How to Chat With A Girl Without Boring

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Effective Ways To Talk To A Girl Without Boring Her
Video: 5 Effective Ways To Talk To A Girl Without Boring Her


During your last conversation with a girl, you find yourself chattering about math homework, then reminders of a dentist's appointment, followed by cracking your knuckles while the other person looks down Staring at the floor in an awkward silence. Don't worry: every guy has to go through this situation. If your last conversation doesn't go as interesting as the movie Hunger Games (Hunger Games) is fine too - if you are prepared and put in an effort, the next time you talk to a girl, she will be completely attracted to you.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Started Appropriately

  1. Start with a light topic. When you first start talking to her, choose gentle topics so that you both can talk naturally without feeling awkward. Don't tell her about the weird rash on your back or ask her questions about her most embarrassing moments; you can talk about these topics once you get to know each other better. Talk about topics that can lead you to an enjoyable conversation without making her feel uncomfortable. Don't be vulgar. She likes to be treated like a lady! Here are a few cool and safe topics to get you started:
    • Your favorite music group
    • The movie you just watched recently
    • Your pet
    • Your siblings
    • What did you do over the weekend or what do you plan to do next weekend
    • Your plans for the upcoming vacation

  2. Avoid discussing delicate topics. Avoid talking in private as a way to initiate a light topic. While you can build deeper conversations once she gets to know you quite well, at this point it's best to avoid talking about the death of someone in your family. , your first lover, your strange illness, or your fear of death. If you find that you and her are forming a connection quickly, you can quickly flick through small topics to get to the important part, but you really should avoid talking about too delicate topics when Talk to her or she might get annoyed.
    • If she leads you to a personal topic and shows an attitude of wanting to talk about it, you can talk about it and watch how things work, but be careful.
    • Observe her face and body language. If she hides or looks upset when you ask a question about a topic that you think is pretty simple, then this means for her, this is a sensitive topic.

  3. Always smile. Smiling and maintaining a positive attitude captures her interest and makes her want to talk to you more. You don't have to smile so much that your cheeks are numb, you should only smile whenever you feel comfortable. Doing this will show her that you really enjoy talking to her and will feel positive for her. You may forget to smile when you are nervous, so remember to take control of yourself.
    • Smiling is especially important when you first start talking to her and when you are ending the conversation. It is important to start the story and end it forcefully.

  4. Eye contact. Making eye contact is the key to making her feel important and showing that you really care about what she says. You may feel awkward talking to her and from there you may end up staring at her feet or rolling your eyes around because you are afraid to look at her face, but try try to get rid of this habit as much as you can. Although you don't have to be warm or overly affectionate during the conversation or else she might get scared, try to make eye contact with her as much as possible while she is. are talking so she can feel that she's important.
  5. Ask her questions. Making her feel special early is quite important. You can show her that you really care about her by asking questions, whether you ask her about herself or about her recent plans. You don't have to ask too subtle questions - and in fact, you shouldn't - but you need to make an effort to show her that you are trying to get to know her more. If she doesn't ask you back, stop asking the question, or she'll feel like she's being interrogated. Here are some topics to ask her questions:
    • Her hobbies and interests
    • Her favorite band, book genre, or TV show
    • Her favorite subject
    • The job she dreamed of
    • Her best friend
    • Her plan
  6. Praise her. After you have talked a bit, you can give her a little compliment to make her feel better. Don't go overboard and don't praise her unless the compliment comes from your sincerity. You can compliment her sweater, her new hairstyle, jewelry she's wearing, or even her personality. You shouldn't give her good-looking compliments ("You have very nice legs") or else she might feel uncomfortable.Choose the right things and let her know that you like them to show that you care about her but don't want to go beyond the limit.
    • Giving her a compliment in every conversation is a pretty good goal. You don't want her to feel surrounded by the compliment, or that the compliment doesn't come from the bottom of your heart.

Part 2 of 3: Maintaining Her Attention

  1. Find similarities. Once your story has started smoothly, you can go ahead and search for similarities so that you can both find a suitable topic to discuss. While you don't really need to have common ground to be able to build a great conversation, finding similarities can make it easier for you to bond. When you talk to her, try to find a topic you can share together, whether it's a love for a sport or a sports team, by coincidence. both share the same hometown, or even know the same friends or teachers.
    • Talking about topics that you are both sharing can help open you up, help you see that you can have an interesting conversation, and help you talk about new topics. For example, you could start by talking about their love for comedian Hoai Linh, and then share about the most incredible experiences of meeting Hoai Linh on stage, and from there, You can discuss what you want to do when coming to Phu Quoc, etc.
    • Let a topic you both share come out naturally rather than doing your best to find out if she likes things similar to yours. Create open ends so the conversation doesn't end if she doesn't have the same interests as you. For example, instead of saying "I watch movies Frozen (Frozen) yet? This is my newest favorite movie, "you can ask her," Have you seen any good movies lately? "
  2. Ask her for her opinion. This is another way to keep the conversation going and show her that you really enjoy talking to her and that she is important to you. If you ask her for her opinion, whether it be her thoughts on the current political situation or about your new shoes, she will find that you value her and that you truly are. appreciate her opinion. And she will know that you are not trying to flirt with her, but because you really care and respect her.
    • Don't ask questions that she can only answer "yes" or "no", instead use open-ended questions so she can present more of the answer. Try using the saying "What do you think about ..." instead of "Do you think that ..."
  3. Use your surroundings. If you're nervous and feel like your conversation is slowing down, look around and see if you can use your surroundings to your advantage. Maybe behind you is a flyer for a band and you can ask her if she likes the band or not. Or maybe you are standing near a coffee shop and you can ask her if she ever went there to read. You may have noticed that she is wearing a school coat your sister is attending and you might ask about her connection to this school. While you shouldn't be looking around frantically the first moment you start a conversation, when you feel like you're running out of topic to talk about, you can look around for search. theme.
    • This is a creative way to maintain her attention and keep her talking. She will feel an impression of your profundity.

