How to treat a dry cough

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dry Cough Treatment | Dry Cough Home Remedy
Video: Dry Cough Treatment | Dry Cough Home Remedy


What could be more unpleasant than a persistent dry cough. Coughs like that cause a lot of nuisance for your life, for others in the same group and in social interactions. The following article will provide you with ways to relieve and completely eliminate dry coughs with methods available at home. Coughs can be completely treated at home, but keep in mind, when coughs last for 3 or more weeks in a row, see your doctor for a diagnosis.


Method 1 of 5: Drink plenty of water

  1. Keep the throat moist. The cause of the cough is usually a discharge in the posterior nose, fluid flowing from the nose to the space behind the throat. This drainage usually occurs when you have a cold or the flu. Drinking water will help dilute mucus caused by colds.

  2. Gargle with warm salt water. Salt water has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Gargle before you go to bed and any time of the day that you feel a discomfort in your throat.
  3. Drink plenty of warm water. While hot water is the best solution for the throat, warm water replenishes the tissues better. Hot water can irritate already inflamed areas, while warm tea is a great way to both warm and soothe your throat.
    • Anise seed tea is famous for its use in soothing the throat and relieving coughing attacks. You can add cinnamon to double the soothing effect of a cup of tea.
    • Make ginger tea. Add some pepper and some basil leaves to reduce congestion. The combination of these two herbs creates an anesthetic and soothing effect on your throat, helping the throat tissues to rest after severe coughs.

  4. Drink honey milk and hot cinnamon before going to bed. Combined honey and cinnamon will form antibacterial agents that cause infections, reduce swelling, and provide antioxidants that can heal sore throats.
    • To make cinnamon milk, add ½ tbsp cinnamon and 1 tbsp sugar in a small saucepan. Add 1/8 tbsp baking soda with 8 ounces of milk and mix well. Only heat until the mixture is about to boil. Cool, then add 1 tablespoon honey, stir until the honey is dissolved, and use while the mixture is still warm.

  5. Drink pineapple juice. According to a 2010 study, pineapple juice is 5 times more effective than cough syrup. Pineapple juice soothes your larynx, but leaves no residue behind your cough. Choose pineapple juice instead of orange and lemon juice.
    • Grape juice is also a cure for coughing spells. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to a cup of grape juice. Grapes are used as an expectorant; speed up the secretion of phlegm in the respiratory tract, so your cough will ease.
  6. Use oregano to relieve coughs. Boil one tablespoon of oregano with one cup of boiling water. After the water boils, filter out the vegetable residue and enjoy the oregano tea.
    • Removing oregano is easier if you have a tea filter on hand.

Method 2 of 5: Use Soft Foods

  1. Soothe your throat with honey. Beeswax has the ability to soothe asbestos, thereby reducing irritation in the throat (and your coughing spells). Good honey is just as effective as a cough medicine!
    • If you don't have honey, rose petals are another great option. Rose water has a very good expectorant effect.
  2. Use natural oils to soothe coughs. Essential oils are powerful and are home remedies for many diseases. There are many essential oils available to help relieve a prolonged coughing attack.
    • The most effective decongestant oils include: eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, mugwort, green tea, sandalwood, cedar, frankincense, and cardamom.
      • To treat congestion, place 1-2 drops of essential oil on your hands, rub your hands together, and place your hands over your nose, and take 4-6 deep breaths. Or you can soak 2-4 drops of oil in a cotton ball, put the cotton in a zippered bag to carry on the go.
    • The best essential oils for sore throats: tea tree oil, wormwood oil, eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint essential oil, rosemary essential oil, lemon, garlic, and ginger essential oil.
      • You can treat a sore throat by dissolving 1-2 drops of oil in warm water to rinse your throat for a few minutes, then spit it out. Do not swallow.
  3. Make your own home cough syrup. Many homemade cough syrups are even more effective at treating coughs than those bought over the counter.
    • How to prepare herbal syrup. Dissolve 480 ml of the herbal mixture in 1 liter of water. Herbs that are particularly effective include fennel, licorice, lemongrass, cinnamon, ginger root, and orange peel. Simmer the herbs until the mixture is halved (about half a liter). Filter the pulp and add a cup of honey to the solution after boiling, stirring until the honey dissolves.
    • Make homemade purple onion syrup. Purple onions have the ability to eliminate phlegm, the cause of coughing attacks. Thinly slice shallots and squeeze the juice, mix with 1: 1 honey and let the mixture settle for about 4 or 5 hours. When the mixture thickens, it produces a cough syrup that you can use twice a day.
    • Make a syrup from the elderberry. Elderberry syrup is a great remedy because it not only relieves coughing, but also soothes the stomach. If your stomach is sensitive, use this syrup. Add 1 liter of elderberry juice with 2 cups honey and 2 cinnamon sticks in a kettle. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes so that the three ingredients above mix to form syrup.
      • Here is a guide to making elderberry juice for those who want to make their own: boil fresh or dried elderberries with 1 liter of water for about 45 minutes, then filter the elderberry residue and continue to follow the steps below. instructions above.
  4. Eat warm chicken soup. The heat of the chicken soup expands the respiratory membranes and soothes the burning pain in the throat, giving you energy so you don't go away because the chicken soup is high in protein. Plus, what could be better than having a bowl of warm soup?
  5. Suck on the Lozenge pills. Look for a Lozenge medicine that contains menthol. Menthol both numbs the back of the throat and relieves the cough. Menthol is extracted in mint leaves, and has the ability to numb and soothe sore throat. Lozenge is a great solution when you don't want your cough to bother people around in public places like movie theaters and classrooms.
    • If you can't find lozenge, suck on a hard candy. This simple solution helps to stimulate saliva secretion and soothe a dry cough. Chewing gum also has a temporary effect. It is best to use mint lozenges as they can provide the same anesthetic effect as menthol.

