Ways to Give Her Excitement

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Use This “Flirty Sentence” To Get Her Excited 👅
Video: Use This “Flirty Sentence” To Get Her Excited 👅


You feel very lucky to have a great girlfriend, but one thing worries you: how can you make her feel "excited"? If she is your lover, she probably already has feelings for you, but you may not have found a way to evoke her lustful feelings. This can make you restless, but don't get too nervous - as long as you both feel attracted to each other, all you need to do to get her excited is to create. get inspired, don't rush, and do some things that make her "crazy" for you. If you want to learn how to get her excited, follow these steps.


Part 1 of 3: Inspire Sexy

  1. Show a sexy attitude. In order to get her excited, you need to be sexy at first. You can look sexy while walking on the beach or in less romantic places such as at the local bowling center. To be attractive, you need to be generous, content with yourself and your appearance, and keep your head up when you walk, and be confident that you are a great guy.
    • Make eye contact with your partner when you talk to her. This will show her that you are confident.
    • Proficient in showing a half-smile. This shy smile is very sexy and will help you inspire her.
    • Lean forward as you talk to her. If you lean closer to her than usual, she will want to kiss you and become closer to you.
    • Keep good personal hygiene. You must always freshly showered and groomed before going out with her. A guy who cares about personal hygiene is a very attractive guy.

  2. Praise her. Let her know that she is beautiful. If she recently did a new hairstyle or dressed in a new outfit, praise her more. Don't hesitate to tell her she's sexy, and that the dress she's wearing makes her legs look great, or that you really like her new eyeshadow.
    • Praise her so she can feel special and sexy, and at the same time let her know that you care about her.
    • Do not overdo it. If you compliment her on everything she does, she will think you're dishonest.

  3. Dating with her. Before you can invite her to your home and start “getting closer”, you need to inspire her by dating her romantically. Although the two of you might like to visit the zoo or go to Dam Sen, this is not the right time for these things. Take her out to dinner under gentle lights, and make sure you sit in an area with plenty of privacy.
    • After dinner, let's go for a walk. Take her hand. Gently rub her hand against yours so she can feel your love.
    • Give her hints about what's to come. During the date, gently touch her knees, gently stroke her shoulders, or you can even give her hot, hot kisses to make her want you a lot. than. Don't touch her too much - just touch her just enough to get her interested and you can invite her to a more private place from there.
  4. Create privacy. If you want to inspire her, you need to create an atmosphere that makes her want to be close to you. If your date goes well and she likes you a lot and wants to be with you more, invite her over to your house so you can both enjoy some private time together. But before you do this, you need to make sure that the sounds, lights, and scents in your home can inspire her. Plan ahead - nothing can ruin your mood more than a cluttered room or a roommate constantly playing games.
    • Use romantic music. Play some R&B songs to inspire her, or you can play jazz. Turn the sound down softly, and don't act like you have to turn it on - behave like music is always in your room.
    • Turn the lights down. Make sure the light in your room is gentle and gentle. If allowed, you can light a few more candles. The light in your room should be enough for both of you to see each other, but not so bright that your partner feels embarrassed or weak.
    • Keep your room fragrant. Make sure your room is fragrant and clean. Open the window at a time when you know she will come to your home to get rid of the musty smell in the room. You can also light incense or scented candles before she gets to your house.
    • Keep your room clean. Make sure your room is free of any dirty clothes or food wrap - if your place is not clean, your girlfriend will feel so disgusting that she is completely out of interest.
  5. Have a few sexy items ready. When she comes to your home, surprise her and continue to make her feel better. Make sure you have a few essentials ready to help you prolong this good time and make her want to spend the night with you. Here are a few items that you need to prepare:
    • Alcohol or other beverages. Unless you and your partner are underage for drinking, be sure to have a few bottles of red and white wine, or any other drink she likes. If you both have a few drinks at dinner, you will want to maintain that elation. Prepare tall and slim glasses made of shiny glass to make your wine even more attractive.
    • Snacks. This doesn't mean you have to stock up on Oishi and Poca cakes to make an impression on her. Instead, prepare a bar of chocolates, some cheese and some crackers, and a couple of delicious fruits such as strawberries or raspberries.
    • Change bed sheets. Change the sheets of your bed so that you can inspire her. If your bed is cluttered and untidy, she may not want to go near it.
  6. Make her comfortable. Once she has entered your living space or room and impressed by the charming atmosphere you have formed, you need to make her feel at home. Even if she has been to your house in the past, try to make her feel as comfortable as possible. To be able to do this, you need to show your attitude like a real gentleman. You can do it by the following method:
    • Ask her to allow you to take her jacket off. Then hang it in the closet like a pro.
    • Tell her she can take off her shoes. This will make her feel more comfortable.
    • If you're allowed a drink, offer her a few drinks. Don't force her - however, she'd feel better if she drank a little.
    • Let her know that you had a great night. Let's say the date was perfect - you could also bring up something that keeps you thinking about it, such as "That chocolate cake is incredible", or "Tonight, but The star that appeared on the water looked so beautiful.
    • Sit down. You and your partner should sit in an armchair or sit next to each other so you can both feel more comfortable. If you are standing, she may want to distance yourself from you or play around with objects in your apartment.

