How to exercise your abs while sitting

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Work Out Your Abs While Sitting
Video: Work Out Your Abs While Sitting


Busy schedules and chores keep you from exercising. An important part of the exercise regimen is to develop abdominal and core muscles. Developing these muscles will help improve your posture and protect your back from injury. However, you don't always have time to go to the gym. Instead, you can use your sitting time to train your abs. You can do abs exercises while sitting by doing exercises aimed at a specific position and using cardio exercises in a chair.


Method 1 of 2: Perform abdominal muscle development

  1. Variants of abdominal crunches. Sit upright with your knees pressed and bent at a 90 degree angle. Fold your hands together and place the back of your head, tightening your abdominal muscles. Lean back slightly so that the back just barely grazes the back of the chair. Remember to use your core muscles, turn forward and touch your right elbow on the outside of your left knee. Return to starting position and touch left elbow on right knee. Do 20 alternate beats.
    • Lift your legs and knees up to touch the opposite elbow, increasing the difficulty of the exercise.

  2. Bend to one side to aim for diagonal abdominal muscles. Place one hand on the back of your head and stretch your other arm out in front of you. Use your central muscles to bend to one side and keep your arms outstretched in a controlled state. Squeeze your diagonal abdominal muscles or flank muscles to push your body back to the starting position. Start with 10 beats on each side and slowly work up to 25 reps.
    • You may also want to start with limited range of motion so you can focus on the muscles along the extended side of your body.

  3. Russian cross-belly flexes. Turn to the side so that your body deviates from the back of the chair. Using your abs and core muscles, lean back as much as possible without losing control or bending your back. Hold your hands in front of you and turn your shoulders to the left. Then turn your shoulders to the right to complete a beat. Repeat 10 or more beats if you can.

  4. Simple waist rotation. Even small movements can be exercised for abdominal muscles. Sit upright in a chair and squeeze your abs while using your other core muscles. Turn waist to side while maintaining an upright posture. Hold for five seconds and repeat on the other side.
  5. Be careful with wheeled seats. Some chairs or armchairs have wheels and can push you around the room while exercising. You should do this slowly when doing abdominal exercises on a wheelchair. Holding the chair in place will force the abdominal muscles and central muscles to work harder and prevent injury. Some ways to prevent the chair from moving are:
    • Have someone else hold a chair for you
    • Place the chair near a wall or something to hold hands in case the chair moves
    • Lock the wheel of the seat
    • Insert the support around the wheels so they cannot move

Method 2 of 2: Exercise your abs using a cardio exercise

  1. Dancing arms and legs. Sit up straight. Place feet on the floor close together. Keep your knees closed. Raise your arms above your head while extending your legs sideways. Repeat this for 30 seconds. This exercise helps develop stamina and increases blood circulation, which can help your mind to be clearer.
    • Perform faster limbs to increase your heart rate and force your abs and central muscles to move more.
  2. Swim to have six pack abs. Squeeze and pull your abdominal muscles toward your back for central muscle movement. Then gently lean back at the waist, legs stretched out to one side of the chair. Kick the legs quickly up and down in 30-50 beats. This movement helps to move the central muscles and increases endurance, which can make the abdominal muscles more beautiful.
  3. Jog on a chair. Sit upright on the outer half of the chair. Handles on the sides of the chair to keep the body steady. Lean slightly back, using abdominal and core muscles. Raise your right knee up to your chest and then lower it as you lift your left knee. Start with 5 lifts in each leg and slowly do more as your abs are strong.
    • Rotate legs as quickly as possible to get more abdominal movement and heart health development.
  4. Sitting on a training ball. Ask your supervisor if he can sit on a training ball. If possible, take turns sitting in a chair and then on a training ball for 20-30 minutes throughout the day. This exercise not only trains the abdominal muscles, but also develops the hip and leg muscles. Buy a workout ball the right size for your body like this:
    • 45cm for people under 150cm tall
    • 55cm for people 150-170cm tall
    • 65cm for people from 172cm tall and above


  • Consult your doctor before doing core and abdominal exercises if you have lower back or other problems.

What you need

  • Chair
  • Ball practice