How to treat lice quickly

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports
Video: How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports


Head lice are usually spread by direct contact with the hair of an infected person, and in less common cases, by sharing personal items such as combs, hair brushes, hats and headscarves. Head lice. Head lice are not a sign of unhygienic conditions, and infection does not depend on hair length or how often it is washed. Getting rid of lice is not a fast process. Lice brushing and hair washing is essential. However, there are still rapid therapies that can help speed up the treatment process. Make sure to repeat treatments within a week.


Method 1 of 3: Natural topical treatments

  1. Understand how products naturally kill lice in different ways. Some of the vegetable oils that are known to kill lice and nits include tea tree oil, anise oil, and ylang ylang oil. Other asphyxiant products used with shower caps include mayonnaise, olive oil, oil wax (Vaseline cream) and butter. In contrast to over-the-counter drugs, alternative therapies can be favored for being cheap and non-toxic.

  2. Make a mixture of tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil. Mix 1 teaspoon tea tree oil, 1 teaspoon eucalyptus oil and 1 tablespoon hair tonic hair conditioner. Apply the mixture on the scalp of children infected with lice and leave overnight and wash off the mixture every morning. Next, you will need to use a white conditioner to treat lice. Out in a bright light, use a squash comb to remove dead lice and nits from your child's hair.
    • If the therapies are effective, lice will die within 24 hours.

  3. Make a night lice remedy with an essential oil and olive oil. Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil with 15-20 drops of essential oil. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to your head and rub it thoroughly (but gently) into the scalp. Leave the mixture on top for at least 12 hours. Comb your hair thoroughly and wash it off the next morning. You can use essential oils such as:
    • Tea tree oil
    • Lavender oil
    • Peppermint oil
    • Eucalyptus oil
    • Red thyme oil
    • Nutmeg oil
    • Clove oil

Method 2 of 3: Overnight hood therapy

  1. Find a lice choking product. You can use olive oil, mineral oil, Vaseline cream, butter or mayonnaise to suffocate lice. Apply a sufficient amount to apply all over the scalp, such as 4 tablespoons of Vaseline cream is sufficient.
  2. Prepare your workplace. After you have prepared the lice product, choose a room to do the job. Choose a place that is not carpeted so that you can clean it up after you are done. A kitchen, bathroom or anywhere outdoors is suitable. Gather gloves, clean towels, a bucket of hot water and a shower cap. Have the infected person sit on a stool that's just within reach so that you can handle the person's head easily.
  3. Guaranteed safety. Wear disposable gloves. Cover the eyes of the person in need of lice treatment when applying the product. You don't want the oil in their eyes.
    • Overnight hooding is not recommended for young children. Hats can cause a child to choke. Instead, cover your baby with a hood during the day.
  4. Spread a large amount of the product on your hair. Make sure the product covers the entire head, as close to the scalp as possible, while covering all of the hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap, making sure it doesn't get loose - it should be tight while it's comfortable. Leave the hat in your hair for at least eight hours.
  5. Take off your shower cap. Wash your hair with shampoo. Lice choking products will be washed. For greasy products like oil wax, you can use dish soap to wash it off. Use a hair comb to remove dead lice and nits. You can see Getting rid of lice naturally for how to use a squash comb. Wash your hair again. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Follow-up care

  1. To comb. Even when using overnight lice therapy, you should brush your hair (or someone who needs lice) every night for three weeks to make sure no new lice appear. Use a specially designed comb for lice brushing. This comb has long, tight metal teeth. Avoid using the plastic comb or comb included in the lice shampoo bottle.
  2. Repeat treatment after one week. There are currently no products on the market that can destroy all nits. Lice therapies only kill the lice that have hatched, but the nits hatch at different times, so the lice can hatch after treatment. Repeat home remedies for 7 to 10 days. Follow the steps as done before. This will help kill newly hatched and adult lice.
  3. Check your hair. Use a comb to split your hair into small sections. Examine each section of hair for nits. You should also look for live or dead lice. If you still find lice after a second treatment, consider using another therapy or medication prescribed by your doctor. Do not neglect treatment under any circumstances.
  4. Go to the doctor. Although it's a good idea to see your doctor as soon as you find out, you may also need a follow-up visit. If the lice condition in you or your baby does not improve within three weeks, see your doctor. Also, if your child scratches their head and tears their skin, they can get an infection. If you suspect this will happen, seek medical treatment.
    • There are many types of topical lice medications. Some are sold over-the-counter, others require a prescription. Head lice are resistant to some drugs, so you may need to try another if the one you just used doesn't work. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any of the following medicines.
      • Cream Permethrin 1% (non-prescription)
      • Malathion Lotion 0.5% (prescription only)
      • Pyrethrin shampoo 0.33% (non-prescription)
      • Lotion Benzyl alcohol 5% (prescription only)
      • Spinosad 0.9% (prescription only)
      • Ivermectin 0.5% topical lotion (prescription only)
  5. House and furniture cleaning. Head lice cannot survive long if dropped from the host because they are no longer given food. The reality is that lice will die in a day or two without sucking human blood, but cleaning your home and equipment to prevent re-infection is still a good idea. Please complete the following steps:
    • Wash all bedding and clothes worn by the person with lice in a washing machine on the day of treatment or for the previous two days. Wash in hot water mode (55 degrees C).
    • Dry the laundry at high temperature.
    • Take dry-only laundry to the laundry.
    • Soak the comb and hair brush in 55 degree C hot water for 5-10 minutes.
    • Vacuum floors and furnishings, especially focusing on areas where people infected with lice live.
    • Avoid using antiseptic sprays. These drugs can be harmful to humans.


  • Head lice can live up to 2 days after leaving the scalp.
  • Head lice do not spread the disease.
  • You will not find lice on animals. Head lice live only by sucking on human blood.
  • Lice oil should never be used in children. Kerosene is a hazardous substance and can ignite.
  • Add tea tree oil to your shampoo to repel lice. You should also add tea tree oil to hair gel or cream and brush your child's hair every day. The lice won't like this!