Part 2 of 3: Forming the Great Prelude

  1. Gently touch her. Once she feels more comfortable and ready for intimate activities, you can start gently touching her so she knows that you want her. If you are sitting next to each other, move closer to her and touch your feet with her feet. You can put your hands on her knees or put your arms around her if you're feeling bold. Here are a few other things you can do to get her excited:
    • If you are wrapping your arms around her, gently play with her hair.
    • If she wears dangling necklaces or earrings, play with them and let her know that you would love the jewelry she wears so you can get closer to her.
    • You can do a short, sexy massage on her body. Massage her shoulders, her lower back, and the neck or back of the neck. Start by gently using your fingers, and increase the intensity if she responds to your actions.
  2. Kiss her. Once you touch her, she starts to get excited, and you need to choose the right moment to kiss her. If she faces you, looks you in the eye, licks her lips, and leans towards you, then it's time to kiss her. If you want to give her a boost, your kiss should make her crave more. You can kiss her like this:
    • Do not use the tongue at first. Even if you've kissed her many times before, you shouldn't go straight to giving her a French kiss because otherwise you'll look like an overly aggressive person.
    • Gently touch your lips on hers and then slowly bring the tip of your tongue against the tip of her tongue. If she likes it, you can try French kissing.
    • Breaks. Don't kiss her in a row for 5 minutes - take a break every one or two to look deeply into her eyes and make her want you more.
    • You can also stroke her hair or stroke her body while you kiss.
    • Try other positions. She'll get better if you switch to kissing her neck, earlobes, and shoulder instead of just kissing her lips.
  3. Touch her more. Now that both of you are in the kissing phase, you can feel more confident when you touch her. Touch your hand to her waist, her shoulders, and move your hand to her inner thighs as well as her chest. Make sure she feels comfortable with your actions.
    • Everyone's body is different. As you get closer to your partner, you'll become more aware of what makes her feel the most excited. It could be kissing her neck, gently touching her wrist, or it could be something else.
  4. Take off some layers of her outfit. If the two of you are really attracted to kisses, you can begin to strip off some layers of clothes so you can both play around more. But if you want to give her a sense of excitement, you need to take off your clothes properly. You can do it by the following method:
    • Decide if you want to take off your shirt first or if it is hers first. It's up to her - she might feel better if you take off a few layers of your outfit first, or she might think you're too brave. Observe the situation so that she can determine what she wants.
    • Take off her shirt. Slip your hand under her blouse and caress her breasts before you take off her blouse completely.
    • Take off your shirt. Don't go any further than this because otherwise she will feel panic, not excited. You don't want to look like you're overly excited or she might think wrong about you.
    • Take off her pants or skirt. Gently touch the undergarment she's wearing - it's important to remember to do it one way lightly.
    • Once you have carefully removed her pants or skirt, or let her help you with this, you can either take off your pants yourself or let her help you take it off if she agrees. .
    • Now that both of you have only one layer of underwear left on your body, you can move on to the next stage of sex - having sex. But only if your girlfriend is ready.

Part 3 of 3: Entering the Bedroom

  1. If you are planning on having sex, talk with each other frankly. While you may want to jump right into your bed when you see your partner in underwear, you need to be absolutely sure she's ready for the stage. You need to frankly ask her, "Do you really want it or not?" or "Are you ready for this?". Gently ask her opinion, make eye contact with her, and slow her down to let her know that you are waiting for an answer.
  2. Give her some excitement in the bedroom. If she wants to have sex, now is the time to make her feel more aroused before you can have sex with her. You may be ready to go, but you need to take time to get her excited. You can do it by the following method:
    • Kiss all over her body. Kiss her neck, shoulder kiss, chest kiss, belly kiss, and even kiss on her inner thighs.
    • Tell her she's beautiful. When you are together, compliment her on the parts of her body that you like best and let her know that you enjoy the actions she is doing.
    • Gently touch her genitals. Take off her panties and gently stroke her with one or two fingers. You can move your hand over her body and then stop to tease her slightly. Wait until she tells you she's ready. And if she's not ready for sex, don't rush it. Wait until you're both ready - if you don't want to wait, she will think you are not the right person for her.
  3. Create excitement for her during sex (optional). If you decide to have sex, you can create excitement for her through the various methods of having sex. You shouldn't simply do one pose that you should constantly combine different poses - however, don't change so much that she feels uncomfortable and you can't do it. enough time to cooperate smoothly with her. You can try the following methods:
    • Be the one above. Relax and after a few minutes you can ask her to swap places with you. She might feel shy, so it's okay if she doesn't want to.
    • Determine your relationship style. If she likes to be light, move slowly. If she's quite brave, speed up.
    • For even more fun, gently bite her neck or ears.
    • Don't forget her breasts. Many guys are so excited about having sex that they forget about other parts of a girl's body - don't forget to stroke or kiss her on the chest often.
    • Don't just focus on your own satisfaction. Make sure she feels satisfied too - or at least work hard to help her achieve this. If you feel disinterested after you've had an orgasm, you won't make an impression on her.
  4. Happy ending. After you have had sex with her, give her a little cuddling, so end up vigorously so that she desires you more. After you've finished cuddling, take time to cuddle or caress her so she can feel loved and appreciated. Tell her she's sexy and that you've had a great time.
    • After she leaves your home, you can sometimes text or call her to discreetly remind her of this wonderful time - and of her excitement.
    • Maintain sexiness. It is likely that you and her will continue to meet and be close, so when you see her again, always in your best shape, gently touch her, and let her know about her charm. If you keep doing this, you will be able to quickly get her excited.


  • When you talk to her, rub her arms, legs, or inner thighs. Most women like this and they often feel a lot of arousal.
  • Don't forget to use a mouth spray before having sex with her. Many girls like that.
  • Before you kiss her, look her in the eye, and move your finger across her jawline, then rub your thumb over her chin. Remember to maintain eye contact.


  • Every girl has different preferences. Determine what she likes and dislikes before going any further.
  • Don't take the steps outlined in this article too quickly, as this may cause her to feel anxious about going further with you.
  • Make sure she allows you to rub her inner thighs. If you do this without her consent, she may not be interested in you and this will completely break your feelings.
  • Never put pressure on her; This will make her angry or scared are not I feel excited.