How to practice leg lifts

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Straight Leg Lift Exercise
Video: Straight Leg Lift Exercise


  • Remember to flex your abdominal muscles to push your lower back to the floor; There should be no gaps between the floor and the lower back. This pose will focus on the abdominal muscles, while protecting the spine.
  • Try to look at the ceiling and avoid the tendency to bend your neck to look down at your feet, so your neck won't hurt. If you feel your head and neck moving forward too much, lift your chin up slightly.
  • Straighten your legs until your feet are pointing straight up to the ceiling. Point your feet up and raise them as slowly as possible. Be sure not to let your lower back curl off the ground, otherwise you could be injured and not reap much benefit from the exercise.
    • If you can do Step 2 easily without letting your lower back leave the floor, increase the difficulty by skipping Step 2 and lifting your feet towards the ceiling without bending them.

  • Slowly lower your legs. Bring your feet down as far as you can, while keeping your lower back in contact with the floor. Your ultimate goal is to lower your feet until you are about 2 cm from the floor. Not only do you drop your feet under gravity, you have to control your movement. Keep your arms fixed, but use them as support to lower your legs.
    • Resist the temptation to let your feet touch the ground if you want the most benefits.
    • Keep your lower back pressed to the floor to force your abdominal muscles to work and protect your spine. The exercise gets harder the closer your feet get to the floor, so keep your feet down as much as possible so that your back won't leave the floor. If you feel your lower back arching off the floor, don't lower your feet like that. As your abdominal muscles get stronger, you can lower your legs in the correct position.
    • Most importantly, don't forget to breathe! A lot of people hold their breath when they do this exercise.

  • Reduce your pace if this exercise is too easy for you. To make the exercise more difficult, straighten your legs and raise them while counting to ten, then lower your legs for ten counts. This exercise is definitely good for the belly, but it's a little more difficult to do.
    • To challenge yourself moreYou can raise your foot about 20%, hold it for a second, then raise it to another 20%, hold it for a second and continue to lift your leg up to the final position you need to reach. You can lower your legs in segments in the same way.
  • Repeat 3 times with 10-20 beats / time. Start with 3 reps, 10 times each, and gradually increase to 20 beats / time. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 4: Raise the legs with the ball

    1. Place a ball between your feet and raise your leg. Using a gym ball or a medical ball can add additional resistance to the exercise, making the exercise more difficult. Just place the object between the feet, squeeze, and then begin to lift the leg up until the feet are perpendicular to the rest of the body. Here's how to lift the leg upright with an additional weight.
    2. Lower your legs as slowly as possible. The slower the pace, the longer you have to resist gravity, forcing the muscles to maintain control. This is a great workout for the abs, although it takes a little more effort than with a regular leg lift.
    3. Practice lifting legs with ball 3 times, 5-10 beats / time. Since these exercises are a bit difficult, start with fewer beats until you feel well enough to do more. Then you can practice 3 times with 10-20 beats / time.
    4. Increase the difficulty of the exercise. If you like, you can lift the ball with your foot, while touching the ball with your hands.
      • Raise your arms and legs at the same time so you can use the ball to reach the back of your head. Then, raise your arms and legs again in the same way, moving the ball between your arms and legs.
      • Use your feet to bring the ball to the ground and lift it up again to pass the ball to your hand again. This difficult leg lift will definitely make your abs and arms tired.

    Method 3 of 4: Practice swinging

    1. Raise your legs up until they are perpendicular to the body. Point the tip of your foot forward while this is done. At first you may not be able to raise your legs as expected. Keep your back straight and avoid the tendency to bend over your legs.
    2. Slowly lower your legs. When your legs have reached their maximum height and you feel fatigue in your core muscles, gently lower your legs. Try lowering your legs as slowly as possible so that your muscles have to work harder.
      • You have to lower your legs slowly friend is someone who does it instead of using inertia to drop their feet.
    3. Repeat 3 times with 10 lifts / time. After getting used to the movement, you can increase to 20 lifts / time.
      • Hanging leg lifter is a better variation for people with back problems as it does not put as much pressure on the back as you would when doing leg lifts while lying down.
    4. Reduce the difficulty of the exercise if needed. If these leg lifts are too difficult, you can lift your knees up. For this variation, bend your knees and bring your legs together while lifting your knees as high as possible, almost to your chest. Then lower your legs and start over. This exercise requires less work of the abdominal muscles. advertisement

    Method 4 of 4: Lie on your side and lift your legs

    1. Slowly raise your upper leg to maximum height. You must raise your feet at least 30-60 cm. You can place your free hands on your hips or on the floor in front of you for balance. Always look forward instead of down at your feet.
      • Make sure your hips are perpendicular to the floor and keep your upper body in place.
    2. Gently lower your legs. Keep your body in place except with the leg that you lift, and slowly lower your leg until it touches the other leg. Be sure to keep your spine straight and avoid leaning forward as you lift your legs.
      • To increase difficulty, lower your upper leg but keep it about 2cm from the lower leg to feel more tired.
    3. Practice 15 reps on each side of the body. After you complete the exercise with one leg, move to the other side and repeat with that leg.
      • This leg exercise is great for both sides of the body, it's also a great exercise to improve your bust! Most leg lifts focus on the front of the body, so this is a great way to work out the back of the body!


    • Exercise well. Trying to lift your legs too many times or starting with difficult (and too heavy) foot lifts can damage your muscles, disrupting your training in the future.
    • If you want to use a medical ball during your training session then you should start with a small ball, say 3 kg. Then you can gradually increase the weight of the ball, eg a 5 kg ball.


    • If you want to use extra training ball, make sure you can keep it steady between your legs. Letting the ball fall on the body will be very painful.
    • If you start to feel dizzy or want to faint, stop exercising and see your doctor. If you still do not go away with dizziness, you should seek treatment.