  4. Make her laugh. If you want to get her attention, make her laugh. If you make her laugh, she will want to talk to you more, so look for an opportunity where you can add some humor. You can gently tease yourself, make a nice tease at someone you both know well, or put up an old joke that you think she would respond to. If you have a funny joke that you think will make her laugh, you can tell her. Find opportunities to make her laugh, but don't overdo it.
    • If you aren't the funny type, you don't have to work hard to be that person. She will notice that you are working hard and she will feel sorry for you. Try to perfect yourself instead, and if you can make her laugh in the process, great.
    • If you don't know her well, don't tease her unless you are both starting to flirt and tease each other. She may be misunderstood and offended, and you probably won't want this to happen.

  5. Let her say it. You may be so nervous about trying not to bore her so much that you may end up talking too much and not giving her a chance to speak. Talking continuously throughout the conversation doesn't mean you'll get her interested in the conversation, instead stopping and spending a little time in silence can be a good opportunity to she might also start talking about something interesting. Don't put pressure on yourself and make sure everyone has the same amount of time to talk, or more or less if either of you is shy.
    • If you don't stop talking about yourself, you will look like someone who is just self-centered and she won't want to keep talking to you.

  6. Find out her hobbies. Almost every girl likes to talk about the things that matter the most to them, so don't forget to ask what she likes to do in her spare time, how often she does this, and why why does she like this and why does this mean so much to her. You don't have to question too much and you will notice that her face lights up as she begins to talk about what's really important to her. This will help her feel like she's important and that you really care about the things she loves.
    • If she doesn't talk too much about her interests, share yours too.

Part 3 of 3: Strong Ending

  1. Show her the qualities that make you stand out. You don't have to do a backflip to impress her. However, you will want to end the conversation by giving her the feeling that she has gotten to know a little about you and that she feels the reason you stand out from the other guys. It could be your sense of humor, your charm, or your love for the guitar. Whatever the reason, open up to her and show her who you really are. This way, when she meets you again, she will have more topics to talk about and will leave a good memory in her mind of the last time she talked with you.
    • She doesn't have to know everything about you in a 10 or 15 minute conversation. But you need to show her one or two of your interesting qualities. If you just chat with her often, it will be hard for the two of you to really get to know each other.
  2. Don't try too hard. Relax and be yourself and remember that she may be feeling the same nervousness as you. This means you don't have to tell fake stories just to get her interested or try to talk about something you aren't really interested in, like motorcycles, just because you think it will make you look "cool". You should not defame or defame others just because you think this will catch her attention. Take a deep breath, relax, and talk about the things you would normally discuss with any of your friends instead of trying to "show off" in front of her.
    • If you try too hard, she will know.Your goal is to show her that you enjoy talking to her without making conversation important.
  3. Maintain a positive attitude. When you feel the conversation is coming to an end, remember to be positive no matter what topic you are talking about. If you spend the last five minutes complaining about your parents, about the teacher, the weather, or something that makes you unhappy, you won't be able to leave a positive impression on her. When the conversation is over, you'll want to leave a good note for her and want her to remember you as a cheerful person, not an annoyed or even painful person.
    • You may feel motivated by a certain emotion, and you can express it a bit if you and her are involved in something that bothers you, but do your best to save it. These negative emotions give someone closer to you.
  4. Maintain confidence. Remember to always show confidence throughout the conversation. Let her know that you truly believe what you say and that you are happy with yourself. If she does, she will find that you are a self-loving guy who is cheerful and easy to talk to. If you are worried, upset, or express your feelings about not being able to find a topic to talk about, you will make her feel awkward and will not want to talk to you again.
    • You don't have to act like you are the coolest guy in the world or that you have the charms to be a movie actor; Act as if you are happy because you are self and everything will happen from there.
    • Show off and confidence are two completely different personalities. If you boast too much, she may feel a little lost.
  5. Say goodbye when you're having a good time. This is a great way to leave a positive impression. If you find that the conversation is going well and that you are having a good time and really getting along, tell her that you want to talk to her but you really are. have to say goodbye right now. While it may sound goofy to say goodbye to a great conversation, this is a good time to say goodbye to her if you want to leave an unforgettable impression on her mind. that. If you wait too long, you may find that the conversation is starting to slow down or you are running out of topic to talk about, and so how does she want to talk to you again? Wait for the conversation to get excited and tell her politely that you need to say goodbye.
    • If you feel really brave and the conversation is going well, you can muster the courage to meet her again.