Method 3 of 5: The Benefits of Moisture

  1. Use a humidifier. Dry air can interrupt the secretion of mucus in the nose, dry the nose, irritate the throat and cause coughing spells, and the humidifier can solve this problem.
    • Be careful when using the humidifier too much, if it is not clean, it will spray fungus and mold patches into the air, making your cough not only not lessened, but also worse.
  2. Take a hot bath. Close all bathroom windows and turn off all electric fans to create your own sauna. The heat loosens up mucus stuck in your nose. The heat treats coughs caused by colds, allergies and asthma.
  3. Steam. Boil a kettle of water, lift the kettle off the stove and place it on a safe surface. Then bend your head over the kettle and breathe in the hot steam from the kettle (be especially careful not to burn).
    • Add thyme to the kettle for double the soothing effect.

Method 4 of 5: Taking Medicines

  1. Use decongestants. If runny nose is the cause of your cough, consider using decongestants. Decongestants cause the swollen nasal tissues to shrink, reducing mucus secretion. Decongestants are given into the nose in the form of sprays, drops, and oral pills.
    • It's best not to use the sprays for more than three days as they can be counterproductive.
    • The decongestant spray may contain Oxymetazoline, a decongestant that can cause damage to the airways if it is interacted with the nose for more than three days.
  2. Try allergy medications. Allergic medications limit the body's release of histamine that produces mucus in the nose and throat that causes coughing attacks. Anti-allergy medications are especially effective when the season is prone to allergies, and in cases where the body is allergic to the environment, such as dandruff and fungus in pet hair, will cause your cough.
  3. Understand cough suppressants. Cough suppressants contain active ingredients such as camphor, dextromethorphan, eucalyptus oil, and menthol, which will shorten your cough for a short time, but cannot cure your cough. If you are having trouble sleeping because of coughing spells, or if you are coughing so much that you feel pain in your chest and muscles, you will need to use cough suppressants at night. Note, inhibitors do not have a radical therapeutic effect. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Handling Potential Symptoms

  1. See your doctor for a diagnosis if you have a bacterial infection. If you have been attacked by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for you. However, antibiotics are not effective against viruses because they do not react with them.
  2. Find out what's causing the irritation around you. If you have recently changed your perfume or bathroom spray, they may have irritated your sinuses, leading to coughing attacks. Tobacco smoke is also a serious cause of coughing spells.
    • If smoking is the cause of your cough, consult a cough remedy for smokers and smokers.
  3. Avoid stomach irritation. If you suffer from esophageal reflux or frequent belching, you need to limit any triggers that trigger your stomach. Do not lie down for 3 hours after eating, and avoid spicy foods and foods that are likely to irritate your stomach.
  4. Use medicine. Medications such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors will make your coughing worse. If the medication you are taking has these side effects, talk to your doctor about a replacement medication.
  5. Avoid contact with dust and allergens. If your air purification is unable to remove dust and allergens from your environment, antiallergic medications can help you cope with severe allergy-induced coughing spells. advertisement


  • The prerequisite way to prevent coughing attacks is to practice good hygiene. Regular hand washing with soap is the best way to prevent bacteria from entering the body.
  • Avoid eating when food is too hot or too cold.
  • Avoid screaming because when screaming, your throat will stretch.
  • Get plenty of sleep, especially if your cough is accompanied by cold symptoms.
  • Sit up straight while enjoying honey or lemon tea or pineapple juice. Limit your conversation while you are sitting.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • When you use your humidifier, do not insert small accessories more than once a day, these small accessories can get stuck, causing the machine to release mold spores.


  • Home remedies may not be suitable for young children. Note, do not give honey to children under 1 year old.
  • Seek medical attention if your cough persists and gets worse.
  • The above therapies, especially those that use boiled water, are not suitable for young children.
  • Pregnant women should consult their doctor before starting any home remedies.
  • See your doctor if your sore throat is accompanied by the following symptoms:
    • Fever
    • Chills
    • Severe cough, persistent cough
    • Wheeze