How to answer the question "What do you like me about?"

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stop Saying "I’m Fine" - Ways to Respond to "Hello, how are you?"
Video: Stop Saying "I’m Fine" - Ways to Respond to "Hello, how are you?"


Maybe you get quite nervous when someone asks you, "What do you like me about?" Even if you have countless reasons to like that person, when suddenly asked like that, it is difficult to give the best answer. Take a deep breath so you can answer calmly, smile, and focus completely on the person you are facing. You can start answering with something very simple. Once you speak up and calm down, it will be easier to comment on them.


Method 1 of 3: Respond to questions

  1. Breath. When someone asks you this, you will be surprised or confused by being put in an awkward situation. Feeling anxious will easily cause you to fall into the situation where you just say it without thinking about anything. Sometimes your mind is completely empty and you just don't know what to say! Take a deep breath before answering!

  2. Start with a simple answer. Is the person asking the question a friend? Your lover? Or a family member? Whoever you are, show that you value their presence and their role. If that question surprises you, start answering from the simplest things to have more time to come up with a more detailed answer.
    • For example, you could answer a friend: "To me, you are a very wonderful friend".
    • To your lover, you can say: "You are a really considerate boyfriend".

  3. Answer in more detail. After you have opened up with a simple comment, refine your response by making a comment about some of their specific qualities. For example, with a friend, you could add things like: "I like you because you are always there and supporting me". With your lover, you can tell him: "You are the one who always takes care of you and always nurtures our affection." There are also a few more things you can add:
    • "You are the first boyfriend that makes me feel truly special".
    • "I always look forward to the weekend so that we can meet each other to gather, play with you.

  4. Give an example after the comment. Try to think of an example of what you might think about that person. For example, to a friend, you could say, “You were there when my dog ​​Lucy passed away. At that time I was really sad, thank you for taking the time to comfort me ". Or to your lover, you could say, "I was really thoughtful when planning a picnic for our two-month anniversary together." You can also add a few other things like:
    • “You are very funny! Until now, I still have a painful laugh when I think about last summer when we made fun of your brother ".
    • “When you were sick, I called to see if you were okay. Besides me, no one cares about you like that ".
    • “You are so smart. I easily passed the algebra test thanks to you wholeheartedly guiding me to do my homework ”.

Method 2 of 3: Focus on the positives

  1. Use positive and specific words. Instead of saying general things like: "You study very well", try saying: "You really have an artistic talent. The picture you just drew is great. I wish I could draw like you! ”. Instead of a neutral answer like: "You are always nice to everyone", you can say: "You always try to be kind and generous towards others." Use specific positive words such as "gifted" and "generous". Try saying things like:
    • “You are never afraid of anything! I really like you so brave ”.
    • "You are knowledgeable and passionate about music! I like that every time I meet, I can share new bands with you".
  2. Talk about the person's best personality traits. When you think of this person and their personality, what thoughts or words come to mind first? Humor? Clever? Decisive? Talent? Happy? Bonny? Aggressive? Tell them about it! Say things like:
    • “I like your humor! Going out with you I can't help smiling! "
    • “I like you because you are always optimistic and cheerful. You always know how to make things positive and I like to be with you ”.
  3. Focus on their personality instead of their looks. Giving compliments about looks may seem like a good idea, but try to let the answer emphasize the personality of the questioner. You can say that the person is handsome or pretty, you don't have to avoid such compliments. However, if you are only referring to looks, then the person may think that their appearance is the only thing that interests you. Let's say things like:
    • "You are a very good person to listen to others".
    • "You are the one who gives me a lot of inspiration."
    • "You are a person with a very kind heart".

Method 3 of 3: Think through

  1. Take a minute to think about why the person asks you that. If your best friend recently broke up with your lover, she or he may be feeling very sad and self-deprecating. Or if your partner asks this question, she / he may be feeling insecure about your relationship. If you have been arguing with someone recently, they may be worried that you are angry and dislike them. If you know why the person asked you this question, use the responses to encourage and encourage them. Let's say things like:
    • "I've never felt such a strong love. For me, you really are the world".
    • "No matter what happens, I'll always be your good friend."
  2. Take the question seriously. When asked suddenly, you may find this question difficult to understand or stupid, but maybe the person asking the question really wants to know the answer. If you are busy with something, stop and focus on the person asking the question and respond seriously. When you answer, don't forget to smile and look them in the eye. Think through it rather than responding superficially or over-the-counter.
    • If the person has asked you this question many times and for no reason at all, they are more likely to be complimenting you. This seems true if they are never satisfied with your answer.
    • If that's the case, say: "I've answered this question so many times, what else do you want to hear?"
  3. Be sincere. If a person can feel close enough to ask you what you like about them, then you probably know them quite well. Therefore, don't give them an untruthful answer. You really like the person, let them know how you sincerely feel.
    • You can tell your friend: “Van, since we were 5 years old, you have been my best friend. We have come a long way together, I don't know what my life would be without you. You can then share more details.
    • Although this rarely happens, if someone you do not like or understand well asks you this question, then try to respond sensitively. Please give the most sincere answer possible. For example, you could say, "I don't know you very well, but you seem to be a very nice person."