How to make an engaging channel on YouTube (user page)

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to start a coding YouTube channel (with tips from a bunch of successful creators!)
Video: How to start a coding YouTube channel (with tips from a bunch of successful creators!)


YouTube is an increasingly popular website and is frequented by the Internet. If you are a member, then your channel is you - it's your space and what you tell others about you.


  1. Choose your topic. What are the topics of your videos? What is your concern? The theme you choose will define the choices you make from step 2 to step 5.

  2. Add a profile picture to your YouTube channel. Find an image that summarizes everything about your channel - really think about what you choose.
  3. Choose a background color. You want an attractive and unique display, but not overwhelming or difficult to read (like neon green and sizzling red purple). If possible, choose colors that correspond to your theme (for example, if your channel is political then you can use the background color as your country flag).

  4. Select the video to use as your featured video. The video doesn't have to be yours, as long as it's relevant to your channel's topic (if you have one) and it's compelling enough to keep people interested.

  5. Write a channel title and short description that is compelling.
  6. Eliminate redundant cells. This makes your channel look tidy and less overwhelming to your viewers while keeping them focused on the cells you use. Some cells you might want to get rid of are:
    • Recent activity
    • Like
  7. Option: Remove comment. However, you may have more subscribers if you have a comment page on your channel, as people can interact with you. advertisement

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