger. Squeeze some toothpaste onto your index finger or on the back of your hand. A pea-sized amount should be sufficient, depending on the number of pimples you need to treat.
  3. Apply a small amount of toothpaste directly to the top of the pimple. You will only need to apply a very small amount of toothpaste to the top of the pimple to be effective. Just make sure you apply the cream direct right onto the pimple, not the surrounding skin.
    • Never Apply toothpaste all over skin surface like a mask. The reason is that the toothpaste has a drying effect on the skin, which in turn can cause redness, itching, and peeling anywhere but the pimple.
  4. Leave on for two hours or overnight. For best results, leave the toothpaste dry on your skin for two hours or overnight. However, if you have extremely sensitive skin, it's best to rinse the toothpaste away after 15 minutes to a half hour to measure how reactive it is. If your skin is unresponsive, you can gradually increase the amount of time it takes.
    • Some people think that you should stick a compress on the acne to keep the toothpaste. However, this is not recommended, as it can cause the toothpaste to spread to the surrounding skin, leading to irritation and also preventing the skin from breathing.
  5. Gently wipe clean. Wipe off the toothpaste with a damp cloth, using a small circular motion. Wipe it off very gently, as rubbing too hard can irritate or damage the skin. After wiping off the toothpaste, splash warm water over your face and pat dry with your hands or a soft cloth. You can apply a soothing moisturizer if it feels dry and squishy.
  6. Do it no more than four times a week. As mentioned, toothpaste can be irritating, especially if you have sensitive skin, so this is not a method you should use multiple times a day, or more than four times a week. After daily application, for 2-3 consecutive days, you can notice a marked improvement in the size and color of the pimple. After that, you should let the acne heal on its own. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Alternate Methods

  1. Toothpaste is not an acne medication recommended by a dermatologist. Although toothpaste is commonly used at home to treat acne, very few dermatologists recommend it as a treatment. This is because toothpaste can dry out the skin, causing redness, irritation and even skin burns.
    • Regular toothpaste does not contain the same anti-bacterial ingredients as over-the-counter acne creams.
    • For this reason, toothpaste should only be used as emergency treatment for pimples, and you should stop using it immediately if your skin reacts badly. There are many other home treatments you can try as safer, more effective alternatives to toothpaste.
  2. Benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is an excellent topical acne treatment that works against blackheads, whiteheads, and blemishes. It works by killing bacteria in your pores, preventing acne from forming in the first place. Although effective, benzoyl peroxide can cause dryness and peeling, so it should be used only occasionally. Benzoyl peroxide is available over the counter in creams, lotions, gels, patches and cleansers.
  3. Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is another effective over-the-counter acne treatment. It works by reducing inflammation and redness, while exfoliating the skin. Unlike most acne medications, salicylic acid actually helps soothe the skin, making it a good choice for sensitive skin. Salicylic acid is available in different concentrations and in many forms, so talk to your pharmacist or dermatologist about which is best for you.
  4. Sulfur. For people with sensitive skin, sulfur is very effective in treating acne. It is very gentle, but also works to dry out acne. Sulfur draws oil out of clogged pores and regulates sebum production. The only downside is that pure sulfur smells like rotten eggs, so you may need to use it in combination with another product to reduce the odor.
  5. Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a pleasant, natural remedy for acne. Green tea is an effective antiseptic, helping to reduce the size of already-grown pimples, while also helping to prevent the pimples from coming back. Since it is an essential oil it is very suitable for people with dry skin. Tea tree oil should be applied directly to the pimple.
  6. Aspirin. The official name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, which is closely related to the salicylic acid mentioned above. Aspirin is a powerful anti-inflammatory, effective in reducing the size and redness of acne. You can crush an aspirin or two and mix with a little water to make a thick paste, then apply directly to the pimple, or dissolve 5-8 pills in a few drops of water to apply a mask. Applying aspirin will reduce redness and brighten the skin.
  7. Baking soda. Baking soda is one of the best and safest home remedies for acne. Baking soda has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, as well as exfoliating. Simply mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a little water to create a slightly thick paste. Then apply the mixture to each pimple for treatment, or apply it over the entire face like a mask.
  8. Dermatological examination. It can take a lot of work to find an effective acne treatment, and if the acne continues, you should consider seeing your doctor. Your doctor can provide you with useful advice as well as more effective oral and topical medication for you. Getting rid of acne once and for all will give you a boost of confidence and allow you to be proud of your skin! advertisement


  • Avoid touching your face. Touching or squeezing a pimple can cause it to become inflamed and take longer to heal.
  • For best results leave overnight and rinse with warm water the next morning.
  • Check the product on the skin before applying it to the pimples.
  • Wipe the pimple with hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria, especially if you squeeze or irritate the pimple.
  • According to some, this approach rarely works. Please use as last resort.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide works as a bleach, so don't use too much as it will bleach your skin.
  • If you think it's too risky to use any of the above methods, you can use makeup (concealer, foundation, and makeup powder) to cover up blemishes.


  • If your skin has any reaction to the toothpaste, discontinue use immediately, as overuse can burn the skin.