How to work out toned breasts and buttocks

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch arms out in front of face or in front of chest in a controlled manner.
  • Lower your butt on the floor as if you're about to sit on a chair. Lower your buttocks so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, but don't push your knees over your toes.
  • Keeping your back straight and head up high when doing this pose, try to distribute your weight evenly between your legs.
  • Slowly lift your body back up to the starting position, then do 8-10 more times.
  • Practice the first step. The front step is also a great exercise for toned butt muscles. The previous step is performed as follows:
    • Stand up straight, then take a long right step forward. Bend both knees until they form a right angle. Keep your left knee out of your toes, and don't let your left knee touch the floor.
    • When you step, keep your back straight and your head up. Try to squeeze your abs as you step to get your abs moving at the same time.
    • Slowly return your foot to the starting position, then repeat with your left foot forward. Continue doing this until each leg is 10 times.

  • Do leg lifts. Leg lifts are performed in one hip recumbent position. This is an effective exercise if you want to work out your glutes and lower back at the same time. The leg lift exercises are as follows:
    • Lie on your right hip with your head resting on your right elbow. If you want, you can bend your right knee but keep your left leg straight and along your back.
    • Keeping feet parallel to the ground, maximize left leg elevation without moving hips. You can use your left hand to support your hips to prevent your hips from leaning back.
    • Squeeze your glutes as you lift your legs and try to keep your abs steady. Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position, then repeat 8-10 times before moving on to the other leg.
    • You can wear ankle weights around your knees to increase resistance and make the movement harder to perform.

  • Do a butt kick. The one-legged butt kicks allow you to exercise your glutes, while also strengthening your lower back. Proceed as follows:
    • Enter a kneeling position with your hands directly below your shoulders, your knees aligned below your hips.
    • Keeping your knee at a 90 degree angle, raise your right leg as high as backward. Squeeze your glutes when lifting your legs.
    • Keep your neck aligned with your spine when doing this - don't try to hold your head up. Also avoid arching your back when lifting your legs.
    • Lower your legs back to the starting position and repeat 8-10 more reps. Then repeat with the left leg.
    • If you want a more challenging exercise, you can keep your legs straight while lifting instead of bending your knees, or wear ankle weights to increase resistance.

  • Butt lifting exercises. The butt lift is easy to do, but it can deliver great results! There is no perfect butt hunt without it! Proceed as follows:
    • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet about shoulder width apart. Your heels should touch your butt and your palms should be pressed against the floor.
    • Lift hips off the floor while squeezing glutes and tuck in. Raise your hips until your body forms a straight oblique line from knee to shoulder.
    • Keep your chin down slightly when lifting and remember that the force of the hip lift is the gluteus muscles, not the hamstrings. Slowly lower your butt to the floor and continue 8-10 more repetitions.
  • Practice stepping aside. The sideways step is easy to do, but effective in toning the buttocks. First of all, you will need a bench that is just within walking distance and a set of dumbbells that are more than 2 kg (optional).
    • Stand to the right side of your chair and hold dumbbells in each hand (if applicable) in front of your thighs.
    • Step right foot sideways up in chair and keep left leg straight in mid-air.
    • Hold this position for three counts, while also squeezing your glutes throughout the entire time.
    • Step back to starting position and repeat 10-15 times before exercising your other leg.
  • Traditional weightlifting. This weight lift works the entire body, but is also especially good for toning glutes and hamstrings. You need a set of weights that weigh more than 2kg on each side, but a 5-7kg weight will be more effective. Lift weights as follows:
    • Place the dumbbells on the floor in front of you, standing upright with your feet hip-width apart.
    • Now do a sit-down squat (as described above), keeping your head and chest high.
    • Hold two dumbbells at the same time with the palms facing the body. Make sure arms are completely straight and back is not arched.
    • Slowly lift your body back up into a standing position by straightening your legs and contracting your glutes. Push your shoulders back and hips forward.
    • Turn around your hips forward, gently slack your knees, and lower the dumbbells as close to the ground as possible without feeling pain or discomfort in your back.
    • Hands still holding the dumbbells, lifting the body to an upright position. Muscle contraction and glutes.
    • Repeat the above steps 10 to 15 times.
  • Firming your butt with aerobic exercise. For a toned butt, don't just revolve around stretching and lifting weights. You can incorporate glutes into your daily cardio workout!
    • Aerobic exercises combined with dance podium are exercises that help improve the shape of the butt. You can sign up for the gym or buy a dance platform at home through video tutorials.
    • Walking / jogging up the hillside will help you get the most out of your buttocks and thighs, so you can exercise outdoors and hike. If you don't feel like exercising outdoors, you can use the treadmill at the gym or install a treadmill with a steeper slope than usual.
    • Other machines suitable for use are the treadmill and bike, which are great for doing cardio and toning buttocks and legs at the same time.
    • Remember that short, high-intensity exercise helps build muscle, while lower intensity long-term exercise helps tone.
  • Part 2 of 2: Exercising firming breasts

    1. Do push ups. Do push-ups are great exercises for the chest, toning the chest muscles, arms and shoulders. Proceed as follows:
      • Enter a plank with your hands spaced slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, feet resting on top of feet.
      • Slowly lower yourself to the ground by bending your elbows. Remember to keep your back straight and tuck in your abdominal muscles.
      • Lift back to plank, then repeat 15-20 more times.
      • If this exercise is too difficult, you can adjust it by keeping your balance on your knees instead of the tops of your feet.
    2. Practice T-plank. This exercise helps to stretch and develop the chest muscles, while also toning the arms. You should have a set of 2-5kg dumbbells. Proceed as follows:
      • Hold the dumbbells in each hand and get into a pushup position (your body rests on the dumbbells). Place your feet slightly wider than your hips for a more stable balance.
      • Raise your right hand straight into the air, twist your body, turn your chest and upper body to one side. Lean your arms straight against your shoulders and keep your hips steady - only the torso and upper body move. The body must now form a "T".
      • Return to starting position then repeat with left hand. Continue doing this until each hand can do 10 reps.
    3. Chest push: This exercise will tone the chest muscles and move the arms. You should have a set of 2-5kg dumbbells for chest presses.
      • Lie on your back on the floor or on a couch, holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing out of body.
      • Bend your elbows so that your arms are at a 90 degree angle, keeping your biceps parallel to your shoulders.
      • Slowly stretch your arms towards the ceiling, lying just above your chest.
      • Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position, then repeat 15-20 more times.
    4. Do chest compressions. Chest compressions help develop muscles in the chest. You should have a set of 2-5 kg ​​dumbbells for chest compressions.
      • Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
      • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms, almost parallel to the shoulders.
      • Raise your arms, palms facing each other, until hands are almost touching in front of your chest. Imagine you are about to hug someone tightly!
      • Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position, then repeat 15-20 more times.
    5. Practice elbow tightening. This simple exercise works out the chest muscles. You will also need dumbbells.
      • Stand upright with dumbbells in each hand. Raise the dumbbells to eye level and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Imagine the arms are the two columns along the goal in football.
      • Pull your elbows together and keep your arms parallel. Do not let the dumbbells fall below eye level.
      • Open your elbows again and return to the starting position. Continue doing this for another 15-20 times.
    6. Practice pilates or yoga. These exercises hardly directly improve the shape of the chest, but they do improve the physique and thereby create overall beauty for the whole body. If you have large breasts, your body will definitely bear weight, leading to sagging shoulders and causing neck pain.
      • Find out if there are any yoga or pilates in your area, or the gym that offers them. Maybe they offer stretching classes that incorporate yoga and pilates.


    • Don't overdo it! Change cannot happen after a day or two, but you have to be patient to have a beautiful and healthy body.
    • Drink water and sleep a lot so that you stay awake and hydrated when exercising.
    • Create a regular exercise routine. This is the most important part of the process. If you do not exercise at least once every few days, muscle mass will decrease, chest and buttocks will lose firmness, so you must set up a regimen and follow it regularly!
    • Rest for 40-60 seconds after each exercise session.
    • Use weights in all of the exercises for faster results


    • Although you need to keep exercising regularly to get the results you want, don't overdo it to avoid muscle damage.
    • Be careful not to hurt yourself by trying too hard. If you feel dizzy or over-exerted, take a break before continuing to exercise.